Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 233 Choose the Battle of the Temple of Heaven! Queen: Satisfied with the owner~~ (2 more)

Federation is very efficient.

Although everyone has a record reward has not yet come down.

But pay special attention to the reward, which is unique to Chen Mo.

So quickly served.

arrived at the same time,

There is also a federal notice.

【Congratulations! Lord of Star Soul!】

At present [you are in the 33rd and 38th theaters, occupy the dominant position, and have completed the extermination order]

[Next, you can choose to join the Great Crusade or the "Battle of the Temple of Heaven")

[Tip 1: Different choices will be rewarded by subsequent federations, which will be different!

[Hint 2: Don't make any choice, after 2 months, you will be automatically marked as a federal elite, fighting to connect all things]

[Tip 3: Once you make a choice, your newcomer period will end immediately, and you cannot sell goods on the newcomer area trading platform)

"Well, you can't trade in the newcomer area."

"This was unexpected before.

Chen Mo carefully checked the notice.

But fortunately, he had received a 2-year tax-free incentive in the second stage.

So this, for other newcomers, may be a test of life and death, after all, 10% of the profits will be lost out of thin air.

Some newcomers will not be able to operate.

After a year, if the star soul can no longer be condensed, then the Federation will take back the planet in his hand.

But for Chen Mo, it's not a big problem.

He has money and resources.

As for the star soul, the rest of the talents are currently condensed.

Chen Mo is not at the same level as them at all!

As for whether to join the Great Expedition '820 or the Battle of the Temple of Heaven", this Chen Mo doesn't need to think too much.

He finally accumulated the gene suppression of the Temple of Heaven.

It can't be that way.

And on the side of the Temple of Heaven, he currently has several known interests.

The Queen of Snake People, the unknown source, and the wealth of the gods, these are quite a lot.

If you are strong enough, eating these will definitely be enough to reach the Star God level!

"At the same time, when I make a choice, even if there are two territories.

"Add up 30 planets."

"With such a huge area, I'll need 30 planetary governors, and their respective teams and various assistants."

"A planet with hundreds of managers is the minimum.

Chen Mo thought carefully.

This is also because his work is all agricultural planets, and most of the labor is done by the parasite army and the Hulk, and there is no need to worry about these.

Plus a powerful biological mastermind to assist.

Otherwise, according to normal standards, the management personnel of each planet, from top to bottom, the most efficient civilization also needs thousands of people.

Chen Mo's efficiency is ten times that of them.

"But as the territory gets bigger and bigger, it's time to find some races that are good at other jobs."

"It's all murloc management. It's not a big problem, but it becomes very rigid after a long time, and there are no new ideas. After all, they are all one species, and there is no diversity."

However, Chen Mo does not plan to recruit people from the Star Soul World.

He's going to wait and see,

If there is a chance, you can choose other suitable natives,

Like the murlocs, after some transformation, there is a ready-made system, which can be used directly.

"At that time, the key planet must also establish a teleportation formation to connect with Terra. In an area, there must be at least one teleportation formation."

"I'm still two short of it."

"That's a 100 billion investment.

Of course, this is a long-term infrastructure investment. Chen Mo naturally prioritizes evolution. With spare money, he is doing these things.

However, once the construction is successful,

In his two regions, all planets will be closely linked with Terra.

And his main planet is closely linked with the parent planet.

This creates a powerful system.

"By the way, and some of my partners, I have to reserve an area on Terra."

"However, the reconstructed manor has to be farther away from the portal. In the future, this will be my own paradise. Except for my people, it is best not to show up."

"It's not convenient after all."

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help but glance at the queen.

"The construction of the manor will be handed over to you. I hope it will be a very comfortable paradise. It should be large, but the privacy should also be good."

Chen Mo ordered.

"Well~ I understand the master."

The queen winked at Chen Mo playfully.

After analyzing the content of the notification, Chen Mo continued to check the knowledge.

In two war zones, Chen Mo received 4 knowledge attention rewards.

"The number is quite a lot, and I hope there will be a fold or space rift related.

Chen Mo said expectantly.

If so, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Of course, none did and would not affect his plans,

It just costs him a lot of extra resources and wastes some time.

He has a lot of resources now, and he doesn't really care much, but in terms of time, it is actually not good for him to delay it for too long.

Especially in the case of more than one month,

With every extra day, the probability of the queen of the snake people ascending to the gods increases sharply.

Low-level magic knowledge--magic metal shaping

Medium (cjdd) level spiritual knowledge--'rune mastery

Intermediate Spiritual Knowledge - Astral Soul Enhancement

Advanced Idealistic Knowledge--Requiem, Prelude

"Good harvest!"

"But it's a pity, I don't have the knowledge of Zheyue, but a powerful attack ability came unexpectedly."

"This enhanced knowledge of the star soul is also very good. It allows me to fully utilize the power of the star soul. As long as I master it well, even if I am not a star soul powerhouse, my current star soul power can skyrocket by at least 50%!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but be surprised.

This is the power of knowledge.

His evolution knows, can fumble for himself, and is unique.

But when it comes to Star Soul, this is the signature stunt of the Star Soul world, it is very powerful!

At the same time, this knowledge is also unique in the Star Soul World.

the core knowledge of civilization,

Individuals from other civilizations, even if they accidentally know a little bit of this knowledge, will be stared at by the star soul world.

In an instant, that individual dies.

at the same time,

The civilization where that body is located, the entire planet, will incur an "extinction order".

The knowledge of building a star soul and using the power of the star soul can only be mastered by humans in the star soul world!

"It seems that even if I become a star soul powerhouse, I'm still busy!!

"Dark Sky, Requiem, Portal, Fortress, these all need to be built!"

Chen Mo couldn't help being excited,

The future development prospects are bright!

not only his weapons,

His exclusive race itself will also strengthen this knowledge with the star soul, becoming stronger by at least 50%!

The greenskins' "I think I am blessed by the power of the star soul, and maybe it will become even more magical.

Chen Mo's luck, naturally, not much to say.


He used to think that because of his favor, the two sisters of Irene, who might become demigods, would change from possible to certain!

"At that time, I will have at least three demigods under my command, and the Queen herself, because of this strengthening, will go a step further and ascend to the gods ahead of time, it is not impossible."

As for Rune Mastery' and 'Fel Metal Shaping', for Chen Mo, it's of little use,

The former can be sold.

As for the latter, it is already low-level knowledge.

Can't sell.

Just keep it for yourself.

Skills do not overwhelm.

Now this kind of manufacturing knowledge, the price is not high.

little demand,

The newcomers who were supposed to qualify have almost already qualified.

Naturally you can get the knowledge you need.

The hopeless newcomer will probably lie down and die at this moment.

Naturally, you will not spend extra money to buy knowledge that may never be used.

"In this special attention reward, there is no knowledge of Zheyue."

"It seems that we can only wait for the final, record and contribution ranking rewards."

Chen Mo felt a little pity.

Since this is the case, then there is no need for him to wait any longer.

Be proactive and look for opportunities.

Complete the leap evolution directly first!

See if you can parasitically infect the starship and the Neisser core.

Find a breakthrough here!

Took an hour...

A total of 10 billion worth of resources are ready.

But this time,

"Master, there is a movement in the Tiberium mining area."

"There are 5 times more life in the universe than last time, and they are gathering!"

The voice of the little fox, through the astral world, rang in Chen Mo's ears.


"Then deal with you first!"

Maybe "there's an extra surprise!

Chen Mo didn't panic at all.

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