Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 206 Mu Yao, Painful and Happy! Guard the Tiberium Mining Area! Shocked Newcomer Area! (3 Mor

"So high up!

Chen Mo was startled.

Immediately felt speechless.

This mining planet ranking has no real benefits.

It's useless except to be in the limelight!

"It would be cool to change this ranking to Ocean Planet."

Chen Mo couldn't help but say it with pity.

Of course, this first place still has a certain gold content.

At least it shows that this mining planet is really valuable!

"Chen Mo, your planet's energy has greatly exceeded the standard, and the level is very amazing. Be careful to attract cosmic creatures."

"And apart from life in the universe, if I remember correctly, the location of this planet is close to the edge of the war zone?"

"Will it attract the attention of the Temple of Heaven?"

When Lilia said this, she couldn't help but be a little worried.

She doesn't want to hit Chen Mo too much, but the current situation is really mixed.

Especially the Temple of Heaven,

Even she, who doesn't go out, has vaguely heard that the other party is very active and is actively fighting against the star soul world.

"The troubles you mentioned are very likely to happen!"

"I'll pay attention."

Chen Mo nodded and said.

Of course, it's only trouble.

He certainly won't be in big trouble, but small trouble... just by virtue of his current luck.

"Hehe... It's best if the Temple of Heaven can come, and the space guillotine will serve you at any time."

"As for cosmic creatures, I really can't kill each other in one or two strokes, but it's not a big problem, just collect the grown Tiberium ore on time every day.

In this way, even if the cosmic creatures rush to the planet, I will have nothing to lose.

"On the contrary, as long as you catch the opponent, you will not only have no losses, but also make a lot of money."

To 29 know,

His current main battle and "mining" players are all Leviathan.

And this started with a lizard dragon.

A cosmic creature, the harvest is really great!

"Let's start setting up defenses."

Chen Mo said.

Leviathan happens to be here, in the surrounding meteorite belt, just continue to grow some magic eyes.

Once there is a spatial disturbance, Chen Mo will be able to know it immediately.

While Chen Mo was arranging the defense plan,

Mu Yao came to the video.

"Boss Chen~~ Congratulations."

"First place alas, it's really amazing!"

"I was proud of being the 900th winner last time!"

Mu Yao said.

She was all smiles and very pleasantly surprised!

After all, who would have thought that the agreement just signed yesterday, today, his partner will make a big deal!

"Looks like my plan to rent a batch of equipment for a short period of time is going to go to waste.

"You are really painful and happy."

Mu Yao couldn't help sighing.

Chen Mo is really addicting.

As a partner, and a close partner who is already building the teleportation channel.

Of course, she hopes that Chen Mo will be as fierce as possible.

But the current situation is really overdone.

She couldn't bear it.

After all, there are too many businesses to undertake.

On the one hand, she also has to restart the Tiberium energy block factory, expanding and expanding.

On the one hand, it is necessary to get the fishery market as soon as possible.

She still has her own things to do.

It's really big now.

But Mu Yao is a strong girl.

Now that she has chosen this path, she must insist on gritting her teeth.

Not only that, but she will also fulfill her responsibilities as a partner.

"Well, do you need to hire a group of people?

Tiberium "There is likely to be trouble over there in the mining area."

After hesitating for a while, Shou Yao still said.

Now that the good talk is over, it's time for advice.

She was not good at saying such things before.

But in the current relationship, she would give proper advice, and it would not be arrogant.

Tiberium mining areas will be attacked by cosmic creatures, which is something that many people know.

What she does in this line is even clearer.

Especially Chen Mo is located near the front line, and the danger is even greater.

Even if the luck is bad, there will be indigenous strong people who do not know whether to live or die, and take risks.

In short, hiring a group of powerful mercenaries, although it will cost a lot of money, but spending money to buy peace of mind.

If Chen Mo agrees, she can also ask Liu Ru to help.

If the Lord of Star Soul personally took action, I believe it is not a big problem!

"If you hire people, at present, you shouldn't need it."

"If you need help, I won't be polite to you.

Chen Mo said with a smile.

"That's fine, please don't be polite."

Mu Yao said with a smile.

Having said that, Mu Yao couldn't say anything else.

Anyway, for such a big mining planet, even if there are cosmic creatures, the loss will not be very big.

Chen Mo had just finished chatting with Mu Yao, and there was news from Luo Bing.

"Congratulations~ You are completely famous now.

Luo Bing said enviously.

Although this first, the high probability is only one day.

But even if it is a day, it is a record of how many people can't get it in a lifetime.

At the same time, this also means that Chen Mo has made a fortune.

The amount of money that a mining planet like this can provide is staggering.

"Take care of your lucky planet. How about I allow you to delay entering my place for a week?"

"Give you more time and arrange for the legion to guard the mining area.

"This money is enough to support you to become a star soul powerhouse."

Luo Bing said.

This matter is obviously much more urgent than getting the Temple of Heaven in War Zone 33 in 2 days.

Hearing this, Chen Mo smiled.

How much money does this mine make?


But his expenses, compared with the rest of the newcomers, are not at the same level.

Earn more, spend more!

Not long ago, he was still struggling with how to spend the billions!

However, Luo Bing did not say anything wrong.

As long as this Tiberium mine is functioning properly.

His harvest will be very rich!

And he is indeed famous,

This time it's no small talk!

After chatting with Luo Bing, Chen Mo did not close the video,

Because of her, the battle is about to begin.

"I hope the space guillotine can bring a lot of benefits!"

Chen Mo said in anticipation.

After all, the scale of this time was much larger than that of his previous infiltration team in the Temple of Heaven.

There are hundreds of newcomers involved!

While paying attention to the situation on Luo Bing's side, Chen Mo casually opened the newcomer area.

At this time, they are all talking about him!

Not only that, but his name appeared on the entire War Zone channel.

The star soul powerhouses in the entire area also noticed him.

"No way? Which Star God boss is Chen Mo? Am I transmigrating? How many years has it been?"

"Duan, this year's newcomer is too fierce!"

"Fuck! The first mining planet!!"

"400 billion to start...Mom, I have never heard of so much money in my life."

"As expected of Chen Mo who dominates the newcomer area!"

"I knew it was Chen Mo! If anyone in the rookie area is so perverted, it must be him. But when I opened the rankings, I was still shocked."

"Mr. Chen Mo is invincible!"

We are "still working hard to occupy a planet, Chen Mo directly planted a star nucleus! This speed is like a hang-up!"

"I calculated carefully, and now I am at least 5 grades behind Chen Mo.

"Five? Are you sure? I'm about to occupy a planet, but I feel like I'm a dozen grades behind Chen Mo!"

"Hey... Chen Mo, even if he is lying still, I can't catch up in a year!"

"One year? If you can't condense the star soul, you won't even try to catch up in your whole life!"

"Hey! It's terrifying!"

He said, "Where did Mr. Chen Mo get so much knowledge and resources? I feel more local than the consortium."

"It goes without saying that more than a dozen planets are mining around the clock, and Li Long alone has contributed 55 billion.

"No, the consortium is the same as the great good people. If you keep it for yourself, you will lose the indemnity!"

"To tell you the truth, I have cooperated with Mr. Chen Mo, but I spent 10,000 yuan and enjoyed the protection of Mr. Chen Mo!

"Damn, according to what you said, I even joined forces with Chen Mo to dominate the newcomer area! Chen Mo's 78 billion contribution value, I have a share of 747!"

"So, Chen Mo is a parasite! All his money is squeezed from us!"

"Take money from the Temple of Heaven, that's the real skill!"

"That's right! Look at Chen Mo's behavior in the 33rd War Zone. He's stubbornly attacking his own people, and treating the Temple of Heaven.

"Indeed, I can confirm that one day has passed, and Chen Mo has never fought against the Temple of Heaven except for his own people, not even reconnaissance!"

Many newcomers came out.

They went anonymous, turned into justice warriors, and madly sprayed Chen Mo's inaction.

In a word, apart from madly squeezing his own people, he has no fart ability.

Our "38 War Zone, Luo Bing has contacted everyone to resist the enemy together, and there will be a big harvest soon!

"If you choose the eldest, any one you choose will be more reliable than Chen Mo."

"I think Luobing is no worse than Chen Mo, and will replace him in the future!"

"More than that, Wang Yifeng, Li Long and others, who have been brave after knowing shame, have not been bubbling up yet. They should be working hard to develop. I heard that they are already making battleships unique to this civilization! They can kill the Temple of Heaven!"

"Brothers in War Zone 33, you are counting on Chen Mo to take the lead in attacking the Temple of Heaven, so just give up your heart. Now people probably wish that all the troops would be sent to the mining area.

"Indeed, if you defend the mining area, you can win.

As soon as these words came out, there was envy and jealousy again.

Someone secretly said that Chen Mo, the Tiberium mining area, was swallowed by life in the universe.

Some people also said that the current brilliance will make Chen Mo stop.

Of course, I still envy Chen Mo more.

Among them, the star soul powerhouse is the main one.

Many people tried to contact Chen Mo.

Naturally, though, these connections fall into disrepair.

Chen Mo didn't read private messages at all.

at this time,

He was too lazy to watch in the newcomer area.

Because of Luo Bing's side,

The ambush has begun.

The Temple of Heaven sent a large number of infiltration team members.


One of the infiltration team members who crossed the portal made Chen Mo's eyes light up.

Snake people!

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