Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 213 The Silly Olitoka! I cried, why did we change homes for ours! (1 more)

A dark army of parasites,

gradually expand the formation,

In the end the whole planet is not very clear.

Like a layer of black mist.

"This number

"Hs.. at least hundreds of millions!"


The three golden figures rushing in front looked at each other,


The three of them said in unison, turned their heads and started running back.

They won't be pawns for the snake people!

This time I lost the battle, and it was also a loss of face for the Queen of the Snake People.

They definitely won't fight anyway!


"For the gods,


The golden man responded very quickly, and slapped the commander in the face with a slap.

Stopped the opponent's fanatical charge.


"Are you blind, there are so many people on the other side, we are in ambush!"

"Get out! Too many!"

"God, that's outrageous!"

"It's fake, could it be a puppet with no real combat power?"

"Didn't you say that there are only one million enemies in total?"

Many Heavenly Temple warriors also fell in love.

There was a backlash in their hearts.

However, they are not a mob after all, and they are all paying attention to the commander's orders at this moment.

The face of Olitoka, the spear of the snake race, was extremely ugly.

Why are there so many enemies!

She also said before, don't be afraid!

Don't be afraid of crowd tactics.

But now asking 770 questions is that the other party is no longer ten million, and it is an order of magnitude more!

There are hundreds of millions of legions, and anyone who sees them will feel their scalp tingling.

What made her even more informative was that the other party was still emerging continuously, as if the planet had grown out of nowhere.

Don't want money?

This slave owner is really special!


"It's a very powerful enemy, no wonder the queen told me to be careful...

Olitoka muttered to herself.

But she didn't think about stepping back.

Before the golden man is dead, she will never take a step back!

"Get ready to fight!"

"All into the planet!"

Her plan is very simple, the other party is not afraid!

Her individual strength must be stronger!

Backed by the planet, this battle is not necessarily impossible!

And you can wait for the Queen to come!

When the reinforcements come together, these servants will be annihilated in an instant!

But before that, first consume a wave of golden people.

Better die!

"For the glory of the gods!"



with her voice.

The sound of battle resounded throughout the audience.

A few golden men were furious,

The snake girl used her charm to influence the elites of the entire Heavenly Temple,

They agitated plans of retreat,

Direct failure!

On the other side, Chen Mo saw this scene.

With a puff, he laughed directly.

Is there something wrong with this commander?

Shouldn't you be walking in space?

Hiding on the planet, although the attack surface is small, but there is no place to run, I am afraid that I don't want to hit him hard.

War of attrition?

It really matches!

He wanted to go over and hug and kiss each other.

If you say it's not a ghost, he doesn't believe it!

But right now, it's not the time to spend with each other.

He didn't have time to deal with each other.

Since the other party cooperated so much and gave way, then he went straight to the other party's hometown.

As long as the base is destroyed, all the people in the Temple of Heaven are his.

The snake girl inside, as well as those golden figures.

All are of great value!

Whether it is the body or the equipment on the body.


Olitoka looked up at the sky, dumbfounded.

Not only her, but all the warriors of the Temple of Heaven also slowly raised a question mark in their hearts.

Those terrifying monsters that looked extremely ferocious, all flew from above, and they didn't even look at them.

What about bloody battles?

How did it evolve into a parade like you chasing after me?

There is a legendary snake man's expression, the Heat.

Try to attack and shoot down a flying dragon.


This scene just made everyone more emotional.

Because, no fighting broke out.

The headless monster flew over the sky.

Just ignore them!


"They went to the base!"

to here,

Even the idiot saw that something was wrong.



"All attack!!"


A strange scene appeared:

A bunch of monsters with hundreds of millions of people ran in front, and a bunch of people from the Temple of Heaven were chasing after them.

This newcomer who ran far away was also dumbfounded.

"What kind of trick is this playing?

"Yeah, the wooden man game?

After chasing this, chasing that, so far we have 30,000 almost no casualties!"

"Gan! The movement is so loud, but the battle is officially launched before (cjdd)!"

"Absolutely, Chen Mo's handwriting is simply awesome."

"I can't read it, but I'm blown away!"

"If I guessed correctly, this is preparing for a wave of home raids!"

"Change home tactics, awesome!!"

"It's awesome, but why are you exchanging our home for it?"

"Yeah! Tianshen Temple and Chen Mo united to bully us!"

A newcomer cried,

The Temple of Heaven occupies the No. 2 life planet, why not go to the No. 1 life planet to change it!

"It can only be said that the big boss Chen Mo is awesome and unpredictable!

"But it's powerful. This tactic probably predicted the actions of the Temple of Heaven."

"At present, there are 30,000 battle groups on the battlefield, and Chen Mo is leading us all by the nose.

"At present, Chen Mo is like a dog walking, pulling the Tianshen Temple to run!"

"Upstairs, pay attention to your fucking words! The Temple of Heaven is a dog, so what are we? A duck running with a dog?"

"We were walking the dog just now!

A joint show with Chen Mo came together, it can be said to be a perfect match!

I ran wildly alone, leaving behind hundreds of thousands of newcomers and hundreds of thousands of Tianshen Temple, proud!

"It's not advisable to deceive yourself."

"When it comes to putting gold on your face, you are the coolest I've ever seen."

The entire theater channel has burst at this time.

Everyone is talking about the fight.

But what everyone doesn't know is that Chen Mo didn't expect the development of things!

Simply the best!

Not only did he lead the people out of the Temple of Heaven, but his army rushed towards the base of the Temple of Heaven without any obstruction!

"Damn it!!

Legend "The above warriors, speed up the interception for me!"

"Kill those hundred Leviathans!"

Olitoka, the serpent-man spear, screamed loudly.

At this moment, she is like a child, holding a gun, trying to stop thousands of tyrannosaurs running wild!

Give her time to stop.

The problem is, there is no time!

Can stop, but only a little bit.

There are too many opponents.

And the paving is very open, a large area, stretching for thousands of kilometers.

Even if she stood up and let her kill, she wouldn't be able to finish it in three days and three nights.

And she is not a god, she does not have infinite physical strength.

If the power consumption is too large, it may be in danger.

Usually she is chasing others to kill,

Or frantically kill attacking enemies.

It's the first time she's seen this fighting style like this!

At this moment, the whole person still hates it.

As the commander-in-chief, she was like this, not to mention the rest of the Heavenly Temple warriors.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Feeling crazy to kill the enemy, completely useless!

do useless work,

Instead, he was running wildly while swaying his strength, and he was so tired that he was out of breath.

God ", these monsters are not afraid of death at all!"

"It feels like a machine!

"Ah ah ah! Be careful everyone, this blood is terrifyingly corrosive!"

"Be careful! Corpses will explode!"

Looking at the elites who were constantly chasing and killing and then losing continuously, the three golden hearts were heartbroken.

Olitoka wasn't heartbroken, but her eyelids twitched.

It's too much of a loss!

Where does her face go?

Of course, she is not worried about her own life.

With the queen there, nothing is a problem!

Queen, invincible!

at this time,

Her commander ring vibrated slightly.

Seeing the message passed in it,

Her face changed suddenly.

without any hesitation,

She burst into the most terrifying speed.


The whole person turned into a scorching flame, rushing towards the base of the Temple of Heaven.

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