Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 224 I am addicted to beauty! The legion attacked the 38th theater! (2 more)

What a guts!

How dare you lick my saliva!

Chen Mo's face turned pale, and he said seriously:


"Just touch my left cheek like this, is my right cheek unworthy?

"Other places, you can also try.

The queen is also bold,

At this moment, the master looked serious when he met, and immediately closed his eyes-,

Waiting for the penalty.


really useful?

"Hey, Chen Mo, what are you doing?"

"I sent you a message in the morning, and you will only reply in the evening."

Luo Bing's teleportation formation has now been constructed,

sent a video,

A look of doubt.

If it weren't for an endless stream of armies coming, dragging a large number of weapons,

She had to think that Chen Mo had forgotten about it.

There is really something to discuss with the other party,

So she couldn't help but post a video.

"Hey, why are you still sleeping?"

Luo Bing looked at Chen Mo as if he had no clothes on and was still lying on the bed.

Did something go wrong?

What time is it.


Chen Mo took a deep breath,

He quickly patted the queen's head and motioned her to stop for a while.

Let him take a breath.

Take some time to talk to Luo Bing.

After all, enjoyment is important,

But doing the right thing is still necessary.

Proper relaxation is necessary, but if you delay too much time, things will be too late.

"Well, I've been busy today, and I'm only ready to rest now.

"I have made a plan, my army will move step by step under the leadership of the commander, and they should be here now, right?"

Chen Mo quickly changed the subject.

"Well, I came here, and I brought a lot of Tiberium ore. But I don't have a warehouse here to store it. Fortunately, I have a quick response. I asked them to put the ore into outer space.

"However, the efficiency of your legion is indeed very high. It is too powerful. I would like to ask, when will the official attack start?"

"The floating city on the side of the Temple of Heaven is not easy to fight. There is a shield there. When such a large army passes by, they can find it in advance from a long distance."

"Should I let people sneak in first and destroy those giant naval guns?"

Luo Bing asked.

At the same time, she muttered to herself, what is Chen Mo doing?


Eating chili?

It feels weird anyway.

It was the first time she had seen Chen Mo with such an unruly expression.

And why did he shoot the camera so high?

Do I miss you?

Cut ~ cheapskate.

No eight pack abs.

Even if it is long, she will not be discouraged.

Of course, these thoughts, Luo Bing just flashed by, she was still very serious when talking about business.

"No, I already have a complete plan based on the information you provided."

"You just need to feel at ease and develop yourself, and by the way, accumulate more material, you can go to me to sell the items.

Chen Mo said.

He is here to connect to the parent star, and the portal does not need money!

This part of the cost is saved, that is, earned.

Luo Bing goes to him to ship the goods, and he can also charge a little fee.

Mosquito legs are also meat.

He doesn't dislike it.

After some exchange,

Chen Mo hastily ended the conversation.

after all,

He's also busy communicating with the mermaid queen.

Chen Mo is addicted to it and has been for a whole day.

Looking out the window now, before you know it, the sun has set.

I have to sigh, Beauty Township, Gentle Home!

Sitting on more than a dozen planets, and the master of the star soul,

Chen Mo has many choices!

But this time, it was a bit sudden.

It was a rather unexpected attempt.

I have to say that the queen who brings together a beautiful body and a body is indeed very good.

Just like that,

Mars goes straight.

In this case, Chen Mo is welcome.

So many beautiful subordinates are not just for use.

How to use it depends on his mind.

In this regard, there is no need to be overly concerned.

After all, the masters of their star souls, what they pursue is to be a superior person, to occupy a planet with one.

Occupying the Queen today can be considered a successful breakthrough.

It's a reward for your hard work.


The queen looked at Chen Mo with eyes like silk.

By now,

Still calling the master, but this soft call contained more meanings.

In addition to awe and worship, there is also this deep affection.

In short,

get up.

"Master~ Our army has already started fighting, and I believe the final result will be obtained within two days."

Our "strategy" is to fight the planets one by one step by step, to stimulate the Temple of Heaven.

"By the way, this can also drive out the rest of the newcomers.

When "The Temple of Heaven is strong enough, we will storm the floating city."

"In addition, in the Tiberium mining area, that group of monsters did not appear. We successfully harvested 20 pieces of Tiberium ore, of which the blue ore was...

The two sisters Erin reported their work.

Their mothers were busy, so they also took over some things, but fortunately they were all simple things.

With the cooperation of the secretary and the biological mastermind, it is very simple to deal with.

After all, this is the master's world,

It is very different from the previous murloc world, any order will be absolutely executed, and any information obtained by oneself is absolutely true and reliable.

Bullying, cheating, trolling, and the like will never happen.

So everything becomes very simple.

The only caveat is that the command must be correct.

"Hey, wrong.

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction.

He had no doubts that even if he continued to lead the Queen back to the house, he would not be there for the entire battle.

There will be no problem either.

His command and management building have begun to bear fruit.

This is the result of his own exploration.

Like his civilization construction model, the Star Soul World has never existed.

completely different from the rest.

Although everything has to be explored by himself, it is precisely because of this particularity that Chen Mo is very at ease and comfortable when he is the boss.

· Ask for flowers...

till now:

Chen Mo already owns more than a thousand Leviathan.

The number of parasite legions exceeds 70 billion.

Among them, those with rank 5 or higher combat power are as high as 40 billion.

It has also cultivated a group of skilled tyrants with very fast construction speed.

So many legions, just squeezed together, the total weight is as big as an asteroid.

This huge mass, by virtue of gravity alone, can set off a natural disaster that affects the entire planet of life.

Scourge Legion, worthy of the name!

Wherever you go, in addition to joining the glorious evolution, there is only one way to become nourishment!

It can be said that this is a very terrifying force.

current stage,

Whether it is quantity or quality, it is out of absolute overwhelming advantage.

Not to mention tactical tactics and genetic suppression.

Counting these two, the Heavenly God Temple will not dispatch the true gods!

Otherwise there is no chance.

This is also the reason why Chen Mo was just in the 38th theater, and he was pressing against the Temple of Heaven step by step.


Not only the rest of the newcomers, the Temple of Heaven, but also the cows he raised.

These guys are like a flooded sea, squeeze and squeeze, and they can always squeeze out some good.

Currently "I am on my 21st day as Lord of the Planet.

"In two more days at most, I will accumulate enough resources to reach the star soul powerhouse."

Looking at the stars shining in the sky, Chen Mo's heart ignited a flame.

Here, it can be even stronger!

He will have an unmatched army that will sweep across the universe.

Of course,

Certainly not yet.

At the moment his opponents are the Snake People and the Temple of Heaven.

Defeat the opponent, absorb the resources of the Heavenly God Temple, and believe that you will be able to become a Star God.

As for the other newcomers, Chen Mo also knows what they think.

Some of them may feel that they can compete with him in terms of contribution value.

After all, Chen Mo has consumed a lot of resources by himself and has not sold them.

The natural contribution value will not increase on a large scale.

However.. in the capture of War Zone 38, the situation will be completely different.

Sitting on two war zones, even if the rest of the newcomers sell planets, they won't earn as much by selling resources!

If Chen Mo didn't make a mistake in his estimation, at this moment, a new person was already planning to sell the planet.

"But it's a pity, I'm in a hurry to get resources here, otherwise I can let them sell happily first."

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

At present, Chen Mo alone occupies more resources than all the newcomers combined.

And in terms of civilization level, star soul level, and the number of strong people, he is also completely crushing the rest of the newcomers.

The gap between the rest of the newcomers and him will only get bigger and bigger!

And the more resources are available, the faster Chen Mo develops.

The rest of the newcomers couldn't catch up at all.

In the follow-up, his legion became larger and larger, the legion expanded one by one, the astral world and the biological brain spread.

His strength will only get stronger.

Only then can he fully utilize his advantages!

After analyzing the current situation,

Chen Mo opened the watch again,

Check your own planet attributes: large,

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