Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 212 Strange battle situation! Darkness comes! Hundreds of millions of legions! (3 more)

33 War Zone, Tianshen Temple Base.

"Lord Olitoka, the arrival ceremony is ready and can start at any time!"

"Our army has also set off!"

The commander of the Temple of Heaven said excitedly.

Nearby wars are unfavorable!

A star area was also ambushed and suffered heavy losses.

As a result, several powerhouses who originally supported them all fell.

When he heard the news, the commander of the Temple of Heaven felt a chill in his heart.

I thought I was done.

I didn't expect that because of this loss, it was a blessing in disguise!

He has no intention of gloating,

But those two commanders really died well.

If they don't die, they won't have such strong support.

"Very well, this time we will win!

"But the plan has to be changed, don't attack Planet 1 directly, attack Planet 2 first."


The commander of the Temple of Heaven was stunned.

What's the point of this?

The main force of the enemy is on Planet 1. Although there are many slave owners on Planet 2, their strength is far less than that of Planet 1.

Those big bugs lying on the planet will eat into planets!

It must be stopped immediately.

"I said, Ms. Olitoka, although you are the commander, this change of plan is too outrageous, isn't it?"

"Yeah, a plan involving more than 100,000 elites has a demigod in person, how did it come to you, like a child's play?

"I think it's better to blast Planet 1 directly."

The three golden men couldn't take it anymore, and they protested without waiting for the commander to speak.

It's completely disregarding them.

Being a tool man?

Wouldn't the snake people have another conspiracy?

Several people looked at each other,

Have been vigilant.

Of course, their protests were of no use.

Of course Olitoka wouldn't say: It's amazing that he found himself on Planet 1.

She originally hated the golden man to die.

Of course just ignore it.

"Alas... If the mission is not urgent, the opponent is too weak.

"I want to use these golden figures as cannon fodder.

Olitoka thought.

As for the outcome of the battle, she felt that it was the next best thing.

The more Jin people die, the better the ending.

But this time, Her Lady Queen personally supervised the battle.

Of course she has to do well.

So definitely can't lose.

"I just hope that the slave owner can be tougher and kill more golden men."

It was also helpful to her.

As for the real reason for attacking Planet 2.

Naturally, it is to let the other party see clearly his own strength,

In this way, there will be chips in exchange for that idiot.

Directly bombing planet No. 1, then winning is winning.

But their snake people lost a lot.

at this time,

The Tianshen Temple army set off.

As Olitoka was temporarily moved by Chen Mo, he changed his plan.

The newcomers of Planet 2 are waiting in an instant.

"Fuck! Why is the Temple of Heaven so feminine!"

"The way! Let the crazy development of Chen Mo not fight, come and beat us, there is something wrong with this!"

"Are the persimmons soft?"

"Brothers, organize an army!"

"Crush! Fighting with them, a group of natives in the Tianshen Temple are afraid of hair!"

"Yeah, isn't the 38th theater a big victory? They can, we can too, Liu Fan, please organize everyone!"

"Don't panic! Let the big boss Chen Mo take over the overall situation!

"Still fighting? Are you stupid? The harder we fight, the less pressure on Chen Mo! And look, the number of temples on this day is more than 100 times that of War Zone 38!"


"Hurry up and run to Planet 4 behind Planet 1!"

"Yes! Let this place go to the Temple of Heaven!"

Oh my god, "The temple is crazy these days. There is such a big army in this broken place!"

"My people's investigation came back and the result is that the high-ranking soldiers are 100 times that of the 38th War Zone!

The number of high-level powerhouses is at least 20 times!

That time, Luo Bing used an ambush and joined 100 rookie masters to win!"

"If we want to achieve the same record, we need at least 10,000 newcomers of the same strength, and we must all unite."

"This is impossible!"


The top 10,000 newcomers on the 10,000 newcomers list?


All the newcomers are in a war zone, so it is possible to gather such a force.

After some quick analysis.

All the newcomers were instantly scared to pee.

Crazy run.

"Don't worry! Big Brother Chen Mo came back to rescue, everyone's lips are dead and their teeth are cold!"

"Yeah, panic!"

"This is a battlefield. If he doesn't save him, he is shameless and filthy! I see who would dare to cooperate with such a person who sells teammates!"

"Anyway, the portal opened, and if Chen Mo didn't come to save me, I would just go back to my home planet and play chicken."

"Lie down, I ran from planet 1 to this place, and now let me run again, when will I be dead? I'm going to fight to the death!"

"Don't worry, ask him to ask for it. You can see that the Temple of Heaven is threatening. With such a good opportunity, Chen Mo can't not do it. At this time, the back of the Temple of Heaven must be empty."

Upstairs "Brother means to go through the back door.

"I can't walk, only Mo Da can walk through this back door. He is big enough and tough!"

"Listen to what you said, it's cool for Mr. Chen Mo to walk in through the back door. Why am I squatting here to cover him?"

"It smells like a tauren."

"Brothers, don't fight! If you fight, you will be working for Chen Mo! Forget the lessons of War Zone 38? Those licking dogs will still cry in the storm!"

"Yes, let Tianshen Temple and Chen Mo hedge!"

"We'll come out to clean up the mess when they're almost at the same level!"

"Strategic retreat first!"

Most of the newcomers on Life Planet 2 in War Zone 33 have reached an agreement.

Even if there are newcomers who want to rush up to do a wave, because everyone else has withdrawn.

He was afraid alone,

Only to retreat.


All waiting for Chen Mo's action!

at this time,

Commanding the army, Olitoka, the spear of the snake clan, who was advancing all the way, saw this situation and was slightly stunned.

Not only her, but the entire army of the Temple of Heaven,

are all stagnant.

Everyone was stunned.

Why did the army of slave owners, who were rushing well just now, start running backwards in an instant,

One by one, they are still running desperately, and some even use their precious acceleration ability!

This is completely different from their impression of the mad, not afraid of death, the slave army roaring like locusts!

When did slave owners care so much about the lives of their subordinates?

Even the three Jin people who had been pushing Lai Lai were dumbfounded.

"There won't be any traps, will it?"

"Haha, there's a fart, it must be that we saw the elites of our golden people taking the lead, and the other party is afraid!"

"Golden people are number one in the world!

Look at the card~~Looking at the snake girl on the side.

Chen Mo doesn't know,

just an act of his,

Both sides of the battle made incredible moves.

This is a scene that has never appeared on the battlefield.

Before the battle started, the slave owners who were not afraid of life and death, Sayazi fled.

And the Heavenly God Temple, which is bound to be won, is hesitant and in place.

Not sure what to do next.

*|The whole army obeys orders! Give me chase!"

Olitoka gritted his teeth and ordered 3 golden men.

Let them lead the charge.

She had never seen such a way of escape from a slave owner!

Also in the mind.

I don't know what medicine they are selling.

But it's always right to let the golden man on top!

The three golden men quit immediately.

It's no problem for you to let me take the lead!

In the current situation, you let me lead the charge?

no way!

The three of them chatted suddenly.

At this time, Chen Mo, who had been waiting for the Tianshen Temple to reach the right place.

Also stunned.

The Temple of Heaven actually slowed down directly on Planet 2,

Neither attack nor advance.

But it was just right for him!

It's a good thing that the other side doesn't attack Planet 2!

Because, this planet, Chen Mo will sooner or later be in the bag, if it is broken, it will be a pity!

"It's a good sign.

Chen Mo couldn't help but rejoice,

Hope the next battle will be smoother!

"Army attack!

He gave an order,

Planet 1 and the planet beside it suddenly changed color.

The whole planet seems to be boiling,

Or like a fried hedgehog.

Through the portal, there are more armies joining in continuously.

Chen Mo set up a lot of gravitational cores in advance, which can shield the fluctuations between the air (Zhao Zhao's).

Therefore, this army, at an extremely fast speed, secretly assembled in the atmosphere!

Then rush out!

for a moment,

Countless black spots rise from the surface of the planet!

From Chen Mo's point of view, the sky is covered!

And from a distance,

Looking in the direction of the Temple of Heaven,


"My lord, look at the planet over there, what's wrong? It's smoking?"

"Yeah, like black smoke.

"Hey! It's so weird, like the light has been distorted, it looks so evil and weird, it reminds me of a planet infected by the evil god."

"Idiot, that's not black smoke, and it's not an evil god, it's just something absorbing the light. It should be a large number of objects flying out of the planet. Could it be a volcanic eruption?"

"Don't talk about half a bucket of water, can the smoke from the volcanic eruption float towards you?"

The three golden figures were grinding and chirping, rushing to the front.

Coupled with strong strength, he can see clearly at this moment.

for a moment,

The three of them froze and their pupils contracted violently.

This is black smoke.

It is clearly an army composed of countless black spots!

Terrible black mist rises from the surface of the planet continuously!

Because there are so many that they block the light, it looks like a black fog.

"Come on!

"It's that slave owner's.... billions of legions!"

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