Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 228 After the pad? Don't even think about leaving! Riding the face and outputting demig

"These guys are quite conservative."

Chen Mo looked at the situation on the battlefield and was a little surprised for a while.

Because as usual, Jin people like to be straight.

There has never been a time of persistence.

He also thought that he could invade the floating city early with infection.

Obtain a relatively complete giant magical creation.

This is definitely much more valuable than a starship!

As a result, after working for a long time, I haven't played against each other's demigods!

This kept him from getting, evolutionary hints.

"Alas, there is no way to prepare evolution resources in advance."

"But that's fine. It's the first time the demigods are fighting each other. Maybe they want to eat the greenskins from my side."

Chen Mo said with certainty.

At the same time, the back of his hand shone slightly.

Star Soul works!

at this time,

The green-skinned me thinking force field has become stronger and stronger!

In fact, what Chen Mo didn't know was that he suffered a big loss from the snake people last time.

Therefore, the nearby Tianshen Temple knew his name.

Seeing this overwhelming army,

For the first time, I thought of that weird slave owner.


It sounds conservative.

Because the failure of the Snake Human Race was too strange, and it was disgraced.

And in order not to appear too incompetent.

Oran, the Queen of Snake People, blows Chen Mo when she sees anyone.

The army of Chen Mo was spread very strangely.

Before reaching the star soul powerhouse, Chen Mo already has a certain 810 fame in the Temple of Heaven!

But sticking to the floating city is useless.

Chen Mo didn't expect a trick to be used twice.

the fight continues


The true army arrives on the battlefield,

The situation suddenly changed!

Hundreds of leviathans, overwhelming dragons,

Completely different from the previous scene!

"Sir, this kind of monster must not be allowed to approach, we must attack directly!"

A golden man looked at the overwhelming army of monsters in the distance,

The voices are hoarse,

Even these warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles, their fighting spirit is extremely determined, and at this moment, they can't help but retreat in their hearts.

However, the floating city is already the last line of defense,

They absolutely cannot fail!

"Can't wait any longer!"

"Mere monsters, watch me kill them!"


Many golden warriors drew their weapons one after another,

For a time, murderous aura shot into the sky.

"A frontal attack. . . .

The corners of the demigod's mouth twitched.

At this moment, as one who sees the whole situation,

Clearly, the situation is taking a turn for the worse!

The enemy still has such a terrible backhand.

In such a situation,

How to attack head on?

(cjdd) was only superior in numbers before, and almost lost.


The enemy has crushed them both in quantity and quality!


If he strikes, he can indeed repel the enemy temporarily,

But once he leaves the floating city,

With the number of these enemies, Floating Void City is a piece of fat, and it is gone in an instant.

His subordinates are too few!

And he doesn't come?

that didn't help,

The enemy will surely come up,

at this time,

There are enemies in all directions. A powerful main gun, even if its power is amazing, can only attack one place.

If the other party has a demigod,

He finds a way to lock on the opponent, and he can kill him instantly through the main gun!

But now it is,

The other party is very cunning!

The strongest is the legend,

There are a lot of them,

He simply couldn't pick a suitable target to attack.


The time has come to make a choice,

The overwhelming army is extremely fast!

"Open the space rift, I will cover you and prepare to retreat!

"As much as you can go!"


People are stupid.

It hasn't hit yet,

The soldiers lost little,

less than 10%.

such war damage,

They are totally bearable.

"But the glory of the gods,

"Shut up!"

The demigod golden man rudely interrupted.

he scoffed,

Just reach out and grab it,

The main artillery of the entire floating city suddenly went out.

energy has been transferred here,

With a squeak,

A crack opened slowly.

All "Go!"

The demigod golden man A rebuked.

at this time,

He didn't even care about his face,

After returning, I will definitely lose face in front of the snake people,

After all, he fled without a fight, and the defeat was even worse!

"How about you, sir?"

Many golden people hesitated.

"We swear to follow the Lord to the death!

There are people in gold who are extremely determined.

"Hurry up and get in, there are several beacons in the Laozi ring, and then you can tear the space and locate it yourself."

"I don't guard this rift, and none of you can escape.

"Don't worry, with my strength, I want to go, no one can stop me!"

The demigod golden man said confidently.

Saying so,

He directly pressed the manipulation crystal again.

in an instant,

The entire floating city flashed red.

"The floating city cannot fall into the opponent's hands."

"It will explode in ten minutes.

he said calmly.

As for most ordinary golden warriors, he can only say sorry.

This is a necessary process in order to prevent this huge creation from falling into the hands of the enemy.

and he,

Will see it all with my own eyes.

And ten minutes was enough for all his elite subordinates to pass through the fissure channel.

Not only that,

close the cover,

Let him resist the attack alone,

It can also expand the channel to the limit,

tens of thousands of people escaped,

Not a problem either.

thinking so,

The demigods did just that.


he knew,

What is Toda.

After he made it, he didn't make it.

Immediately gone!

The parasite army swarmed up, bombarded wildly,

It hurts the demigods!


"Impossible! What's the matter!"

"My defense is given by these ants...

The demigod golden man's face changed wildly.

However, at this time,

It is impossible for him to restart the defense of the floating city.

The energy is concentrated on the crack.

A chanting crack. produce.




The terrifying Leviathan also slammed into it.



"Break me!"

At this time, the war lord Mao Ge, who had reached a height of 20 meters, appeared again.

He jumped high from the Leviathan's head,

Coincidentally, it couldn't be more coincidental that the war lord Mao Ge was extremely outrageous. From the twisted crack of the shield, he fell into the interior of the floating city.

Huge, alloyed boots fell from the sky.

He stepped on the stunned face of the demigod powerhouse fiercely.

"No... ah! Alas!"

With a scream,

The entire shield supported by the demigod exploded.

Incredible battle progress,

Seeing Chen Mo's face is stunned.

Haven't this group of people been blessed by the goddess of luck?

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