Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 231 It's boiling! Mr. Chen Mo, please be sure to play with me! Dragon God! (3 more)

Tens of thousands of complete equipment, hundreds of thousands of broken equipment.

Instantly log in to the trading platform.

The label is again the trophy of the Temple of Heaven.

for a time,

The whole newcomer area is boiling.

And the response is even greater, but many elderly people.

There are even star soul powerhouses.

Because they often retrieve loot on the Temple of Heaven.

Chen Mo marked it like this,

It immediately attracted their attention.

Some of the veterans even recognized that these equipments were all serialized and organized.

That is to say, Chen Mo captured a certain arsenal, and even some people speculated that it was a floating city.

The news spread like wildfire through the newcomer area.

for a time,

Many people have contacted Chen Mo.

Equipment is second, behind the ability,

Star soul powerhouses are very interested!

The most important thing is that this batch of equipment, Chen Mo did not shoot according to weapons, but recyclable resources.

It's actually rubbish.

But garbage is also graded.

The recyclable garbage of the Tianshen Temple is a good thing in the Star Soul World nowadays.

Plenty of materials and very little use of alloys.

Various expensive materials are easily extracted individually.

The cost of recycling such waste is very low.

As long as there is a civilization that has the corresponding recycling and dismantling capabilities, they are happy to buy it!

And there are not many people who can take out so much "rubbish" at one time!

29 Especially in the newcomer area.

It is conceivable that a small rookie war zone, that kind of petty fights, to search for so many resources, how much does it take to scrape the ground?

This newcomer is definitely a super ruthless character!

Nowadays, reselling various resources is a sparse and common operation among newcomers.

Basically looking at the Lord of Star Soul.

But it's the only one that sells like Chen Mo.

After all, the way of fighting today is really too ferocious.

It's hard to keep a whole corpse,

Not to mention saving gear.

It is also rare to see such a large-scale sale of equipment for the Temple of Heaven on an old man.

So many factors are added together,

This shipment has sparked a lot of discussion,

The news spread widely,

For a time, many Star Soul Lords who were in need rushed to buy them.

"I have no eyes, did the temple directly surrender with both hands on this day? How much equipment can be seized!"

"Gan! Crazy, a rookie war zone can capture so much loot? This is the resource of the entire war zone, all concentrated in one person's hands?"

Upstairs, "Is your brother just here? A war zone? You're a newcomer to ask who's dad!"

"Chen Mo: That's right, I'm their wife, their father, their creditor, and the object of their envy!"

"Another war zone's Temple of Heaven has failed completely!"

"The strength of the Temple of Heaven in this war zone is not as strong as last time, but the explosive equipment is outrageous.

"I heard that there is also a floating city!"

"Bullshit? Floating cities will self-destruct, and like a supernova explosion, they will scare people to death. Within tens of millions of kilometers around, the death light emitted is enough to kill the life of the surrounding planets."

"The Floating City is a weapon of war in the Temple of Heaven. A war zone equipped with this kind of equipment will naturally have abundant arms reserves! Maybe there are still a lot of resources for this star zone to search for!

"Envy Chen Mo boss! A wave of fat!"

"It's numb, I guess.

"I'm from War Zone 38, and I played against the Temple of Heaven before!

Their floating city has a star destroyer, and we dare not approach it at all.

Not to mention the demigods!

If it wasn't for the Falling Ice Goddess to join us in an ambush, we would all be beaten up.

In short, don't be careless, Tianshen Temple looks weak, that's just Chen Mo to this kind of boss.

When it falls on our heads, it will be a big mountain!"

Chen Mo "The big boss can conquer a war zone alone!"

"More than that, I don't know if Chen Mo will go to other theaters, and come back a few times, I really can't stand it."

"Alas... After the war zone 33 was over, I also said that the big boss Chen Mo finally calmed down and couldn't make trouble.

I didn't expect to wake up after a sleep, and this thing made such a big deal!

"Hordan, the Temple of Heaven is being beaten by the big boss Chen Mo, this game is not difficult for him at all, make wool!"

"Yeah, now it seems that the contribution value and record, the first place in the double list, is a sure thing!"

"I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'

"Let me tell you this, the first place every year, at least the Requiem pedestal plus advanced knowledge is optional."

"Hey! Advanced knowledge? Oh my god, I've grown up so much, and I haven't seen it before, and the child Jun is crying."

"Ah...don't be complacent, Chen Mo may become the first newcomer who seems to be the first, but in fact suffers heavy losses."

"His Tiberium mine is a ticking time bomb!"

"As long as there is an explosion, at least the investment of 60 billion will be wasted!"

"More than that, if the beings in the universe can blow up one of his planets, they can blow up two. These greedy guys will not stop. When they get Tiberium ore, their strength will expand rapidly!"

"Hahaha! I hope to cause a beast tide, just kill Chen Mo! (Although I know it's impossible)

"Come on, upstairs angrily criticized, I don't know what your thoughts are?

Let me tell you bluntly, there must be a big hand behind that kind of cosmic life gathering!

At least a demigod-level cosmic life.

At this level, Chen Mo is also arrogant enough!

Losing also makes people look at it, and the Federation should focus on training!"

"Indeed, your value depends on your opponent."

"Humph! Curse Chen Mo, you are not enough to be seen by the beings in the universe, and you are worthy of playing in the mud with the natives in the newcomer area!"

"It's better to play with the mud than for Chen Mo!"

"Play, you can play! I want to too!"

"I beg Chen Mo to play with me!"

I have to say, the topic gets crooked really fast,

But you can also see how popular Chen Mo is in the newcomer area.

Basically, when you call Dad, everyone will feel that it is right.

Recognized as the first!

Of course,

It's also because Chen Mo is so strong, so they don't have the mind to compare,

But I also hope that Chen Mo will be hanged and beaten.

Watching the strong eat cancer is definitely better than kneeling and licking!

Therefore, various analyses,

Some people even give advice to life in the universe,

Of course, this is all mouth 813 artillery kung fu, searching for the enemy in the void.

They don't even know the real situation.

If you know that Chen Mo is also looking forward to them,

waiting for life in the universe to appear,

It wouldn't be so exciting!

at this time,

Tiberium mining area,

Asteroid belt not far away.

There is no sun all the year round here, and the dark and complex environment is very suitable for hiding.

"Unbelievable, so much ore!

"Hey, I can already smell the delicious taste. The Tiberium ore here is of good quality!"

Here "is the territory of the cosmic slave owners, we have to be careful."

"Humph! A swarm of locusts, if it weren't for those big floating monsters, I would definitely sack the entire planet."

"Impossible. If I'm not wrong, this planet will be harvested once a day, and the Tiberium ore grown on it will be transported away. It's not very useful for us to attack once."

"Don't look, prepare to retreat."

"It's estimated that I won't be able to grab anything this time."

One of the monsters said.

"Can't grab it? You are calculating the time carefully. The other party didn't come to get the ore today!"

"It feels like a trap, this time I don't think it is necessary, we are just ordered to investigate.

"The order of the great Dragon God will not be delayed, let's bring people and goods, and rob this slave owner.

Then let the other party pay the ransom, pay the money in one hand, deliver the money in the other hand, and make a fair deal, isn't it fragrant?"

Another humanoid monster said.

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