Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 226 Find a chance to come to my room! Concept level attack! (1 more)

Listen to the conversation between Chen Mo and the queen.

The sisters' eyes widened.


What's the matter with you!

It was obviously the two sisters who were going to run on it.

Just to clarify a little bit,

Increase the atmosphere of the two.


It feels like the action is completely redundant.

The Queen is not at all embarrassed not to say,

He also looked like no one else was there.

This is getting more and more outrageous,


Still want to exchange technology in front of them?

This is so boring and crooked that I can fish out more than ten pounds of brown sugar!


Instead, the two sisters blushed.

Can't stand still!

Scalp tingling!

I really want to turn around and leave.

However, with Chen Mo in front of them, they could only stand obediently.

Master, still watching.

"Master~ don't listen to your mother's nonsense!"

"Yes, she is complimenting us indiscriminately, in fact, sister Irene's dance is also very good.

Irene and Ellie, two sisters, hurriedly explained.

He glared at the queen fiercely again.

Damn it, is there such a face to face, molesting her two?

Just kidding normally.

On this occasion,

It's too much!

Of course,

Most importantly,


They had no idea that the situation would develop like this.

The Queen's reaction was completely unexpected.

And the master looked over again,

The two sisters were too frightened to look up,

They didn't dare to look at Chen Mo at all.

But no matter what, he is also a powerhouse at the peak of the legend, and it is still very easy to control his emotions.

Erin forced herself to calm down,

I want to change the subject.

But when he met Chen Mo's eyes, he opened his mouth unexpectedly, but he couldn't speak.

Instead, in the eyes,

Unreservedly, exuding a longing look.

Seems to be expecting something.


Irene knew exactly what she looked like at this time, but she couldn't help it.

Just like that.

for a time,

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack to get in.


When Erin turned to look at her sister.

She suddenly calmed down.

for no reason,

The younger sister shared an expression with her.

Whenever she couldn't distinguish her inner thoughts, Irene used to look at her sister.

Doing so has many benefits.

The two sisters are in the same mind, and their ideas are close.

Even, the response to external stimuli is the same.

My sister is like a mirror to her.

Not exactly the same, but it can fully reflect itself.

Desires for the owner's attention.

This is my true inner thought!

to understand this,

Erin felt calm in her heart.

Since this is your true opinion, face it bravely.

Although she is only a girl, she also has the courage to face herself.


Erin said.

it is more than words.

"Find a chance to come to my room.

"I'll be my woman from now on.

Chen Mo looked at Juezhi's face and said directly.

"the same as you."

He looked at Ellie again.

When Ellie saw that the master didn't look at her, she slammed, and tears were about to fall.


Say this to the master,

Well, I couldn't help it right away.

With his mouth closed, he nods his head twice,

Crystal clear tears rolled out.

too excited!

"Cough cough!"

"That master, should we expand our manor, after all, the layout has become larger.

The queen pointed to her mouth in general and laughed.

But her question is really no joke.

The estate is currently facing this problem.

After all, Chen Mo didn't take into account the problem of his family.

"Don't worry, I will have a breakthrough when War Zone 38 is attacked."

"When the time comes, a stronger power might bring a stronger transformation to Terra."

"You too, will become stronger.

"The wind of change is coming, and it will be modified according to the situation."

"After that, this place will become the real "Sacred Terra, a civilization completely different from the past. Under my command, it will rise rapidly."

Chen Mo plans to.

Although changing the estate doesn't cost much,

But as the Queen's realm improves, the ocean transformation will naturally continue to follow up.

Planet energy level up.

When the garden world level is reached, the one-time transformation is completed, which is more trouble-free!

Holy Terra, will also have a place on the planet leaderboard!

Until then,

He is also a strong star soul, and his civilization level has also entered a 2.0-level civilization.

The Federation will open him up to more knowledge.

The three girls' eyes lit up when they heard it,

The queen looked at Chen Mo with admiration and said, "Master~ Then we will have a territory composed of 18 life planets."

"Not only that, but also the ever-expanding star realm.

"Well, at that time this is my independent kingdom, and the Star Soul World will not be involved.

In the next "fight, I will also choose the direction myself, and it will be a lot more free.

Chen Mo nodded.

Owning an exclusive civilization and industry is the proof of the strong and the superior.

It is equivalent to obtaining the resource allocation power of part of the Star Soul World.

Of course,

This power continues to rise, and that is the concern of the laws of the world.

The more attention, the greater the power, until he becomes a member, he has the power to influence the resource distribution of the entire Star Soul World.

From talents, resources, to knowledge, everything controlled by the Star Soul World needs to be influenced by the councilors!

And all of this is based on your contribution to the Star Soul World.

The more you contribute, the more rewards in the Star Soul World, and the stronger you are.

The stronger you are, the more you can make a contribution.

is a positive incentive.

"The main enemy at present is the Temple of Heaven.

"Of course, any planet that does not belong to the Star Soul World, as long as it is occupied, it is a contribution and will be transformed into my strength."

Chen Mo briefly told a few people about his goals.

at the moment,

It's to get the newcomer first.

Get federal attention, then get rewarded.

Secondly, it is to destroy the Temple of Heaven and strive for the attention of the laws of the world.

Both concerns can bring a steady stream of benefits.

Of course, the light robbery will definitely not last long, and you should pay close attention to farming your own fields.

In a word, it is farming and war.

He wants it all!

"Then... we have to protect the Tiberium mining area."

"Maybe one day, red Tiberium ore will be born!"

said the queen.

This is the most important ongoing income right now.

There are Tiberium ore near the account every day, unlike the ocean planet, which is gone after digging.

And the enemies faced by the Tiberium mining area are not ordinary indigenous people.

And it may be a god-level cosmic life!

For such an enemy, even if it is the Temple of Heaven, it is necessary to deal with it carefully.

For ordinary natives, provoking a god and the demise of civilization are only one step away.

This is a very scary thing.

Especially the gods who grew up in the universe.

They are more powerful and ferocious.

It is often towards the path of the Heretic God, and being targeted by such a cosmos-level predator, to be honest, even if she is now in Terra, she is sometimes a little worried.

Such a powerful existence has gathered so many pendants.

What measures will be taken?

she does not know.

Can't guess either.

After all, the level gap is too big!

Of course, this kind of worry only exists in the Queen's heart.

People are still very optimistic.

She didn't want to pass on this concern to anyone.

try to win,

Try to share the master's worries, this is what she should do.

Chen Mo naturally saw her thoughts and said with a smile:

"There is no need to fear any battle.

"You just need to know one thing:

"Fight means opportunity."

"Every battle is an opportunity to become stronger, an opportunity to evolve, and it is contained in it."

"To be honest, I wish that from now on, the beings in the universe can attack nonstop for the last year and a half."

Chen Mo said this and joked:

"If I can get in touch with that old mother dragon, I might give the other party the money to buy her to gather her younger brother to attack."

Battle Evolution!

This is not just talk.

The more genes you touch, the stronger Chen Mo is!

If he could really buy the chance to evolve with money, Chen Mo would not hesitate at all.

What Chen Mo is really afraid of is the attack at the concept and law level.

It's the kind: the method of directly defining the enemy, and then obliterating the entire universe.

Similar to the spread of infection by the consciousness of the evil god, knowing knowledge is perceived by the other party, and so on.

This terrible attack, no matter where he hides, will be rooted out.

Of course,

The Star Soul World is very powerful. Chen Mo, as a top genius, has a certificate of conquest and a hood on his head.

This level of attack, don't worry about falling on his head.

If an attack is really coming, it means that the entire Star Soul World is almost over.

Queen: "Well, I understand, even if the other party is a god, as long as we don't destroy us all at once, our consciousness is located in the astral world and will last forever! There is no need to be afraid!"

"So now we have an advantage over the Temple of Heaven, as long as the beings in the universe dare to come, it will be the same fate.

"It will be gradually crushed by us!"


Chen Mo nodded,

He is such a rogue tactic.

Attacks that are much more powerful than him cannot fall on his head.

Instead of that kind of conceptual attack, the effect is basically small.

his parasite legion,

The cost is very low.

In him, people are cheaper than dogs.

And the conscious body, the other party can't kill it.

The whole process of wretched background remote control command.

Chen Mo can fail countless times, but 810 his opponent can't fail once,

Even if it's just a small injury,


Perhaps Chen Mo seized the opportunity to obtain genes.

And once the gene is in hand, suppressed and formed,

The situation is irreversible!

"Then we have to deal with the Temple of Heaven as soon as possible. When we defeat the 38th theater, the master's strength will leap forward. By then, the life of the universe will think that it is fully prepared, but we have changed our strength!"

Thinking of this, the queen should not turn her mouth slightly.

This kind of feeling of shocking the gods within a few days is really great.

It turned out that the master's strength is so powerful, and there is room to deal flexibly in the face of the gods!

If you think about it this way,

That god-level lizard dragon, isn't he playing the oil-filling tactics?

Chat with the Queen for a while.

Chen Mo opens the newcomer area.

At this time, it is already boiling inside.

Word has spread of his expedition to War Zone 38.

But to Chen Mo's surprise,

In this case, many people still think that Chen Mo can't win,

Just bluffing.

The newcomers of the total point 38 theater, don't run away.

Take a closer look,

Chen Mo came to understand, and their basis was that the portal was too small to transmit large units.

On Chen Mo's side, the powerful combat units are all huge in size.

What passed was just some greenskins and little dragons.

Can't make the climate.

Seeing this, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile,

No wonder these people are so optimistic.

after all,

Part of what they say is true.

But unfortunately, they don't know that Chen Mo's legion, flesh and consciousness, is separate.

It can't be regarded as a normal army at all!

He can completely cut the giant Leviathan,

piece of meat,

Shipped here to assemble!

to deliver so many resources,

Isn't it just for fast growth?

Not only that, by occupying the surrounding life planet first, he will gather more indigenous consciousness, and his strength will increase rapidly.

At this time,

His first batch of troops has also grown to about the same size.

look around,

Chen Mo looked towards the back of a dim asteroid.

Thorn pull.

With a soft sound, the slime splashes!

A giant flying dragon drilled out.

a true mighty army,

Incubation has been completed.


Just play big.

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