Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 217 Searching the house is the king! Killing people along the net cable! Pregnant at a glanc

"Is it necessary to ensure that there are no traces of the Temple of Heaven?"

"Without Requiem", it is really troublesome for newcomers. "

"But my exclusive race is just good at parasitic infection.

"Even if the taste of the Temple of Heaven is so heavy that it hybridizes with local animals, I can find it and erase all traces of them."

Chen Mo carefully looked at the reminder given by the Federation.


What caught his attention the most was "Note 1.

It seems not without reason that Opera the Snake Woman was so confident at first.

As she said,

The Tianshen Temple is fighting each other, and the whole has not felt a great threat.

"There's actually still enough energy to come to this star area that is of little value to me.

"But more, it should be from hatred."

Chen Mo analyzed.

After all, he has captured the other two big men one after another.

Not only that, but also scared the other queen to dare not come.

The elites of the Tianshen Temple killed are not hundreds or thousands,

But almost a hundred thousand!

Even without considering the faction relationship,

The two sides also have a deep hatred.

"However, I didn't expect to gain a regional advantage in the battle and get federal rewards."

"This reward is estimated to be quite a lot."

After all, it is equivalent to expanding the territory for the Star Soul World.

And this is also the main source of getting the attention of the world law.

After checking the notice, Chen Mo turned his attention to the life planet No. 6.

Then froze.

"So many energy blocks!

"And a lot of top magic crystals!"

Just a rough statistic, there are almost 1000 top-level magic crystals and 300 energy blocks!

To know,

Chen Mo worked hard to mine Tiberium ore, and so far he has only got more than 200 pieces!

He was very happy when he got 500 of the top magic crystals.

Calculate carefully,

At a base in the Temple of Heaven, he reaps the income of his own mining for 4 days!

Simply outrageous!

There are also a large number of magical devices, which are sold even as recycled metal.

Also a huge number.

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Mo understood,

Because the snake queen must have been prepared to come.

These energy blocks and magic energy devices were temporarily transported to strengthen the transmission device.

But unfortunately,

The queen is useless, it's all Chen Mo's now.

The capture of the Tianshen Temple base this time, the harvest is very rich!

Sure enough, looting is the kingly way!

old rules,

Chen Mo kept the energy blocks that he could use.

Then put the top magic crystals and other various magic devices on the shelves.

"This shipment has sold at least 6 billion.

"Just to make up for my previous spending from 55 billion to build the Dark Sky pedestal.

"The Dark Sky Pedestal is now available for purchase, and then full construction will take place for a long time!

"The 4 billion funds needed for phagocytosis and integration of genes are already sufficient."

However, it is still far from the 10 billion leap evolution.

Of course, even if Chen Mo has 10 billion now, it will not make an immediate leap in evolution.

He can't do it.

It's not about having money.

Leap evolution requires the accumulation of enough ordinary swallowing evolution.

And it is impossible for him to spend all the money all at once.

In case the people from the Temple of Heaven call and continue to send evolution opportunities, he will be useful.

At the same time, Chen Mo will also prepare funds for a transformation and evolution of the Fortress.

Space Warp Knowledge.

Or the right space gene evolution.

As long as there is this, the pattern of war will be completely changed.

The tactic of changing homes like last night doesn't need to be so troublesome anymore.

Send directly to the fortress, and then the billions of legions will slap their faces!

At present, Chen Mo has hundreds of millions of troops, but the flexibility is too poor.

In addition to using the portal, he can only fly slowly.

Although the speed of Leviathan has been extremely fast.

But no matter how fast it is, on the large scale of the universe, it is still as slow as a snail.

Only teleportation can ignore distance,

Ignoring distance, unlimited numbers, and not afraid of loss, this is the parasite legion of the complete body!

And this step,

The cooperation of the mothership, the Fortress, is indispensable.

After checking the harvest of the Tianshen Temple base,

Chen Mo turned his eyes to the starship.

But unfortunately, the starship at this time has not been completely infected,

The starship is 10 kilometers long!

Intact starships and damaged ones are worth exactly two levels.

So Chen Mo try not to spoil it.

Slowly parasitic infection!

Next, Chen Mo opened the watch.

Federal website.

Collect the rewards that have been accumulated several times and receive them all at once.

Among them, the rewarded resources are more common,

Chen Mo skipped it directly,

Eyes directly on the 3 knowledge.

Intermediate Spiritual Knowledge--Faith Mastery

Intermediate Magical Knowledge--'Magic Main Cannon

Advanced Spiritual Knowledge--'Erosion of Gaia's Consciousness Mastery

No. 1 Knowledge and Belief Proficiency" Chen Mo simply skipped it and didn't read it.

This is useful knowledge for the rest of the newcomers, but for Chen Mo, nothing is better.

It doesn't really do much good except make mermaids want to lick his toes even more.

think about it,

Chen Mo simply put this knowledge on the trading platform.

Doing so will directly reduce a level, that is, knowledge will become low-level, and the corresponding content will also become "faith enhancement".

However, this is still more profitable than Chen Mo's own use.

Low-level knowledge is also very valuable.

Many newcomers can only acquire a piece of knowledge at the time of settlement.

Believe this knowledge, many newcomers will rush to get it.

However, it can also sell for a good price at this time.

Because the elderly will definitely not be able to use this kind of knowledge.

Only newcomers need it.

The second knowledge is "Magic Main Cannon", which is very good!

Chen Mo decided to use it himself,

But not on the Leviathan or the Fortress.

Rather, it is manufactured and then sold.

As a low-requirement main gun that can be manufactured with only intermediate knowledge.

It can be said that it is the first main gun of young people.

Many newcomers and even veterans are using it!

The advantage is energy saving and good power.

The disadvantage is similar to the magic cannons of the natives, that is, the attack speed is very slow.

Of course, as a weapon in the Star Soul World.

Its power is more than ten times that of the magic cannon.

3rd Knowledge Corrupts Gaia Consciousness Mastery

Chen Mo has acquired its prerequisite knowledge before.

That is to erode Gaia's consciousness."

The planetary consciousness is the aggregate of the consciousness of life on the entire planet.

In theory,

Through any individual, one can connect with planetary consciousness.

"Erosing Gaia's consciousness is to use this principle to erode the planet.

This method is somewhat similar to the disturbance of consciousness of the evil god.

But it needs the help of the star soul,

The stronger the star soul, the greater the power of this method.

For example, Chen Mo has now captured the No. 2 character of the Snake Civilization, Olitoka, the Spear of the Snake Clan.

If Chen Mo is a star god at this time,

Then, through the connection between Olitoka and the consciousness of the mother star, directly start to invade, kill the will of the planet, and replace it.

Forcibly enslaved the creatures of the entire planet!

If Chen Mo is a strong star soul at this time,

It can also cause a lot of trouble to its parent star.

But unfortunately,

Chen Mo is currently only the master of the star soul,

As a demigod civilization, the opponent's parent star has strong resistance.

Chen Mo can only contact the other party at most, and then cause some panic.

However, Chen Mo believes that,

This capability can be expected in the future.

It won't take long for him to use this ability,

And this method of "cutting people along the |net cable" will be very powerful in his hands.

at this time,

A mechanical voice sounded in Chen Mo's mind.

[Ding! Your clan devoured the genes of the legendary peak powerhouse of the snake-human race', and resolved to the "charm gene."

After [evolutionary deduction, there are 2 options:

【1. Integrate into your own gene sequence, the success rate is 99%. "

【2. The gene is related to the high-energy gene and can be integrated into the high-energy gene sequence. ]

[By analyzing the genes of the 'snake people', your ethnic group has a very good understanding of the race and has a restraining effect. Any behavior of your group will be enhanced by 500%]


A "charm gene, is actually linked to a high-energy gene?"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment.

But think carefully,

He also recalled the situation when Snake used "Charm.

This ability does have many similarities with (Zhao Zhaozhao) energy.

More coincidentally,

"High-energy genes come from the murlocs.

And there is a connection between the two races.

"Source" may have both capabilities at the same time..."

"But what abilities will be born in Choice 2? A higher-end hidden parasitic infection ability? Or...

If it is out of thin air that many creatures will be in heat when they see him, and become pregnant at a glance,

forget about it.

Although this ability is very powerful,

But it is too evil,

He couldn't accept it.

Chen Mo just wanted to ask the system carefully,

"Cough, vomit,

At this time,

Watching the Snake Woman coughing out of the mucus and tentacles,

He suddenly had a flash of light:


Why don't I try to contact the serpent queen?

Let her redeem Olitoka.

at this time,

The parasitic infection ability of Chen Mo's exclusive race is already quite powerful.

A long time ago, he wanted to use this ability.

Don't dare to use it in the Star Soul World, don't you dare to use it on the Temple of Heaven?

If it evolves again,

The infection lurking in the genes may be able to hide from the gods.

After all, this ability is unique to him, and the other party will not be defensive.

give it a try,

No money anyway. ,

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