Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 221 God-level lizard dragon! 38 theaters, ready to start! Federal assessment! (1 more)

Holy Terra.

The golden beach under the moonlight is extremely beautiful.

at this time,

The mermaid city in the distance has been built.

the city is not big,

But very prosperous, which also serves a variety of cuisines for Chen Mo's manor.

Now Chen Mo has very few mother stars to order takeout.

Instead, the raw materials are purchased directly.

Among the mermaids, many chefs have been trained, and with suitable materials, it is easy to make various delicacies.

The cost of eating and drinking, Chen Mo is already very high.

It's a huge difference from just ordering something at the beginning and dealing with it.

"There is a group of people who serve themselves and own the properties of more than a dozen planets.

"Life is really cool."

"It's no wonder that so many people are trying their best to become the master of star souls.

Chen Mo looked at the hazy moonlight outside the window and sighed slightly.

While eating a delicious dinner, he listened to the Queen's narration.

"So it's a bunch of organized monsters?"

Chen Mo was a little stunned.

Life in the universe finally appeared.

But the way, and what he imagined, is somewhat different.

"Yes masters, according to the observation of the commander on the scene, their biological makeup is very complex."

We've even found a golden man in it.

"But what is certain is that this golden person has nothing to do with the Temple of Heaven."

"I guess they are gangs like star thieves, robbers, and wanderers."

"Have someone drive them away and that's it."

"But by chance, I discovered that they also used communication devices, and one of them was wearing a kind of dark armor."

Dark armor?

Speaking of this, Chen Mo is not sleepy at 29.

"You mean...

"Yes, the master is the lizard dragon scales."

The queen smiled, leaned over gently, and poured Chen Mo a glass of fine wine.

Then continued:

"The degree to which the scales absorb rays, and even the quality is better than ours."

"These monsters are related to god-level lizard dragons.

"So instead of rushing to drive them away, I pretended not to notice, let them peek at the edge, and left."

"I believe they will be back soon.

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction to the Queen's actions.

At the same time, he also suddenly understood,

In the first few days of successful star core planting, the period when it was most likely to attract life in the universe, why was no one found.

Moreover, opening the portal so frequently to transport various materials, space fluctuations are also very easy to attract life in the universe.


None appeared.


The reason is here.

There is a high probability that these monsters are attracted by more powerful individuals or a certain breath.

So they all changed halfway,

Then gathered.

What the Queen observed not long ago should be the success of the monsters gathering.

Something wants to take advantage of these monsters...

Of course not one or two,

But one after another, the accumulated monsters will be quite large in number.

Among them, there is no lack of cosmic life at the peak of legend.

As for the Lizard Dragon, it can be confirmed that it is already a god level.

It's very strange, I don't know why the other party didn't appear directly?

However, when Chen Mo thought about it carefully, he came to understand that the matter of killing the Lizard Dragon, in the Star Soul World, he would naturally know it by asking casually.

But for outsiders, this is indeed a difficult thing to know.

The lizard dragon may already have a lot of clues, but it is still unclear what is going on.

The other party is also secretly investigating.

"Anyway, the lizard dragon finally appeared."

"The next time those monsters come, break them up and find a few as eyeliners."

Chen Mo told the queen.

Backed by the star soul world, and Chen Mo will soon become the master of the star soul.

Therefore, he is not very afraid of the god-level lizard dragon.

Instead, some expect the other party to come to the door.

But it is not easy to find each other,

God-level lizard dragons are definitely more greedy for life and fear of death, and they are more cunning.

Otherwise, it is impossible to mix to that level.

The other party must be very far away from here,

I just gathered a group of pendants to do things for myself.

"Good host!"

The Queen readily took orders.

"He didn't dare to take action by himself, he just sent some rogues over, which has no meaning other than giving us benefits."

Since seeing the Fortress with Chen Mo, the queen has a clearer understanding of the true strength of her master.

So even after knowing that he was missed by a god-level enemy.

No worries either.

Instead, they are excited, because if there are some difficulties, they can reflect the role of their servants.

"Good! Indeed it is!

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

"This Tiberium mining area can not only provide me with a steady stream of ore, but now it has another benefit."

"It can provide me with possible evolutionary opportunities.

"As a god-level cosmic life, the means and efficiency of the lizard dragon to gather cosmic life must be much higher than mine."

"There must be many outstanding individuals among them.

"You can contribute an evolutionary force to me at that time!"

As long as he can obtain evolutionary opportunities, Chen Mo would rather take the risk of losing certain resources.

Evolution is his fundamental strength!

To charge more genes means power.

With the increase in strength, it is increasingly difficult for Chen Mo's exclusive race to obtain suitable high-quality genes.

And the god-level lizard dragon...

There is no doubt that this is the only living organism known to Chen Mo so far that can provide him with a chance for evolution.

And Chen Mo believes that it will be a very powerful opportunity for evolution!

Just the scales made him drool.

From this point alone:

Exploring "source" knowledge is not as valuable as this!

Before becoming a Star God, he has already obtained the clues to advance to the Star God.

Thanks Lizard Dragon,

Great news for him!

By this time, it was almost past dinner time.

Mu Yao sent a video request.

"Congratulations to Boss Chen Lue~~

"Now that your reputation has spread far and wide, it is estimated that the Federation will conduct a phased battle assessment on you tomorrow. The reward is a spray, which is really enviable."

She smiled and rolled her eyes.

At this time, she already knew the news of Chen Mo's victory.

Therefore, I specially picked this time and sent a video to congratulate me.

Of course, gossip is gossip,

When it comes to business, she is still very serious.

"My factory is already expanding. I have finished processing the batch of goods you gave yesterday. I'll have someone send it over later, and you can see how it looks."

"Don't be so troublesome, you can just sell the goods directly.

Chen Mo said.

He doesn't care whether the energy block is in good condition or not, and it has no effect on his income.

After all, the market price is very transparent,

He only needs to get his part of the income, a total of about 2 billion, and that's it!

At the same time, he was slightly surprised that Mu Yao, who had been operating in Xiahai City for many years, managed to get things done so quickly.

Ability is indeed possible!

Generally speaking, temporarily adding a lot of valuable equipment is not what you want to do.

The founding planet of the consortium will not wait for others.

You need to make an appointment in advance, or if you have a good network, you can cut the queue in advance.

"Thank you Boss Chen for your trust~

"Then I went directly to the sales channel and sold it."

Mu Jin stuck out his tongue and made a playful expression,

She didn't find it herself,

In front of Chen Mo, he removed his business disguise,

Less serious, more girly.

Of course, this is also the reason for the close cooperation between the two, and many details have been finalized.

No more haggling needed.

So she felt very relaxed.

"It's too late, I have already contacted some of the fishery sales channels, and it should be able to be done before you ship.

"By that time, the portal between us should have already been built.

"Can I come over to avoid dinner then?"

Mu Yao joked.

"Welcome, Mr. Mu can come to guide the work at any time!"

Chen Mo replied with a smile.

hang up communication 783,

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Yao's mouth, chatting with Chen Mo, and it felt good.

When the construction of the portal is completed, the transaction between the two parties can officially begin.

At that time, there will be a steady stream of goods that pass through her and flow into the entire Star Soul World.

"I believe that a mineral planet that once ranked first, as well as a large number of high-quality agricultural planets, can shock many people!"

"Not to mention a whole planet of War Zone 33 joined!"

"Huh...but my work has finally come to an end.

"An extra shift tonight! Try to get things done, and the equipment is fully purchased!"

Mu Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her delicate little face lightly.

She has been so busy these days that she is dizzy.

Chen Mo can stop here for a while, that's fine.

After all, the other party is too aggressive. If she keeps doing it like this, she will work overtime every day, and she really can't stand it.

Of course, Mu Yao doesn't know yet,

Staring at the dark circles tomorrow, she will start working overtime again.

Because, she will find that Chen Mo is about to open up the 38 theater, and there is a new business that needs to be opened.

Another night passed,

Chen Mo slept comfortably until he woke up naturally.

At this time,

His watch chimed.


Is Luo Bing's portal ready?

Chen Mo suddenly felt joy in his heart.

But when he opened the watch, he found that it was not Luo Bing who contacted him, but the federal official.

Chen Mo "Hello, Mr., we have begun to evaluate your combat achievements in stages, which may involve on-site evaluation. Please be prepared."

Looking at this news,

Chen Mo suddenly remembered:

After he occupied the 33rd theater, the Federation did come with such a reminder.

At that time, I thought that I would be able to get the reward directly after a while.

Unexpectedly, there is also an on-site evaluation stage.


This stage is not over yet!

Everyone thought it was over.

But he's different, he hasn't done it yet in the 38th theater!

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