Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 219 Oran, Queen of Snake People! A 400-pound beauty is worth 2 tons of Tiberium ore! (2 more

100 light-years away from the life planet No. 6.

Snake people home planet.

The snake queen Oran's face was extremely ugly.

Had it not been so far away that she would have to fly for hundreds of years,

At this moment, she has the idea of ​​flying directly to the No. 6 life planet, blasting the slave army there, and blasting the entire planet.

this battle,

Their snake people were disgraced.

The loss is too great!

"Too deceiving!"

"Your Majesty, the other party must have done this on purpose!"

"This slave owner is so daring, he dares to set a trap. I believe that at this moment, the other party did not kill the two adults, we can take it all!"

"Don't worry, ask him for it!"

"He must pay his debts with blood!

It is recommended to "mobilize an army of tens of millions of elites immediately!

Doesn't the other party like to play with a lot of people? Let him see what a real big army is!

In the entire splendid hall, many high-level Snake People were furious.

Similar to the murlocs, they are also predominantly matriarchal societies.

Women are not only more dazzling, but also stronger in strength and physique.

Therefore, the entire hall is filled with snake girls.

It looks very bewitching and colorful.

But at this moment, murderous intent lingers.

In addition to suggesting that the plan should be calculated, there are also some who say that they should ask for help.

"Her Majesty's action will surely succeed, but for now, you shouldn't be distracted by the rest!"

"The most important thing is to become a god with all your strength, and it is related to the fate of our family."

"Yeah, as long as we can become gods, our clan will climb to the top of the Temple of Heaven and become a superior race. At that time, we will be able to enlist many warriors from other races. Currently, all the warriors in the clan fight in person, and the loss is too great!

*The two adults must be saved, but the slave owners never seem to talk about any conditions, they are extremely cruel, and at present, the Temple of Heaven does not know that our people have been captured.

"Don't let them know! Or they might use the power of the cursed god!"

"Let them know that the two adults can only be reduced to tool people, which is too dangerous. Unless Her Majesty the Queen ascends to the gods, they can be restrained a little."

"All right."

"All be quiet!

Queen Oran spoke up.

She is dressed in golden jewelry, embellishing several hidden places on her body, making her look both noble and beautiful.

A pair of purple eyes revealed mystery.

Olitoka "The two of them got caught, that's fate."

"I still don't have the ability to change my life against the sky."

two sentences,

The queen first gave this matter a definition.

She really doesn't want to save people right now.

The point is, that's the way it is.

If she could rescue her, she would have rescued her at the Tianshen Temple base.

The problem is, it can't be saved.

dare not.

According to the revelation of the goddess of luck,

She predicted that if she had passed by, the probability of being caught would be outrageous!

Of course she can't do things that go back and forth.

And up to now, the rise of the entire snake people has reached the most critical moment.

The burden on her was heavy.

If she falls, the snake people will be finished.

Whether it was for herself or her ethnic group, she would not allow herself to have any accidents.


After thinking about it, Queen Oran said again:

"The consequences of the failure of this battle, I, the Snake Clan, bear it all."

"Don't blame the Golden Man for any failures.

As soon as this is said,

The whole hall shook,


Of course, the authority of the queen is absolute.

Everyone obeyed her.

But seeing this scene, the queen still secretly sighed.

Although she has tried her best to suppress the conflict with Jinren.

A lot of things, she pretended to turn a blind eye.

But the hundreds of years of hatred, slavery, and blood feud, it was not for her to pretend to be invisible.

As the Snake Clan gradually became stronger, the emotion of letting the golden man pay his debts with blood was also brewing.

It has now reached a very strong point.

If this time it is revealed that the golden man is shrinking, the people below will definitely put all the blame on the golden man.

The conflict between the two sides will further intensify.

And these, the golden man is not blind, so he is naturally jealous.

However, the snake people are always on the weak side.

If you lose her and lose the chance to become a god, then the snake clan will definitely not have the chance to turn over again.

No gods would be willing to deal with it any longer.

Until then,

The disaster of genocide is just around the corner.

It seems that this is the most glorious moment for the snake people, but it is also the most dangerous moment.

once had the value of being a slave,

But if she fails this time, there will be no chance of going back to being a slave.

Caution must be exercised!

"That slave owner, after I ascend to God, I will try to take revenge.

She thought to herself.


at this time,

A terrifying consciousness resounded in the hall.

"It's all here, just to say something, come to Life Planet No. 6 to make a deal and exchange the two people in your clan."


"who is it!"

"Bold madman!

"Be careful, it's the evil god!

"The evil god of shit is a little devil who has a strange ability!"

"Through the will of the planet! What a strange method!

Immediately "send someone to investigate and be alert to the other party's confused people!"

For a time, the entire hall was in a panic.


The queen snorted coldly, making the entire hall return to peace.

"Slave Master!"

"What do you want to talk about?"

… ask for flowers…

she asked coldly.

It has long been rumored that the slave owners are scheming, and their methods are very strange.

Now she knew it.


But on the surface, she was sitting on the throne, and she even relaxed a little.

The powerful strength made her not afraid at all.

In the mother planet, apart from the gods, no creatures can move her in the slightest.

2 Snakes weigh 200kg, you have to bring 2000kg of manganese ore and 2000kg of Tiberium ore. "

"We trade on Life Planet 6.

Chen Mo doesn't talk nonsense and talks directly about transactions.

And the lion opened his mouth.

Up is to ask for resources by tons.

The heroine is indeed calm enough and strong.

Because of this, he made it clear from the beginning what he was going to do.

And deliberately make things bigger.

Otherwise, he would easily be mobilized by the other party to activate the planetary will and squeeze him out.


By the time,

It is difficult to discuss rescue in public and to force the queen to pay to save people.

"you are dreaming!

"Too much!"

"You have the money to take it, but not to spend it."

This huge price made many snake girls in the hall directly train them.

The Snake People are just a rising race.

There is no trace of background, and there is no domination of the rest of the race.

They simply don't have that many resources.

"Haha, as expected of a greedy cosmic slave owner.

The queen sneered.

"We can't get these resources out. In this way, you give them a treat, and I'll give you 1 ton of Tiberium ore."

The queen said.

This condition surprised Chen Mo.

He still underestimated the unity of this race,

the concept of sacrifice for the race,

It seems to be deeply rooted.

When it comes to the cost of hurting the entire race, they don't talk about saving people.

But still willing to pay as much as he can,

Beg yourself not to torture their clan.

Logically speaking, Chen Mo earned blood in this transaction.

You don't have to go back, just prostitute a ton of Tiberium ore.

Ordinary newcomers have long agreed.

But Chen Mo's real purpose is not to make money!

But fuck the queen!

Well, can't say that either.

In short, as long as the army is on the home planet of the snake people, everything is his.

Whether you give money now or not, it's actually the same!

What he wanted was to find a reason to return the snake girl.

If the queen did this, he could not be cured directly.

But fortunately,

Chen Mo is also well prepared.

There is a biological master beside him, frantically analyzing the situation here.

at the same time,

His newly acquired knowledge just came in handy! Great,

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