Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 227 The useless fight in the floating city! Planetary shield! (2 more)

38th War Zone.

The stronghold of the Temple of Heaven is not on a certain planet.

It is a man-made floating city.

Of course, on the side of the gods, this is not called the 38th theater.

Instead, it's called: Sector 12.

Their world is divided from the inside out,

The central star field is the 1st ring star field.


It doesn't matter what it's called at this point.

This is about to become the history of the Temple of Heaven.

A large black worm tide is rising, almost covering the entire floating city.

The shield in the sky shone dazzlingly.

The giant main gun continued to roar until the entire overload was scrapped.

There is a limit to the power of machinery.

In the face of endless monsters, the originally indestructible floating city,

Shaky at the moment.

But even the most pessimistic golden man firmly believes that,

Floating City is not so easy to fail.

After all, there are demigods sitting here!

Moreover, this is the masterpiece of the entire Temple of Heaven,

A real weapon of war.

A floating city, the cost alone exceeds the value of more than a dozen planets,

Although this one is only a low-level floating city, its area of ​​more than 500,000 square kilometers makes it look extremely huge.

An entire floating city built on magical devices constructed from various precious alloys and runes.

The entire city is not only used to live, but can also launch a fatal blow from the universe, enough to destroy the stars.


Such a blow is brewing.

With the protection of the energy shield,

The floating city easily accumulates power,

In an instant.

A bright light lit up,

This is a blow that surpasses the full force of the demigods,

If it is only about the energy level, it has even reached the level of the gods.


It is the greatest power of the floating city,

Destroyer star main gun!

next moment,

In the distance, there were countless parasite legions of asteroids, which were directly pierced through a large hole of 100 kilometers.

The parasites on the entire asteroid evaporate in situ.

a soft sound,

Asteroids that were originally covered with creep,

There is a big hole in the middle, and the rest of it is shiny.

The terrifying pressure and high temperature make the parts without evaporation directly vitrify.

The battle has come to the most intense part.

Chen Mo's parasite army uses asteroids as shields to consume the main guns of the floating city.

At this time, recently, the flying dragon has rushed into the shield.

However, it was shot down by the elites of the Temple of Heaven, who were waiting for it.

this battle,

Naturally, it is being watched by all the people in the newcomer area.

The newcomers of the 38th theater, not to mention.

Everyone stared at the chat area.

There are newcomers near the front line, and battle reports come from time to time.

Seeing that the floating city was finally forced to use the main gun,

The terrifying power shocked everyone.

"Hey... this power is really terrifying."

"Stop! Chen Mo's legion is unlikely to be able to push the asteroid forward any longer."

"This blow killed at least tens of millions of parasites!"

"I thought I could see an asteroid hitting the floating city!"

"It's terrifying. Every minute and every second of this battle, at least hundreds of thousands of monsters die, right?"

"According to this calculation, it will take me up to 1 second to go up.

"I 0.5 seconds!"

"Be better, you can top for 2 seconds!"

"You are all scumbags, I can hold on for 3 seconds!"

"Five seconds is a real man. If you don't have it, you will climb it. You have no right to speak here!"

"Mr. Chen Mo is awesome!

"No matter how awesome you are, you can't stand to consume like this.

Then "9 times, almost this army of hundreds of millions will be exhausted."

"The weakness of this legion is also very obvious. It has been close to the past several times, but because of its insufficient strength, it has been pushed back.

"The portal is too small, and Chen Mo's really powerful army can't get through, these look like pure cannon fodder.

"Pure cannon fodder can also win, just spend more time. I see how long the floating city can support without external resources."

The most explosive offensive and defensive battle seems to have come to an end, and the parasite army is regrouping.

As a result, people began to discuss the war situation.

Of course,

What they don't know is that this is really just an appetizer that Chen Mo consumes.

at this time,

His real army is gathering.

Inside the floating city, inside a tower in the middle.

Many experts from the Temple of Heaven gathered in the conference hall on the top of the tower.

This is the core of the floating city - the control tower.

The demigod golden man let out a golden armor, and the big sword in his hand exuded a dazzling light.

In front of the metal seat on which he sat,

Qiqi stood two rows of golden man masters.

Each is a legend above,

Among them, the few wearing golden armor are even legendary peaks!

"The toughest battle is over.

The demigod said.

"But don't give up.

We "detected that this shameless slave owner was carrying more asteroids from afar."

The light tone made the atmosphere of the entire council room relax.

"My lord, under your protection, our main guns can shoot easily. How many asteroids come from the other side is useless!"

"What's more, there are only 3 nearby asteroids in the entire star region!

"Withstand another wave of offensive, do we start to counterattack? Always defending, I'm already feeling embarrassed!"

There is a legend of belligerence, showing a hideous smile directly.

This battle was really terrifying,

But unfortunately, it has little to do with them,

Because the enemy is too shameless, either by self-exploding harassment, or pushing the asteroid to collide.

In short,

Hunched in the floating city, very aggrieved.

Many people are eager for a frontal and tough battle.

| Presumptuous!"

"Don't be careless! Have you forgotten the battle on the Snake people's side? Do you want to repeat the same mistakes?"

"If you lose the floating city, you can just wait here to die!"

The originally peaceful demigod suddenly scolds.

The terrifying coercion made everyone breathless.

Especially the person who took the lead in talking about the attack at the beginning shivered and fell to the ground.

"The other party has a strange ability to control magical creations!

Although everyone does not believe that it is possible to do this with only flesh and blood, there must be a secret.

But there is nothing wrong with the fiasco of the snake people!

"Let's be safe!"

"Sister Oran has lost face, and I'm not as incompetent as she is.

The gods will know that our Jin people are always the most reliable and elite warriors in the Temple of Heaven.

Snake people are just a bunch of clowns who rely on talent.

Without Tiberium, they can't do anything. "

"So you all take 200% caution. In this battle, Floating Void City must not be lost!"

"Just follow my method and it's guaranteed to be impregnable!"

"This slave owner, just relying on these stinky fish and rotten shrimp, also wants to break us, just wishful thinking!"

"I will find opportunities to attack alone and take the heads of the other core personnel!

The voice of the demigod powerhouse was sonorous, and all the golden warriors took orders.

fighting till now,

The golden demigod powerhouse is actually even more aggrieved in his heart.

He is a dignified demigod, below all gods and above all living beings!

Actually forced to nest in the city to defend!

Very useless!


But in order to guard against the pervasive penetration of the other party, he had to delay like this.

Fortunately, after a round of extremely fierce battles,

He believes that the opponent has no cards to play.

I was bombarded by myself and killed thousands of monster slaves!

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