Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 220 We are a sacred and unbreakable alliance! War Zone 33 is in hand! (3 more)

Snake people home planet.

Because of some kind of accident.

At this time, the Queen's Palace has been tightly sealed.

There is a magical conversation going on inside.

"You may not have figured out that I put people back to let them bring you news."

"This news is worth so much money.

"But since you can't afford it, you can pay the IOU first."

"After you become a god, I believe you will be able to get on soon."

"Even now.

"As long as you cooperate with me, I will help you kill the golden man, I will make money, and your subordinates will survive."


Chen Mo said calmly.

It is almost impossible to completely lie to deceive the snake people.

So the words must be half-truths.

at the same time,

According to the information at hand, Chen Mo resorted to the killer copper.

According to "Corrosion of Gaia's consciousness to master this knowledge, carefully sense,

Almost everyone present was heartbroken.

Chen Mo remained calm, knowing that his strategy based on gathering intelligence was very useful.

The hatred of the golden man is far more than the slave owner.

"I'll help you kill the golden man...

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was stunned for a while.

Then, everyone whispered.

Many people's eyes lit up.

But the queen does not speak, they dare not speak!

"We are allies with the Golden Man."

We are "united under the gods, a holy and unbreakable union."

The queen is worthy of being a queen.

"Seven-eight-three" is righteous words.

But even though she spoke so coldly.

But he didn't mean to refuse to continue talking.

Even, relaxing the rejection of Chen Mo,

Make Chen Mo's perception of the scene clearer.

Chen Mo sensed that hatred was burning,

Civilizations on this planet have suffered too much.

For the Temple of Heaven, they have no loyalty at all.

They are very interested in destroying the golden man.

Once they have the chance, these snake people don't mind backstabbing a wave of the Temple of Heaven.

The conditions given by Chen Mo were almost impossible to refuse.

Of course, if it is discovered, the snake people are also a dead end.

So it's very risky.

The queen is not a fool, verbally, she will never agree.

In action, she would not agree.

However, Chen Mo didn't expect them to agree.

These are nothing but his tricks,

Let these snake people think that they are fighting for their race and want to insert eyeliner.

But in fact,

Chen Mo's purpose is to send the two snake girls back in a reasonable way without knowing it.

Seeing that the purpose has been achieved,

Chen Mo went on to say:

"I appreciate your loyalty."

Forget it "...we each give a step back and give each other a little time.

"The two captives have been to my main planet. You may not listen to what I say, but you can listen to what they have seen and heard. This is the message I want to bring to you."

"After listening to the information, you will consider whether to cooperate with me.

After listening to Chen Mo's words,

Queen Oran said unceremoniously:

"I am willing to use 1 ton of Tiberium ore in exchange for my people, with no other strings attached!"

"If you change it, come to the asteroid belt near Planet 6!

"I will never have any cooperation with Cosmic Locusts!"

"Next time we meet, I will kill you!"

The attitude is very firm.

Then Chen Mo was kicked out of his connection with Planet Will.

On the other side, Chen Mo, whose brain was buzzing, took a sip of tea, but his face was full of smiles.

The plan appears to have failed.

Actually half done!

The two snake girls have already seen his background and part of his strength.

After going back, I believe the Queen will be very shocked!

Even, she will have the idea of ​​whether to take refuge in Chen Mo.

Of course, if you want to rely on this, it is impossible for the other party to tremble and kneel and lick on the spot.

The odds are very low.

After all, the Snake Queen herself is about to ascend to the gods immediately, and she is definitely not willing to rely on others as a slave.

But this information will definitely be able to cause a sensation to people!

Make them feel that Chen Mo really wants to rebel against them.

And worked hard for it.

Not only self-destructed strength, but also willing to return the Queen's right-hand man.

But in fact,

At the moment when the two captives reach their home planet,

Chen Mo's plan is over.


He has no intrigue.

Purely prepared to be hard.


Two carefully handled snake girls were sent back.

The starship that came to pick up, Chen Mo also let the other party leave.

The starship turned around and went to several powerful floating cities before returning to the mother planet.

In the hall, looking at Opera with only half of her body left, everyone gasped, and the Queen was heartbroken.

"Hateful! After this is still a good part, I can imagine how painful it was at the beginning!"

"We Snake People are very vengeful, this must be avenged!"

"Oh... I finally came back alive."

"Don't worry, Her Majesty the Queen, the day of the gods, is the death of the slave owner!"

"Strive to find the other party's home planet and directly wipe out!

Being cared about by everyone, surrounded by the middle,

Opera finally couldn't take it anymore,

"Woooooooo crying.

She couldn't take it anymore, she received a lot of beatings, and saw a lot of powerful monsters!

Originally, she thought she was dead, especially after Olitoka with the spear of the snake race was also captured,

She is desperate.

Unexpectedly, the Queen even brought her back under such circumstances!

"Thank you Queen!"

"Thank you all, woohoo, I really thought I was dead.

Seeing Opera so excited, Olitoka, who had been forcibly tied up, couldn't help but get slightly wet eyes.

Being able to return to her home planet was something she never dreamed of.

At the slave owner, the treatment she suffered was really humiliating.

And she always felt that something was wrong.

But can't tell.

She was in a coma for a while, and when she woke up, she was covered in strange mucus.

Some parts are also sore.

All in all, it doesn't feel good.

The evil slave owner must have done something to her.

"Hateful! Still not strong enough to be so humiliated!"

Olitoka clenched her teeth.

It was so embarrassing that she couldn't tell it, so she didn't mention it to everyone.

But the queen still saw that she had something on her mind,

He opened his mouth to comfort and said:

"Olitoka is all right, everything is over, don't worry, I checked it out, you two are fine, take care of your injuries."

"But don't appear in the public eye for now, just stay in the palace for a while, and when I succeed in ascending to the gods, you will go out.

The queen said.

She did this by carefully observing the two,

Second, and most importantly, avoid making irresponsible remarks by the golden people of the Temple of Heaven.

After all, the main commander of the two snake girls ran back, but the whole army was wiped out.

Nothing can be said about this!

"But when I become a god, these are all small problems!"

"The emperor and those golden people don't dare to fart."

"I will be one of the most powerful gods!"

"My strength will improve very fast, far exceeding the rest of the gods."

"Don't the gods really think that if I have a god, they will have an extra cannon fodder?

"Humph... I'm afraid that when the time comes, they won't be able to direct me."

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in the Queen's eyes.

She has a secret in her heart, a secret that no one has ever told.

This is also her trump card.

Of course, from Olitoka, she learned that the slave owner's servant could also use Tiberium ore.

This unstable mineral can only be used with the help of the mysterious knowledge there.

She was shocked by this!

At the same time, this information also surprised her.

This is the message that the slave owner really wanted to convey,

A message that does not need to be explicitly told, but that the owner of the secret can comprehend when he sees it,

I believe this is why the slave owner is willing to contact her and show goodwill.

"Could it be that if I ascend to God, will I have control over that source of knowledge, that strange dream?"

"Or get more treasures.

"But no matter what kind it is, it will make the slave owner excited and jealous."

"The other party wants to establish a relationship with me in advance, and even wants to subdue me."

"This power must be very precious, and I hold the key there.."

"The fish people are also in control, but I believe that I am definitely in the leading position."

"But even so, I can't relax."

"Maintain the advantage and crush that slave owner!"

At this moment, there is one more target that the Queen needs to conquer.

Full of confidence.

Holy Terra.

Sunset falls.

Another day is over.

On this day, Chen Mo's army did not interfere with the Temple of Heaven.

So swept the entire 33 theaters.

the entire war zone,

6 life planets, all in hand!

Well, I can't say it's all in hand.

Life Planets 1, 2 and 6,

Belong to all.

Among the three, the first two were the blessings of the Heavenly Temple, scaring the newcomers away.

Planet 6 was simply snatched from the Temple of Heaven.

For the rest of the planets, Chen Mo also occupies an absolute majority.

The new people can only guard the base they have built.

When the little fox counted up the specific harvest of the entire war zone.

Chen Mo was all smiles.

Under the power of phagocytosis and 'metal genes,

Leviathan has emptied the entire war zone and most of the valuable high-energy mines.

all mineral resources,

have been eaten by him,

The rest is to sell slowly.

A little statistics, occupy the largest part of the magic crystal, followed by mining.

Of course, this manganese ore is mainly concentrated in No. 1 life planet.

At the same time, Chen Mo also seized 100,000 new mining farms.

Bought their equipment at a 10% discount.

Extinction resistance indigenous, the more the ten million or so.

But no chance to evolve.

Because the strength of these indigenous people is very low, the strongest is only rank 9.

The rest of the newcomers killed them, and it was purely 3.3 to get federation rewards,

Simply killing these brainwashed natives is a business at a loss.

"Sure enough, the richest is the Temple of Heaven.

"Search the entire war zone, it's better to destroy the base of the Temple of Heaven to earn money!"

Chen Mo looked at the harvest list and couldn't help feeling emotional.

The harvest contributed by the Tianshen Temple occupies the absolute majority!

The second is federal incentives.

Last is mining.

The benefits of developing the planet require continuous investment.

It also takes some patience to generate income.

"According to this rate of income, after I occupy the 38th theater, I have adequate resources."

"And as long as I get another chance to evolve, I'll have accumulated enough to make a leap in evolution."

"At that time, you will be able to become a star soul powerhouse!"

This rate of development,

very horrible.

Even the most talented newcomers can only look up.

Even, Chen Mo's back can no longer be seen.

Except for Chen Mo, no rookie can sweep the entire war zone in one day!

Not to mention, just clean up the Temple of Heaven!

Master "~ An uninvited guest has come to our Tiberium mining area."

"The other party is wandering around."

At this time, Queen Ashe walked in.


Visitors from the universe?

Good luck, it seems, doesn't eliminate all troubles.

The strong radiation in the Tiberium mining area eventually attracted the attention of some creatures.

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