Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 203 This is Holy Terra! Stunned Lilia! 55 billion in hand!

Master, "It's the movement over the meteorite!"

"It should be a good thing, similar to how Tiberium made me feel!

Irene two sisters, one sentence each.

They were all curious.

They all followed.

"How is it, what are the living habits here in Terra?"

Chen Mo asked with a smile while walking.

Although the two sisters have been moving to Terra for several days, they are currently on missions.

To say the real rest, it was last night.

"Super super comfortable."

"I was still in the lazy bed just now."

Erin said with a smile.

"There's also a super soft, big bed, made of materials I've never seen before, and I slept on it with no clothes on. It's really super soft and warm."

Ellie also shared her feelings.

Eyes narrowed into slits.

Both sisters are very happy.

Well, actually the two sisters were playing in bed just now.

Because it was so comfortable, I didn't even want to get up.

And because the masters have all assigned the work for more than ten planets, they are rarely leisurely, so this morning, they are going to get up later.

"Used to it.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

He is going to run the Garden World on Planet Terra, and in the end, he will be ranked before the thousand!

Therefore, it is inevitable for the two sisters to rest comfortably.

The environment, air, and temperature here are all created in the most suitable direction.

And Chen Mo, as the master of the star soul,

Buying all kinds of daily necessities is naturally not bad.

Compared with these tens of thousands and millions, the cost of his evolution is the real bulk.

It doesn't cost much if you just enjoy it.

"Master, are these mattresses, blankets, and clothing materials all special products of the Star Soul World?

Erin touched her pajamas,

asked curiously.

"Forget it, the star soul world does not only include the mother star, we are also a corner of the star soul world."

Clothes "If you like it, I'll ask someone to buy more."

Chen Mo said casually.

Regarding various substances, this is a huge advantage in the Star Soul World.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all top-notch.

Even if Irene 733 was originally the child of the world, it is impossible to easily obtain these high-quality materials.

Because there is no channel.

But here in Chen Mo, as long as you have money, you can easily choose the products you are satisfied with from countless planets.

The same strength, different platforms, the benefits that can be obtained can be said to be completely different.

This is why Chen Mo tries his best to express himself.

Within the federation, there are many types of platforms.

Big consortiums, small forces, going it alone, federations, parliamentarians can say, the stage is as big as they are capable...

The more talented you are, the more powerful the platform you can get!

Hear Chen Mo's words,

The two sisters suddenly cheered,

"Well! Thank you for the gift of the master!"

They will laugh happily.

For them,

Everything here is so luxurious!

It is an inaccessible enjoyment under the previous world view.


It is the happiest place.

like heaven.

And everything here belongs to the master.

This is the owner's home.

But at this moment, they also have a sense of belonging.

"If only I could live here forever."

"If you can cultivate hard, grow into a demigod, or manage the planet well, and further please the master and gain the master's approval...

The two sisters looked at each other and saw some kind of desire in each other's eyes.

such emotions,

It also appeared in the eyes of other mermaids.

Everyone is eager to live in Terra.

Here is the closest thing to divine consciousness.

Here, the Holy Terra!

Chen Mo chatted with the two sisters, and soon arrived at the meteorite laboratory.

This is a huge area covering more than 20 kilometers.

meteorites at this time,

The introduction was cut into tens of thousands of pieces.

The core area is divided into thousands of pieces,

Each piece is marked and placed in order.

Chen Mo also photographed a lot of mermaids helping out here,

At this time, it is already boiling here,

In the most central area,

There are red lights flashing!


"I have to say, your luck is one of the best I've ever met."

Lilia said with a smile.

She doesn't talk nonsense either,

Open the partial shielding seal directly.

a soft sound,

The surrounding air seemed to be boiling.

Out of thin air, there was the birth of the electric mansions, and the electric snake swam around Lilia, she couldn't help shivering.

Body twitches.

Then quickly lock the shielding device.

" feel it too."

"Very powerful, according to my assessment, this is a legendary Tiberium wreck.


Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

Second only to god level!

The energy response just now also met this standard.

"Here's the detailed information, take a look at it.

"Relevant harvests, according to the agreement, are all yours, but you have to allow me to use the research results."

Having said that, Lilia submitted a detailed report to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at the thick file.

How does he understand this?

It's too academic.

Fortunately, there is a biological mastermind.

In an instant, Chen Mo scanned the entire document and extracted the key information he needed.

Tiberium [wreck]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Function 1: Used directly as an energy source, it can continuously absorb the surrounding energy, but the speed is very slow. After use, it has to wait for charging.”

[Function 2: For sale, the current price is very high, the average selling price is 30 billion]

[Function 3: To make a star core, you need a suitable planet and a large amount of ore as a catalyst (the more, the higher the probability of success)

[Remarks: After being taken out, the wreckage must be used quickly, otherwise its activity will decrease rapidly, and the value of the latter two will become lower and lower.”

"Function 1 is too extravagant, equivalent to a 30 billion energy battery, the only advantage is that it can be automatically charged.

Chen Mo was surprised, would anyone really do this?

The latter two functions,

Chen Mo didn't think much about it, and went straight to function 3.

Because of the conditions for making star cores, he has already met most of them.

And be prepared for a long time!

Even the most difficult to obtain manganese ore, Chen Mo thinks that Liu Fan's generous contribution will soon get it!

With so much manganese ore, Chen Mo is enough to stack the success rate to nearly 90%.

As for the remaining 10%.

It's up to his luck!

It is not difficult for Chen Mo to want to be 100% in fact.

Once successful, the star core worth 30 billion will be transformed into seeds and produce a large amount of Tiberium ore.

At least ten times the value.

Of course, this does not deduct planetary and human costs.


Lilia didn't know that.

After listening to Chen Mo's plan, her first reaction was,

Wait "! Do you know how much manganese ore is needed to stack the success rate to 90%?"

"1,000 kilograms! That's a ton."

"That's 10 billion!

This money, she believes, with Chen Mo's ability to make money, she can take it out.

After all, this is the richest newcomer she has ever seen.

But no matter how rich you are, you are a newcomer after all. You have to buy everything and build everything. There are many places to spend (cjdd) money!

It is impossible to spend all the money on a project that will generate income in the future.

And this behavior is not 100% successful.

Too risky.

Once it fails,

is unbearable.

Even if it was her, it would be painful for a long time.

Even carrying debts, he had to do some very dangerous archaeological work for some consortiums.

"Manganese ore is not difficult for me, but it is the remaining resources. I need a little time to make money to buy it."

Chen Mo tells the truth.

This time it's happy trouble again.

He didn't have enough money, and the Tiberium wreck he got was too good.

It's a pity not to make a star nucleus.

But with the current 6 billion in his hand, he dared not use it to buy the materials for making the star core.

This money is for evolution.

So just wait.

At that time, we will spend a few billion dollars from the 55 billion that Li Long gave.

The dark sky is temporarily postponed.


10 billion can afford it.

A whole planet planted with star cores can also afford it.

You can't afford the remaining billions?

Lilia looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

"Did you get manganese in the lizard dragon's lair?"

she asked curiously.

Chen Mo didn't bother to explain in words, so he opened the watch directly,

Release the scene of the 33rd war zone, the No. 1 life planet.

Huge manganese mining area, the volcano is still emitting thick smoke.

But at this time, the magma has almost solidified.

And Leviathan is also a super foodie.

Leviathan is a big pit of 100 square meters.

Although the entire mining area is huge,

But 200 Leviathan.

One bite at a time, it's almost done.

At this moment, most of the manganese-rich rocks have reached Leviathan's stomach.

At this time, the last Leviathan could no longer be eaten.

A burp, even putting a dozen tons of rock, burped out.

It struggled a bit, and finally swallowed it forcibly.

The ninth-order Leviathan, the digestion ability is not strong enough,

But at this time,

The one at the pinnacle of legend, with blue light flashing all over its body,

He is refining the manganese element in his body!

Gather into ore.

at the same time,

He himself also draws this precious mineral,

The body is growing.

At this time, because he swallowed a lot of various minerals, his body size was already close to 30 kilometers.

It is twice as big as the other Leviathan!

It looks amazing.


Creatures "refine ore..."

"I once heard that there is a kind of diamond dragon with this kind of ability, I didn't expect you to be here too..

Lilia looked at Chen Mo in shock.

As a professional, she doesn't need much explanation.

At a glance, you can see a lot of fame.

"This is a means that many Star Gods do not have."

"There's something very peculiar about the way your civilization develops."

"Using this method, it will definitely not be slow to make money in the future.

"It's only a few billions. I estimate that you will have extra seam ore tomorrow. If you sell it, you will have money immediately!"

"It's a pity~~ I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't stay, otherwise, I really want to stay and watch the scene of planting star cores."

"I heard it was very beautiful!"

Lilia said enviously.

This is top talent!

The way to make money is so outrageous!

One day, you can get at least 2 billion in your account!

Hearing Lilia say this, Chen Mo didn't deny it.

Just getting ready to be humble.

After all, she was right.

I will indeed have at least 2 billion in my account tomorrow.

It's just that the star core's money doesn't come from that.

too slow.

At this time, a "ding!" sounded.

His watch vibrated slightly.

It's Li Long who sent a video.

Chen Mo didn't intend to take it.

However, the money given by the other party also arrived at the same time.


At this moment, Chen Mo's account balance has reached an astonishing 61 billion!

"Chen Mo! 55 billion has arrived!

"This is probably the most expensive video call request of my life!"

"I don't owe you anything!

"But I tell you! You owe me..."


Chen Mo turned it off directly.

I thought the other party had something to say.

That's it?

It's nothing more than some people who don't bully young poor, don't bully middle-aged poor, don't bully old poor, gentleman takes revenge, ten years are not too late, and so on.

Then he was too lazy to listen.

But at this time, Chen Mo found that Lilia, who was on the side, stared at him with wide eyes.

complex look~~

Chen Mo sighed in his heart, he wanted to keep a low profile.

However, the strength does not allow it!


Seeing this scene, Lilia was dumbfounded.

This is.. money in hand?

So this is what Chen Mo said about making money?

It's not selling, it's not working, and it's not selling technology.

But just wait for someone to send the money?

Such a ding!

Is there a mistake, 55 billion!

Chen Mo was still so calm.

Even seemed a little impatient.

Before listening to what people said, I hung up!


If Lilia hadn't already achieved a star soul and was connected to the mother star, she would have suspected that she was invaded by the evil god and had hallucinations!

If it is said that Chen Mo has the mining ability, many star gods do not have it.

The Star God must be ashamed of his ability to make money!

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