Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 229 The opportunity for evolution is coming! The eager mermaid! (1 more)

More than just being caught off guard,

Faced with this situation, the side of the Tianshen Temple collapsed collectively.

No one thought of it,

The defense held up by the demigod actually collapsed at a touch,

It can't be said that it will collapse at a touch,

Just let an enemy come in,

But under a series of coincidences, the power of this one enemy,

It's like a nuclear bomb.

In an instant, a chain reaction started, and the entire protective shield shattered.

This is not the most fatal.

Even worse,

Losing the protection of the demigods, the space rift began to have problems.

"No! Spatial Rift!!

"Come in!"

Looking at the crazily shaking space rift,

Someone was in a hurry and rushed over directly,

Just at this moment, the crack swishes and closes directly.

Then only half of the body remained in place.

The powerful vitality of the legendary powerhouse even made this half still move and twitch.


The demigod powerhouse slapped away the entangled green skin, trying to save the crack.

However, the aftermath of the echoes in the space has long since subsided.

He felt that there was a powerful source of interference in the body of the huge monster that attacked.

"If you have the ability, just tell me to break through!"

"Follow me!!

The demigod powerhouse shouted.

The powerful roar even shattered the flying dragon that Zhengming rushed towards him, and the flesh and blood flew away, leaving only a pair of skeletons on the ground.


A dozen or so legends with relatively recent legends gathered in a hurry.

This time,

The demigod powerhouse does not need to worry about the space fissure, nor does he need to worry about the floating city, and sends out all the power.


under his protection,

A group of people rushed in through Leviathan's mouth, and the tail rushed out directly.

constant hissing,

The terrifying corrosion made the armor of the demigod powerhouse smoke, but he didn't care.

|Small injury!

this time,

He is finally out!

"Hateful! Cosmic slave master, I remember you!"

"See you next time, when I'm promoted to a god! Then...

The demigod powerhouse gritted his teeth, and blood and tears almost came out of his eyes.

His men were almost wiped out.

Only these few fast ones followed in front of them.

He swore that he would never appear if he did not reach the gods.

Once he became a god, he had already remembered the breath of these monsters,

Even if it reaches the end of the universe,

Even if this group of bastards ran to the low-dimensional world, he would follow and defeat him completely!

"Never die!"

"We swear to follow the adults to the death and take revenge together!"

"Kill him upside down, the glory of the gods cannot be defiled!"

"This swarm of locusts only knows how many people they rely on. What kind of skill is there? It's a one-on-one challenge! It's a shame that I don't have enough strength!"

"Aren't they coming after us? Humph! I know they can't catch up with us!

Several legends of the Heavenly Temple are also burning with anger.

"Look at the biggest explosion in this sector."

"Then, let's live together with everyone's wishes."

The demigod said coldly.

"Then, repay this blood debt double... ah!"

This is... what's going on?!

It's not over yet,

The demigod was completely shocked and was speechless.

Staring blankly at the direction of the floating city.

"Sir, let's go a little further. When the floating city explodes, the power is extremely terrifying. We are not far enough here."

A legend of the Temple of Heaven suggested it.

Mainly because of bad luck,

He thinks it is best to be cautious.

"No, no need.

"Not far."

The demigod looked desperate.

In the distance, the floating city is not in a hurry, it is turning its direction,

The huge main gun exudes a breathtaking light.

this blow,

Enough to penetrate the stars.

And with their speed, they can't run out of shooting range.

Especially the demigods!

at this point,

He himself knew it very well, so he simply didn't run away.

can die,

But it's better to face the enemy head on.

He didn't want to die too ugly!

And without his protection, the rest of the legendary powerhouses could not escape.

Every step of the other party seems to be well prepared, not in a hurry.

Thinking of this, looking at the dazzling muzzle made him even more desperate.

The elites of the Temple of Heaven who were present were all stunned.

Everyone's boiling hatred is also covered in the face, like being poured into a basin of ice water,

a shiver,

The legend I just proposed was about to cry.


Their luck is outrageous!

in such a short time,

He did not understand how the other party manipulated their great creation,

This is a powerful magical creation comparable to an artifact!

It is the most central area, the masterpiece of the God of Wisdom!

Among them, the most core energy source is said to be modeled after the unique artifact ‘Neisser core.

Just to make the floating city run, the Tianshen Temple Corps needs at least ten thousand people.

how did you get here,

In less than a few minutes, they were manipulated by the enemy and even aimed their main guns at them,


Even if they need to recharge, they can't run away,

Really, cannons beat mosquitoes.

Even if it is only a little bit, except for the demigods, they will all be dead.

Not only the Temple of Heaven,

At this moment, the newcomer area is also silent at this moment.

In fact, after the war lord Mao broke through the shield, the entire newcomer area was in a state of sluggishness.

Can you still play like this?

They couldn't keep up with Chen Mo's operation at all.

Look dumbfounded.

Knowing that Chen Mo will win, but still shocked!

There are ways to win that many people can't even understand at all.

"Tour! I just drank water, and when I looked down at the live broadcast, the shield was broken!

It’s okay if it’s broken, I quickly flipped through the replay, however, when I turned around again, the people from the Temple of Heaven had already run away!

It’s okay to run away, I hurriedly read the comments, however, when I turned around again, why did you tell me, I have the final say on this main gun??”

"I can't read it, but I'm shocked!"

"I get it, but I can't believe it, was this planned?"

"Compared with the big boss Chen Mo, I am a country fight here."

"You're okay, I look like a kindergarten fight, so I'm still the one who can't win!"

"I don't understand, how did the big army of Chen Mo pass through the portal?"

"How else can I pass, and spend money to go through the federal passage."

Upstairs, "Shabi, a giant monster is 20 kilometers long and has a starting ratio of tens of millions of tons. If you go through the federal passage, you will go bankrupt in minutes!"

"I'm so scared, Chen Mo won't come to our war zone, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole newcomer area panicked.

38 War Zone,

ask for flowers...

At this time, with the parasitic infection of the floating city, the entire battle came to an end.

This was much faster than Chen Mo expected.

Mainly thanks to the many creations of the Temple of Heaven that he had obtained before.

Including starships whose technology is not inferior to the floating city.

Through the accumulated experience of these creations, it is not difficult to partially control the floating city!

Wherever the Creep spreads, everything is infected!

Using nerves to directly manipulate magical creations, this is Chen Mo's exclusive race, a unique ability.

Most of the golden people have been transformed into members of the parasite army.

Of course, there are also powerhouses above the legend who can resist.

These people, Chen Mo will not keep.

Like the demigod golden man, join the "devouring evolution spree."

Soon, on the corpse of the demigod golden man, there will be an opportunity for evolution!

After seven minutes,

Along with cutting off the giant energy source of the floating city, imitation, Neisser core.

The self-destruction of the entire floating city was also terminated.

The battle is over.

With the incorporation of hundreds of thousands of consciousnesses into the Divine Will,

Chen Mo's astral world has grown by a point again.


His power is also stronger,

It's approaching the critical value!

At the same time, the harvest of the golden people this time also allowed Chen Mo to suppress their genes to the limit.

Two thousand percent!

see you next time,

Except for the golden gods, any other golden people will be completely genetically suppressed by Chen Mo.

"I'm getting stronger!"

"Huh, finally stopped this big guy from blowing himself up!"

A big tech tyrant let out a sigh of relief,

They were ordered to quell the runaway core of Neisser,

This thing is too scary, but fortunately at the last minute, they succeeded.

And for this, he won the support of everyone, and began to grow toward the technological hegemony.

"Another area under the brilliance of the divine will!"

"Join Glorious Evolution!"

"Our chance has come!"

Many mermaids were excited and even cheered.

This means that a new planetary governor will be born,

Of course, it's not the most exciting.

What everyone desires most is the opportunity to be called "Master".

Imagine prostrate at the feet of the Divine Will, like the tactful and pitiful voice heard all day long,

Shout out to the master~

until the sound is hoarse.

Just thinking about it, the many elite mermaids became short of breath.

very excited!

Holy Terra,

Chen Mo looked at the prompt given by the system and smiled!

Here comes the chance to evolve!

With a thought, the charred corpse of the demigod golden man was swallowed by Leviathan.

Along with being swallowed, there are also a large amount of Tiberium ore, manganese ore and evolution potion!

at the same time,

Chen Mo's watch also vibrated slightly,

Federal Notice is here!


"Congratulations on completing an amazing battle! The result is perfect, you almost killed all the enemies! You have practiced the purification method of the star soul world again!"

"You have received special attention from the Federation! I wish you an immortal soul!

"Note: You have won a decisive victory in War Zone 38! But the Temple of Heaven will not give up, they may plan to regain control of this area!"

"Note 2: The Federation will conduct a phased evaluation of your combat achievements, which can be converted into rewards, please pay attention to the notice."

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