Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 230 Full harvest! Artificial solar furnace! Next step, the queen of snake people! (2 more)

Chen Mo noticed that this time he got some attention.

And not like last time, it's a general concern.

It may be because of capturing the enemy's floating city and killing the demigods.

Of course,

The number of resources and planets in the entire 38 theaters is more than twice that of the 33 theaters.

This could also be a reason.

In short,

This time, the reward from the Federation alone is worth looking forward to!

As for reminders such as Tianshen Temple's counterattack, Chen Mo didn't care at all.

Counterattack is counterattack,

He has not invested anything in this area at present, and he has already obtained his record. The arrival of the Temple of Heaven is nothing more than fueling tactics.

There is no point in giving him money.

The only thing "I didn't expect is that with the strengthening of the collective will, my idealism seems to be stronger, and the performance of the greenskins is even more amazing."

"It's almost like a broken bamboo, and all kinds of instant kills have occupied the entire floating city."

"The demigod golden man closed the shield and activated the floating city to self-destruct, which really gave me a great gift.

This speed, even Chen Mo himself was surprised.

It can only be said that at this time, his combat power has completely surpassed the "August 13" opponent.

The single combat power of the Temple of Heaven is strong, but the contrast in numbers is too great.

What's more, his parasitic body army is no longer the way it used to be. Once the magic crystal cannon is fired, it will be like paper, and hundreds of thousands of people will die.

At this time, the average level of his legion came to level 6!

It is also possible to evolve further and create a legendary parasite army of all members!

"Master~ I have recently sorted out the knowledge of "source", and I have some experience, just on a new planet, to test the brand-new ocean transformation technology."

Queen Ashe said with a smile.

She was also surprised that this time the battle went smoothly beyond imagination.

Silky smooth, the master has a lot of planets under his command.

Of course,


Chen Mo nodded happily.

It's really a good thing!

"There are about 20 candidates for governor-general, of course, of these people, only 9-10 people will eventually be able to take office.

"The remaining ten people, as reserve governors, will be trained first.

"At least 9 farming planets this time!

"There is also a huge floating city! And a demigod body!"

hear this,

The queen jumped her eyes excitedly,

She secretly remembered,

"It seems that the master attaches great importance to conquering the strong."

Chen Mo: "It's natural. The stronger the individual, the more it will bring me benefits. Of course, the weak can also gather their will, which is very useful."

In Chen Mo, any part of the enemy is available.

Nearly 100% recycled resources.

If only there was an environmental award in the universe.

Chen Mo felt that he had to be rated in the top 3 because of his civilization.

will be rewarded.

"The more you challenge the strong, the stronger you become! Incredible power. Maybe the gods don't have this ability?"

The Queen listened with admiration on her face, and could barely close her legs.

As a demigod, she is a special resonance body that can continuously acquire knowledge from ancient gods who have died.

Logically speaking, it is already well-informed.

But Chen Mo's operation, she really doesn't understand at all.

This is another set of power system, from the beginning, it is completely different from her cultivation path.

It's another way of understanding the world.

After listening to the Queen.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

Not to mention the gods, that is, the diversity of the star soul world is extremely high, and there are at least a hundred worlds that achieve the path of a powerful star god, and there is no one like him!

Strictly speaking, there is no weak under his command,

Because they are all under one system,

even a mermaid,

It will be estimated that it is not just about being able to raise fish.

With the collection and evolution of genes, the potential is unlimited.

The queen looked at Chen Mo and said, "Are we going to attack the Snake People's territory next?"

"I'll hurry up and see if I can run into her again, and I can try to talk!"

"Well, gather the legion on the Fortress, and after I advance, I will have the opportunity to obtain the knowledge of Zheyue."

"At that time, we will directly attack the home planet of the Snake People."

Chen Mo said.

He is extremely fast!

At this time, even if the Queen of Snake People has already started to prepare for the ceremony, it is too late!

Of course,

It is absolutely impossible for the other party to predict that his strength has expanded so rapidly.

Without more than 90% certainty, the Queen of Snake People will never take the risk of ascending to the gods.

She can't afford to lose.

The snake people seem to be beautiful at present, but all the glory and expectations are all maintained by her alone. Once she becomes a god, she is likely to suffer a lot of pressure.

"Great divine will, the core of the enemy's floating city is too complicated for us to study clearly.

Continuing to save may cause the device to become more unstable!

At present, in order to channel the energy, we have done our best.

We are consuming huge amounts of organic matter all the time.

"Stop channeling energy, send it to deep space, and let it explode?"

At this time,

The voice of the technological overlord sounded.

The other party asked Chen Mo to decide through the star realm.

This device is much more perverted than the magic engine, and Chen Mo can't understand the way of reaction in it.

But that doesn't stop him from doing miracles.

Chen Mo's way to keep him from self-destruction is to use the phagocytosis ability of the creep.

Crazy drains the rage ability inside.

And this has already caused Chen Mo to burst hundreds of Leviathan.

Of course, the exploding flesh and blood can still be recycled to form a larger creep.

at this time,

Surrounding the core of Neisser, the huge creep that has grown for more than 100 kilometers,

Chen Mo did everything he could to consume energy.

But this energy is so much, it's almost like a little sun!

Artificial Solar Furnace!

think for a moment,

Chen Mo decided to keep this unstable factor.

Invest some resources to maintain this Neisser core, maybe there is a chance of parasitic infection,

This deal is worth it.

If it was before, Chen Mo would definitely not be able to support this kind of consumption that may not see returns in the short term.

But now, he is also part of a stable income industry.

This investment will not affect his evolution.

And no one can say whether they will get a second one.

Even if parasitic infection is not possible,

In the future, when the Fortress can teleport,

Directly teleport over, install this violent Neisser core,

With fully energy-absorbing lizard dragon scales,

At that time, it is not impossible to build a brand new super energy core!

"Maybe this is the core of the complete Neisser, the full power operation of the berserk is far stronger than before.

"And the consumption is not high, as long as the material is poured into it without realizing it.

The more mass you put into it, the more terrifying the energy of Neisser's core.

"Just burn gold."

Chen Mo couldn't help but plan.

Gold, a super heavy metal, is just right as a fuel.

Another hour passed.

The battlefield is almost cleared.

Large quantities of equipment were transported to Chen Mo through Luo Bing's main planet.

In the floating city of Tianshen Temple, it was almost evacuated by Chen Mo!

An entire floating city, and even an arsenal.

The equipment inside is brand new and unopened.

A whole warehouse of Tiberium ore is stored stably!

Surprisingly, there are quite a few trace minerals!

This high-energy mineral is heavier than gold.

The Temple of Heaven uses this mineral, as fuel for the core of Nesir,

No wonder it got out of control so violently, the time of this frenzy is probably more than ten days longer than originally planned.

But with these gains,

Fully offset the cost of stabilizing the Neisser core!

Check it out carefully, value.


"Sell these equipment and ore, and I will get 10 billion from 3.3 yards."

Enough to "support leap evolution while swallowing evolution!"

"The initial estimate is about the same, if you add the income of the rest of the planets, there is extra wealth that can be used to build the Fortress!

Looking at the equipment and minerals that came in in large quantities,

The channel is almost blocked.

This is a scene that hasn't been seen in a long time.

"As expected of a rich and oily Temple of Heaven!"

"They're really extravagant when it comes to making weapons out of luxurious materials."

Chen Mo exclaimed.

So that he can sell these unused weapons and equipment as garbage, and he can sell them for a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo put all these things on the trading platform with a smile on his face.

I think there are many newcomers,

Also waiting for his batch of cheap goods.

Of course,

Among these spoils, the mining equipment looted from the newcomers in the 38th theater is naturally indispensable.

And these,

It was not too long ago that Chen Mo just sold them.


Chen Mo got it back and sold it again..

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