Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 204 Planting Star Nucleus! The Queen's Fateful Enemy, Snake Girl! (1 more)

"The funding for the star core is already in place.

"The planet and the knowledge to plant the star core, I have it too."

Chen Mo no longer hesitated.

Buy resources and create star cores!

This step is quick.

The most important thing is to put it into the planet smoothly~!

The planet Chen Mo chose was Planet 90-.

This planet was purified by Li Long before, and then destroyed by Leviathan.

Now it's time to put it to good use,

Speaking of which, the planet and the funds all came from Li Long.

The other party can be said to have supported Chen Mo's construction throughout the process.

"There are a few more good people like this, not to mention planting star cores, and becoming a star god is just around the corner."

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

"Master, have you started tossing manganese ore?

On the side, the queen was also present.

There are also some more powerful Leviathan.

Manganese ore has been successfully refined.

And after the Tiberium ore starts to grow, it doesn't need to be very pure.

Manganese-rich rocks, too!

Chen Mo thought silently in his heart:

This time, "Star Nucleus Planting will be a great success!"

Then he opened his mouth and gave the order,


next moment,

There is a huge red light falling from the sky.

Fall into the planet.

It was followed by Blu-ray's fault mine.

Soon, the entire planet made a huge roar.

The nuclei fell like a meteor and sank rapidly.

What followed was a terrifying mutation.

A red light spread out and expanded wildly.

When encountering manganese ore, it erupted even more intensely.

Before long, the entire planet was enveloped in red light.

Visible to the naked eye, the planet appears to have shrunk a bit.

This is not an illusion.

is real.

There is a large amount of matter, absorbed by Tiberium ore, and turned into terrifying radiant energy.

At this time, if there is any living creature on the planet, it will be completely killed.

The entire planet also burst into a terrifying light, and those who didn't know it thought the entire planet was about to explode.

Although Chen Mo is operating for the first time,

But there is corresponding knowledge in the brain.

In the astral realm, it has also been practiced several times.

So the process went very smoothly,

However, the entire planet had undergone such a drastic change, which he did not expect.

The more intense, the more successful.

Unexpectedly smooth.

This should be related to Chen Mo himself.

At this time, his star soul was close to the edge of being promoted to star soul powerhouse.

The power of idealism is extraordinarily powerful.

Chen Mo, Lilia, and the Queen and others were just so quiet, watching the entire planet mutate.

This magnificent scene,

Still very shocking.

A whole planet is gradually shrinking, and Tiberium ore is condensed.

With such a big success, there should be a red form of Tiberium!

But how much is the specific harvest?

We have to wait for the most intense mutation stage to end before careful evaluation.

Just be patient.

At this time, in the distant War Zone 33, in the void far away from Life Planet No. 1.

Some people have lost patience.

He was wearing golden armor, and there was golden light in his eyes.

At first glance, it looks like a man made of gold.

Gold family.

This is a very powerful race in the Temple of Heaven.

Their patriarch is one of the gods.

On the side, there is a coquettish and beautiful monster with a snake tail.

She wears golden video, often in key parts, but looming.


"It's getting bigger!"

"They keep getting stronger!"

The golden man's voice was solemn.

From a long distance, he looked at the situation in the manganese mining area and felt uneasy.

We've got to act or I have a hunch that we're going to lose this area.

"Don't talk about this area, this unique and powerful method, maybe in the future, will be the enemy of the gods.

The golden man's voice had a metallic clang.

"The gods are invincible.

On the side, the snake girl said.

However, her expression was not as firm as her words.

"But this slave owner will indeed be our enemy, and I smell a familiar smell in it."

Snake looked at the Snakes on the planet, those Snakes who were transforming the ocean, giving her an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Until she saw the way the other party used Tiberium ore, she suddenly seemed to realize something.

Without words, the cold light in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

At this moment, she can't wait to catch some mermaids immediately.

However, her strength alone is not enough!

The opponent's strength is too strong, and there are even demigods!

Did that demigod meet in that dream?

If you can kill each other,

… ask for flowers…

Snake woman couldn't help feeling pity.

It was all the good deeds of those slave owners who ruined her.

Originally, she was already visible to the naked eye and had an extremely bright future.

That mermaid, she found it when she found it, and she could easily make the other person kneel with a single order.

The other party's harvest will be yours!

But now, with the intervention of the strange and evil cosmic slave owners, the entire area dominated by the Temple of Heaven has begun to be in chaos.

A comprehensive call-up order was issued.

She doesn't care, blood and killing are exactly what she likes.

However, the mermaid actually took refuge in the hostile camp!

Although the current strength of the opponent is not clear.

But if you don't defeat the slave owners, I'm afraid there is no chance to wipe out the murlocs!

The slave owners behind the murlocs are the ones she fears the most!


"The strongest servant of the other party has the strength of a demigod."

"Only with us, we can't compete with each other at present.

"I still need a little time to advance to the demigod.

"If the gods don't want this area to be lost, it's better to give more resources to support."

"Also, manganese ore is not what we want to give up, this pot is too big, we can't carry it.

"Alas.. With this manganese mining area, the opponent's monsters are getting stronger.

"But we can't beat it now, we can only wait for support.

"But the longer we wait, the less the form works against us!"

"Defeat the opponent in the future, and the loss will be absolutely huge."


The snake girl said involuntarily.

Now time is not on her side,

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became.

"The fact that these damned slave owners are able to use such barren minerals is worthy of cosmic mosquitoes.

"Next time you blow up the planet directly, let's see what else they can do!"

The golden man also has a headache,

Especially the operation of directly eating slag, he was stunned.

He never thought that this would happen.

If he could do it all over again, even if he ate it himself, he would not leave it to the slave owner.

In the darkness of the void, the two discussed the planet while observing the planet.


What they don't know is that

At this time, life planet No. 1,

It has a huge magic eye and looks up at the starry sky.

Following the gaze that fell on his line of sight, the observation array composed of dozens of magic eyes also locked the source of the gaze. Big

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