Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 216 Harvest! Fattening and slaughtering! Occupy the No. 6 life planet! (1 more)

"Please take a look at the master~

Holy Terra.

Following the Queen's words,

The two sisters Irene, who went out to fight, also returned.

Remanded with a portion of the booty.

The portal opened, and in the bright sunlight of Terra, the loot that came out of the door was very dazzling.

Creamy white skin.

The golden light is the clothing.

Especially the two people who were brought up are the elites of the Snake People, the second and third people in the clan.

This is the first time that Chen Mo has seen a full-body Snake Woman with the naked eye.

Only the upper body before.

Now with the addition of the snake god, it seems that the taste is completely different from that of human beings.

A little more bizarre and coquettish.

and unspeakable allure.

This was brought by the two snake girls, just twisting their waists slightly, cruising and crawling, it was very attractive.

"Half man, half snake..."

"The snake girl with human intelligence is obviously influenced by that "source" just like the mermaid family."

Could it be "Say... that the source is also half-human and half-beast?"

"But one thing is certain, the other party's aesthetic taste is really good."

After most of the loot has been shipped in.

Chen Mo picked out the intact single-player equipment of the Temple of Heaven, put together a suit, and stored it separately.

These he is not going to hang on the trading platform.

When I trade with the Gray Steel Consortium, can I ask the other party if they still want these complete sets of equipment?


You say how useful this equipment is, but it is not.

Except for the space ring, the rest are sold separately, and 29 can't sell for any price.

But the Grey Steel Consortium is different.

They took them for special purposes, so Chen Mo still welcomes them to buy them.

Of course, if they are willing to spend this money, they must be able to earn more.

But this poses no threat to Chen Mo.

The two sides do not compete on the same level.

Chen Mo's competitors are tens of millions of newcomers arranged by the federal government.

However, after so long a brutal selection and elimination.

The current number of newcomers is only about 1 million.

90% of the personnel will no longer receive federal resource tilt, and their planet will also be recovered.

As for the remaining 1 million, it does not constitute any competition to Chen Mo.

Even, wait for Chen Mo to sell a lot of equipment to them.

10% off sale.

Especially in War Zone 38,

Should sell more.

This is Chen Mo's next raid area.

The 38 theater has a lot of resources, and the newcomers are not under pressure, grow fast, and earn more money one by one.

By the time Chen Mo went, the non-vegetables were flourishing.

Anyway, the things Chen Mo sold here will soon be returned to him in another way.

In short,

No matter what the price is to sell to 38 theaters,

As long as it is sold, it is a bloody profit.

It is to support the construction and development of the 38 theater.

Except for equipment and the corpses of legendary powerhouses.


Chen Mo also harvested a lot of Tiberium ore.

And the quality is good,

Half of them are even blue forms.

The reason is naturally in the snake people.

They also need this ore, and it has even been used as a consumable for weapons.

But now, these will be the help of Chen Mo's transformation of the planet.

Put the green form ore on the trading platform, and the blue form ore to the queen for processing.


Chen Mo's eyes turned,

He looked at the two snake girls in front of him.

Their scales are gradual, not from the waist to a snake body all at once.

Rather, between the scales and the skin, there is a gradual transition,

Then the buttocks are completely covered with scales.

Unlike the mermaid who likes to grow into legs to walk after the legend, the snake people are inside the Temple of Heaven.

In order not to appear too different in aesthetics, they generally keep their original features unchanged.

Chen Mo reached out and touched it,

The scales are so soft that they feel like cold skin to the touch.

But in addition to the good feel,

There is no other ability.

In this regard, it is completely incomparable with the scales of the cosmic life lizard dragon.

However, the Queen of Snake People is already a demigod, and she is about to advance to the god level.

If the other party ascends to God,

I don't know if the scales will have strange changes?

"You...what do you want to do!"

"Are you the slave master who defeated me?"

The two snake girls behave differently.

But they are all very afraid of Chen Mo.

What they have experienced in this short period of time has subverted their cognition.

at the same time,

They also got a glimpse of Chen Mo's strength.

"Why are your servants so strong?"

"I'm already the pinnacle of legend, but in her hands, there is no room for resistance, and she will also use Tiberium ore, who are you?"

"Could it be that your servants are scattered offshoots of our snake people?"

Compared with Opera's panic, Olitoka, the spear of the snake family, is more calm.

There were too many questions in her mind.

Hope to get an answer!

This slave owner is different from the ones she has come into contact with before!

Is this the true strength of the slave-owner world?

Thinking of this, her heart sank.

No, it's impossible, this person should be in the star soul world, and he is also an invincible existence of the same level.

But even so,

Nor will he be the Queen's opponent!

Queen, invincible!

She thought firmly in her heart.

But soon,

She wouldn't think so.

Chen Mo did not answer the other party's words,

Instead, he snapped his fingers and let the creep spread over.

To persuade the other party, it is better to directly change the other party's mind.

Simple and fast!

A large number of tentacles grew out of the creep, binding the snake girl Olitoka,

Gradually wrap...

"Start getting the chance to evolve!"

Chen Mo gave the order.

It is safest to do this step in Terra,

Because there is a parent star channel here, it is extremely close to the star soul world.

The ability of the goddess of luck will be extremely weakened here.

Not only that,

Chen Mo This is also for the sake of safety,

After all, he seems to have just met the goddess' favored person.

Chen Mo wouldn't be surprised if he was targeted by this lucky goddess one day.

But don't worry,

He carries the certificate of conquest with him, and he himself will not leave Terra.

There is absolutely no need to worry about safety.


"No, no.

Olitoka screamed.

Needless to say, Opera on the side was too frightened to move.


"Meet the glorious evolution!"

"Feel the truth!

Irene raised her hand and slapped the two noisy snake girls unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

Although the two legendary powerhouses were both captured, Irene slapped them at will and was able to stun them both.

As can be seen,

Although Irene has not broken through the legendary peak, her strength is still growing.

Has far surpassed the general legend.

Take a closer look at Erin,

Chen Mo is very happy.

He has a feeling,

Maybe it won't be long,

To gain another demigod.

It is still very cool to train 773 to raise a demigod by yourself.

Full of sense of achievement.

Chen Mo also looked at his sister Ellie.

The other side has also made great progress.

Almost on par with Erin.

The two sisters are really a pair.

The talent is almost the same.

The Queen naturally need not say more, her strength is getting stronger every day.

But unfortunately, there is still a long way to go before the Half-God Peak.

Compared to the progress of these talented individuals, Chen Mo's overall parasitic body army is not very strong.

But every battle, let them steadily improve!

This is very scary!

"The genetic data currently collected is enough to suppress more than 99% of the warriors of the Temple of Heaven in this area."

"The minimum suppression has all risen to 300%.

This battle is not only a huge harvest.

The layout is also open.

The Temple of Heaven is currently under powerful genetic suppression!

Fight any enemy with Chen Mo, unless don't be defeated.

Just fail once and leave the corpse behind.

Then the follow-up, to meet him, will be endless failure!

"In other words, after one night, Life Planet No. 6 should be almost occupied, right?"

"And the level of parasitic infection on that starship...

Chen Mo just wanted to switch perspectives to see the occupation,

His watch chimed.


"Congratulations on having actually taken over the life planet No. 6!

Next "You can choose to occupy or purify. But please make sure that there are no temples left!"

"Note 1: You have won a decisive victory in the 33rd war zone! But the Temple of Heaven will not let it go, they may plan to regain control of the area!"

"Note 2: The Federation will conduct a periodic evaluation of your combat achievements, which can be converted into rewards, please pay attention to the notice."

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