Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 225 The annihilating star floating city! Soft and deceiving! (3 more) Ask for flowers, ask f

At this point, Chen Mo's progress has been quite obvious.

After occupying a war zone and defeating the Temple of Heaven twice in a row.

The federation's overall evaluation of Chen Mo has completely changed!

Turn on the watch.

Lord of the Planet: Chen Mo (Legend Peak)

Star soul level: dark blue

Planet ID: 23788

Civilization Level: Level 1.9

Civilization Tendency: Genes, Ancient Technology, Swarms

Planetary contribution: 106 billion

Planet Ranking: No. 1 in Newcomer Zone, No. 1 in War Zone 33 Real Time()

Planet information: low energy planet (half garden world), has a special connection with the mother world

Important facilities: permanent home star channel, portal (2 connection points), planetary defense system, biological master brain

Colony Planet: Mothership Fortress (), Ocean Planet (top agricultural planet), Tiberium mining area (top mining planet), No. 12 resource planet...

Special resources; fishery, titanium ore, magic crystal, bell "807" ore, a lot of Tiberium ore, richer manganese ore, Hulk (slave miner)

Enslaved Race: Mermaid (retains the original race form)

Existing resources: 15.1 billion in cash, 50 tons of magic crystals, 1.1 tons of Tiberium ore, 100 energy blocks, 1 ton of manganese ore...

Other information: No summary yet

"With the growth of the parasite legion, the number of my exclusive races has spread over 18 planets."

"And my strength has also reached the pinnacle of legend."

"One step forward, it's a demigod."

"And my accumulation of resources has finally become a little rich. After spending 55 billion in cash to engage in "Dark Sky", there are still tens of billions left."

These cash, mainly from the Tiberium mining area.

The disguised channel is processed into energy blocks through Mu Yao.

In addition to his own strength and resource accumulation, Chen Mo has another interesting discovery:

The federation actually treated his original parasitic body as a special resource.

Hulk (slave miner).

This thing was just a gimmick that Chen Mo came up with to make money, and now it is marketed in the entire newcomer area.

It has become one of his obvious products and one of the characteristics of his civilization.

This is something Chen Mo didn't expect.

It can be said that the parasite army is really useful!

Fighting, making money, mining, all kinds of professions, all proficient!

Even if Chen Mo has grown up to now,

The most basic Hulk is still a steady stream, giving him creator value.

It has even become a business card of the sacred Terra civilization.

It is also because the sales volume is so huge and the supply is stable, so the Federation simply marked this as a special resource for Chen Mo.

In the entire Star Soul World, only he can rent out this strange slave miner.

According to "My current resource accumulation speed, once I occupy the 38th theater, I will immediately have enough resources for evolution.

"There's even room to save the next portion of cash."

"In this case, we should focus on seeking evolutionary opportunities.

"The Temple of Heaven must be stronger!"

"By the way, there is also the Tiberium mining area, and some ore must be left on it to strengthen the attraction!

Think carefully~~

"What kind of masters are there now in the Temple of Heaven?"

Chen Mo looked at this Irene and asked.

"It's mainly Jin people, and there seem to be some snake people. There seems to be a demigod-level powerhouse, but the other party is sitting in the floating city and has not gone out.

"Their floating city is very powerful, and its energy level is quite high. With a full blow, it can destroy a planet."

Erin returned immediately.

This information, before she ordered the army to attack, had already figured out very clearly.

"It doesn't matter, the floating city has a limited range, put more gravity cores, interfere with the transmission, and don't let them get close to the life planet."

Chen Mo ordered.

This floating city is a bit interesting, and there are demigods in it!

At least one chance to evolve!

"Send a few flying dragons over and try their defense."

Ongoing "constantly, harassing them.

"The army will continue to sweep and purify all the natives related to the Temple of Heaven!"

Chen Mo ordered.

His army had no morale problems.

Sending people to die and harassing them can also be a very cheap and useful strategy!

Try to piss off the opposite demigod.

As long as the opponent makes a move, they will know whether there is an opportunity for evolution.

Chen Mo can allocate resources in advance!

"Good host!"

"Definitely complete the mission!"

The two Erin sisters, their cheeks were flushed.

Full of energy!

This time, the two sisters participated in the battle of the big army and learned a lot,

It is also proof of the owner's trust.

The more things you do for the master, the more you can prove your status in the master's mind.

like their mothers,

He has made outstanding contributions and won the favor of the owner.

was rewarded before,

Although suspicion is a misunderstanding,

The queen herself praised herself.

But this time, it was indeed confirmed.

The two sisters looked at the radiant queen.

More and more certain in my heart.

Can not help but envy.

So, after the business is done.

The two women were not in a hurry to leave.

"Mother~ seems to be in a good mood."

Ellie is straight,

Can't help it, knock it sideways.

Although all the mermaids, this thing has spread,

After all, the level of hoarseness, I wish I could resound through the entire Terra.

That said, it may be an exaggeration.

But the whole manor still had no problem hearing it.

"Well, I got the gift of the master."

Unlike Chen Mo, who was coughing dryly on the side.

The Queen did not shy away.

Instead, he raised his chest and said proudly.

This is not something that is difficult to tell.

On the contrary, it is the master's approval for her.

There is nothing that can't be said without going into specifics.

She won't be embarrassed either.

I believe her two daughters are only envious.


After she finished speaking,

The two sisters Aileen laughed according to their mouths.

eyes twinkling,

Twinkling, looking at Chen Mo.

"Mother~ Your voice seems a little hoarse~"

Erin said with a smile.

"Naturally, I'm a little excited."

"But the master likes it.

The Queen is telling the truth.

At the same time, she winked at the two sisters.

Then, she looked at Chen Mo and said:

"Master~ Irene's singing voice is the most famous in my clan, and it is melodious."

"Sweet voices.

"And her twin sister, Ellie, is graceful and dancing.


"Soft and deceiving.

As the mermaid queen, the pattern must be opened.

What's more, it is her most important destiny twins.

this wave,

Seeing that the master is in a good mood, she might as well let go.

Hear the Queen.

Chen Mo couldn't help rolling his eyes.

good guy,

It is not a loss to be the strongest under his command, the mermaid queen.

This pattern is unusual.

I had to teach myself yesterday.

With a little development, you will be self-taught.

"Your ability to learn is really strong.

Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

"Hee hee, master taught me well.

"But I remember telling the master that my ability to learn is very strong, and it's not just bragging."

The queen smiled softly.

Chen Mo;

good guy,

The blue is better than the blue. It belongs to yes.

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