Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 205 Tiberium Mine No. 90! World No. 1!

commander of the two celestial temples,

Not too much hiding.

Even, swaggeringly suspended in the void.

After all, when they want to come, the universe is so empty.

Want to discover their two little dots,

It's like finding ants on a stone from a distance of 100,000 kilometers.

This is impossible.

But Chen Mo can make the impossible possible!

The magic eye senses the line of sight and can track it.

So when they were thinking about how to deal with Chen Mo,

Chen Mo was also thinking about how to deal with them at the same time.

Two "Infiltrating..."

"One of them is an old acquaintance, a golden man, but what is the other one?"

Chen Mo looked at the image sent back by the giant magic eye.

A very beautiful snake girl?

Of course, this is in his aesthetic.

The golden man on the side didn't feel it at all.

Even standing far away.


What about the "Seven Four Seven" scales on this snake girl's abdomen...

Looking a little familiar.

Chen Mo immediately looked at the queen beside him.

The queen blushed, not knowing what the master wanted to do.

However, according to the master's gaze, she still showed generously:

A golden scale on the abdomen.

This scale extends down slightly..

Chen Mo reached out and touched it.

The scales are soft and even warm, so they don't get in the way at all.

No matter how you look at it, it's very similar to the snake girl's abdomen.

In addition, the appearance of the two is also extremely beautiful, Chen Mo couldn't help but have a bold guess.

"No way, the other party will be sent to the door?"

"Is this the so-called fate?

"If it wasn't for me, she would have paid attention to the Queen sooner or later.

Is it to send Leviathan, pretend to pass by, and destroy the other party, or say...

Chen Mo thought about it,

Or decide not to startle the snake first,

Let the opponent go.

Knowing that it is a snake person is enough.

Murlocs and Snakes, both of them are human in the upper body and scales in the lower body, and they are all beautiful, matriarchal clans.

These "..maybe the 'source' prefers, or rather, the race that is close to her."

Chen Mo took note of this feature.

In the future, if there is a very talented, matriarchal clan, and a very beautiful humanoid race, then special attention should be paid.

Closing the image, Chen Mo looked at Planet 90 again.

at this time,

This place can no longer be called a planet.

"This will be called Tiberium Mine 90 from now on"

Chen Mo named.

Falling with his voice.

The entire planet that was boiling like a pot of radiant soup gradually calmed down.

The calm here is more than not emitting radiation,

Instead, the entire planet has been covered with radiation. From the outside, it looks like a strange planet emitting this uniform red light.

"There's a lot of Tiberium growing."

"For decades, Tiberium will continue to be produced in this mine until the elements and mass are depleted below a critical value.

Aside, Lilia analyzed it carefully.

Even if she is as calm as her, she will inevitably bring an envious tone at this time.

The shock that Chen Mo brought her was too much.

Well, compared to this treasure mining area, the shock of the 55 billion just now was much smaller.

She also vaguely understood why Chen Mo was so calm.

He has more secrets...

This thought flashed through Lilia's mind.

But she didn't ask.

Probing secrets is her professional habit, but she also knows that it is an extremely dangerous business.

If you still want to deal with Chen Mo, it is best not to have such thoughts.

At this time, the information of the entire No. 90 mining area has also been sorted out.

[No. 90 Tiberium Mine]

[Level: Top Mining Planet]

[Estimated output: 20-30 Tiberium ore per day, valued at around 1-2 billion]

[Note 1: The radiation in the entire mining area is too dazzling, which greatly increases the probability of attracting cosmic creatures. "

Remarks [2: Always pay attention to the quality of the mining area, when it is less than 50% of the current quality, the entire mining area will be unsustainable]

[Note 3: Dumping a large amount of manganese-rich slag can increase the chance of breeding red Tiberium ore)

"1 billion guaranteed a day! 30 billion a month!"

"If you are lucky, you will harvest blue form Tiberium ore that day, that's 2 billion!"

"Take a median, and in about a month, you can build a dark sky pedestal!

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

Absolutely a big hit!

This mining area will be a very important source of funds.

"And it can also attract cosmic creatures!"

"Hopefully there is life from the universe coming."

Chen Mo has some expectations for harvesting Tiberium ore.


at this time,

Chen Mo's watch beeped.

Commonwealth sent a message.

[Announcement: Congratulations! The Federation has noticed that you have transformed a top mining planet through the star core, which is of very high value! Your transformation is extremely excellent!”

Star Soul [The world has billions of rays of light, adding a little star, it is worth celebrating! You have gained the attention of the Federation! I wish you the eternal star soul!"

[Note 1:1

In the following remarks, Chen Mo didn't read it carefully...

Similar to the rhetoric that he transformed into the agricultural planet before.

That is to say, he needs to submit information and participate in the planet ranking.

And this time, Chen Mo will obviously be ranked extremely high.

After all, this time, there is no need for any background.

On the contrary, the more mining planets dig, the worse the quality and the lower the ranking.

At this time, it is the time when the price of minerals is rising.

Almost every mining planet discovered has been excavated.

As for a planet nurtured with a star nucleus, not to mention, collecting Tiberium ore every day is a basic operation.

Otherwise, it will accumulate too much, and it will be a nuclear bomb!

When a chain reaction starts, the entire mining area will explode!

And this one in Chen Mo's hand, just hasn't opened the bag yet.

Absolutely superb.

Of course, this superb state is only limited to today.

"But it's not bad, the top 1000 is definitely not a problem.

Chen Mo is confident.

Let the little fox fill in a filing information and submit it!

Because it has been filled out once, it is very fast.

And the federal response,

Also extremely fast.

After a while, the mining planet rankings were refreshed.

Chen Mo instinctively wanted to scroll down the list.

But the next moment,

He was stunned.

3rd Place!

Then after a while, the rankings swish, and it went straight to 3.3 and became the first!

The other two planets have been excavated again, and their ratings have dropped.

This scene made Chen Mo dumbfounded.

No. 3 is exciting enough, the next moment, it's No. 1 again!

Although it can only occupy the first day, because new mining planets are constantly being discovered.


For a newcomer to appear on this list involving the entire Star Soul World, it is amazing enough.

Even the 1000th place is enough for people to talk about.

And first,

This is something that has never happened.

It's literally the equivalent of one: World Bulletin.

[Mining Planet Ranked No. 1: Chen Mo)

[First place in the newcomer area; Chen Mo)

【First Place in War Zone 33: Chen Mo】


People noticed this,

Even people who never pay attention to the newcomer area!

The first item of the item also made them dumbfounded.

As for the newcomer area, it has already exploded.

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