Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 234 Artifact! Dragon God Minions! (1 more)

Tiberium mining area.

asteroid belt.

"My God, Lord Dragon God is really too strong, so many strong people have gathered together."

"Yeah, I never knew that there were such legendary powerhouses in this dark star field.

"Hey! That giant beast over there is more than 30 kilometers long. This is a void dragon that can directly bathe in stars, right?"

"It's still underage, but it's really, it's incredible, hurry up and get stronger."

"Haha, now everyone can take the opportunity to get to know each other.

"Know shit, Laozi was kicked out of your home planet by your race!"

"Mother star? You are a fucking big bug that eats and runs away, and you deserve to mention the mother star?"

"Okay! Don't make any noise!

"Have you seen the dragon claw in my hand? This is the dragon claw that Lord Dragon God has dropped!"

"This is a weapon used by the gods. It has the magical ability to split matter. Even space can be torn apart if it is blessed by a powerful force!"

"This time, whoever attracts the slave owner can get the attention of Lord Dragon God."

"Whoever took the slave owner's head, this dragon claw, belongs to whom!"

2 words, let the whole universe be boiling.


The sharp claws dropped by the gods, disintegrating matter, tearing space!

for a time,

The entire group of monsters is boiling.

Many powerful beings in the universe are moving.

Even the monsters who were not ready to attack just now and looked at the situation first, also had a gleam in their eyes.


Worth a shot!

Although they also have the potential to advance to the gods.

But ascending to God takes a long time to accumulate.

If you get the claws of a god in advance, wouldn't it run wild in the universe?

What's more, their attack was very subtle!

Before that, they had not exposed at all.

Even with prophecy, it is difficult to detect their actions.

After all, this is the information that has the protection of the Dragon God!

"I will take one slave at a time, and finally let the slave owner be scared to excrete."

There is a huge snake-shaped creature, said.

"I will receive the gaze of the great dragon god, and the reward of this glory!"

The Void Dragon, who hasn't spoken much, spoke up.

"very good!"


The servant of the Dragon God looked at the talking behemoth and smiled faintly.

"Your talent is very good. I believe that if you get the annotations of the great gods, you will be able to reach a higher level immediately."

"Work hard.

This powerful cosmic life is indeed extraordinary.

Even if he was a servant of the Dragon God, he couldn't help but say a few words.

It didn't take long for many monsters to converge on the meteorite belt closest to the mining area.

this distance,

Many monsters have been too lazy to hide.

after all,

They are not fools either, knowing part of the methods of slave owners.

If this distance has not been discovered, then there is a high probability that the other party has deliberately set a trap.

On the contrary, they have to take a while to see clearly before taking action.

"Aah... I thought slave owners were not afraid of losses. It's really funny to see the other party's hustle and bustle."

"At this distance, do you still want to resist the great life in the universe?"

"Go ahead! Don't give the cunning slave owners time to increase their troops, this time, we have an absolute advantage!"

Look at the situation in the Tiberium mining area," the servant of the Dragon God gave an order.

The form is great!

"Master. Are we going to attack now, or wait for them all to come around."

The queen said with a smile.

Don't panic at all.

Although I know that these are the minions of the gods, they are still the most flawed beings in the universe!

But at this moment, she herself is a demigod!

And with the support of her master, she knew very well that the other gods couldn't hurt her in the slightest with their eyes.

Of course,

If she dares to show up in person, that's just right, the master is direct,

Keep her coming and going!

In short, no matter what the situation, you will not lose!

"Wait a minute, when they all come out of the meteorite belt."

"And some of them were small humanoids who took refuge in the lizard dragons.

"One shot passed, and the flesh and blood evaporated in place. It's too wasteful."

Chen Mo said.

Slowing down and attacking again will help the biological master mind to observe for a period of time and become familiar with the behavior of life in the universe.

to better predict in advance.

Moreover, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Chen Mo didn't want these legendary minions to be evaporated in situ.

Even if he can't use it, selling it to others can be worth a little bit of money.

"Understood Master~

The queen said with a smile.

At this point, she was also ready.

You can cross the portal at any time and participate in the battle!

"They knew we were going to fight back, but they never knew that our counterattack would be this big."

The two sisters Erin were also excited.

During this time, the layout of the Tiberium mining area was not in vain.

A large number of parasite legions are waiting for the cosmic beings to come here.

This time,

They will fight against the minions of the gods!


The beings in the universe are no longer hiding,

messy crowd,

Start rushing towards the Tiberium mining area,

Don't look at their number is far less than the slaves of the slave owners, but each of them has the strength to suppress an indigenous civilization.

So there is no need to be too cautious.

Just head over there, and you're done.

The advantage is very obvious.

The Tiberium mining area has not been emptied of ore for 2 days.

At this moment, the intense radiation above and the accumulation of ores made many cosmic beings extremely eye-catching.

Not to mention,

A team of Leviathan came with a large amount of manganese ore.

These "transformed embryos" have also become the objects of looting at this moment.

can rob and attract slave owners,

Then turn around and deal fairly with the other party', he originally belonged to him, and then sold it to him at an elevated level.

Three birds with one stone.

Seeing this scene, many monsters were ecstatic.

Everyone can get something!

Some weaker humanoid monsters also secretly sighed in relief,

With so many benefits, they can always have some soup along with them.

Not even one bite.

"What a wealthy slave owner, this time I succeeded, I hope Dragon God can maintain this team stably!"

A monster said with a smile.

"This lizard dragon has been in the star area for many years, and it is not a waste.

"Unfortunately, there are not many powerful individuals, it seems that there are only two.

"Demigod level, even more so."

"If there is a demigod, then there is a high probability of getting an opportunity for evolution."

Chen Mo looked at the number of enemies counted by the biological mastermind,

"There are 59 enemies in total.

"They are all legendary powerhouses.

"Among them, there are 49 beings in the universe, and they are basically of different races.

"The remaining 10 are humanoids, one is a wandering golden man, and 4 of the other 9 are from the control area of ​​the Temple of Heaven. It seems that the lizard dragon has become a refuge for the criminals of the Temple of Heaven.

Seeing this, Chen Mo was also stunned.

No wonder the other party was able to gather so many legendary powerhouses so easily.


As a force that is free from the vicinity of the Tianshen Temple, and is a god, it is natural to attract many followers from the site of the Tianshen Temple.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a garbage concentration camp.

But this female dragon wants to copy this set to the side of the star soul world, it is dreaming.

It can only be said that after she has this idea, she is not far from death.

Chen Mo believes that even if he doesn't trouble this lizard dragon in the future, the other party will be found by the star god who wants to get the bounty.

"Destroy them!

"Let them feel the truth well!"

As the life of the universe rushes halfway,

A commander gave the order to attack.

next moment,

A large number of parasite legions emerged from the long-hidden Tiberium mining area.

It's full of radiation and it's hard to detect.

Logically, it is also impossible to hide creatures for a long time,

But the parasite army is different,

After Chen Mo's exclusive race has a stronger "devour" and replaced it with a high-energy gene, this problem can be barely solved.

see this scene,

The cosmic beings that were rushing into the hurricane were startled.

They hesitated and slowed down.

"Just some ant-like servants!"

The Dragon God "watches you:

The servant of the Dragon God immediately said indifferently.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's reaction was extremely fast, and they all accelerated.



next moment,

Another portal opened,

A splash sounded.

There seems to be a wave out of nowhere,


The queen gracefully stepped through the portal.

Demi god!


The next moment, the entire cosmos life group directly exploded.

The one who responded the fastest was the servant of the Dragon God.

He used to oversee the battle at the end,

At this moment, he turned his head and ran towards the meteorite belt.

However, he found that no matter how much he rushed, he couldn't get far,

There is an invisible force pulling him!

for a time,

The fear that burst out, went straight to the sky. Big,

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