Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 244 Leave A Mark! The Artificial Evil God Is Approaching! (2 More)

After agreeing to add Liuru as a friend, Chen Mo chatted with Muyao for a while,

That ends the conversation.

What Mu Yao thinks is troublesome,

For Chen Mo, it is difficult at best.

After all, if-if calculations by the standard:

He is now compared with many bases in the Temple of Heaven, or the strength of the marginal indigenous-home planet,

It is a strong side.

He is a strong star soul!

No matter what kind of ability, he is far superior to rookies.

Of course, everyone will know about things like star soul powerhouses after the game is over,

Chen Mo doesn't have to keep a low profile and hide.

Again, the stronger the strength, the more resources you get,

Not only the Federation,

The law of the world itself will pay more attention to you!

Next, Chen Mo was invited by the Queen to take a sunbath.

Of course, while enjoying,

He still followed the original plan and began to check the 'Lizard Dragon Claw'.

This is the biggest gain after defeating the life in the universe!

The last time I killed the descendant of the Dragon God, I got a dragon scale,

This time, she killed a group of her men and "exploded" the dragon claw.

Two things, one can absorb rays, and the defense against energy attacks is over the top.

One capable of tearing apart space, disintegrating material structures through high-speed vibrations, and its attack power exploded.

"These things can be used on Dragon God."

"Take it from the dragon, use it for the dragon, a new level of environmental protection!"

A minion army of the gods is much richer than ordinary natives.

After all, their individual strength is very strong, one can decide many,

He even has the ability to single-handedly destroy the planet, so he can accumulate some wealth, which makes sense.

Even the humanoid individuals among them, such as some criminal golden men, took away a lot of property from the Temple of Heaven or their own civilization before they ran away!

So, rich as hell.

If they can harvest all of them, it is estimated that they will make more money than the snake people!

And the snake people are already the wealthiest group among the ordinary aborigines.

"Just by killing 59 minions of the Dragon God, you have obtained the wealth equivalent to searching a planet.

"But this is much easier than searching for a planet."

"It takes time and time, and there is still an opportunity for evolution."

"It's equivalent to the Dragon God artificially concentrating the essence of evolution."

"If I were to search for these cosmic beings by myself in the vast universe? Then I wouldn't be able to find them at all!"

"Sure enough, attacking any force with gods and spirits is extremely profitable."

Chen Mo was all smiles.

look at the dragon claw,

At this time, a sharp claw has slowly grown to 10.


All have the same material.

Like a slightly curved giant machete.

It shone with a strange metallic luster, but at the end of the claw, it was blurred.

It looks like there is an afterimage.

This is because the position of the claw itself is not fixed, and part of its structure is constantly vibrating.

This vibration resonates with any matter it touches, and it disintegrates the matter to its atomic state.

[God-level lizard dragon claw]

[Origin]: One of the trophies during the rookie trial period, the obtainer is Chen Mo, the strong star soul.

In a star area on the edge of a heavenly temple, a sleeping god-level lizard dragon was awakened. The other party was suspected to be at the level of a god, and had already been promoted once, possessing very powerful powers

In this area, it is profitable to rebel against the Temple of Heaven.

[Description]: This strange sharp claw is composed of a variety of elements, which can quickly disintegrate the contact matter, has an extremely "sharp" attribute, and can even form space cracks.

Talon has many structures that cannot be explained by physics, and it is difficult to define itself as a pure substance.

According to the analysis of our scholars, this is similar to the characteristics of some gods, and it is a partial manifestation of idealism.

It is hard to imagine to what extent materialism has developed to interfere with matter itself at this stage.

A brief description formed in the hands of Chen Mo.

Then shift 3 into the biological mastermind.

These documents will be organized and submitted to the library when Chen Mo has time.

This will bring him a lot of benefits.

One of the most wonderful benefits is to leave a name.

it will bring fame,

But apparently it's more than that.

Because Xing Shendu is doing it.

The ancient gods are doing the same,

Even some gods in the Temple of Heaven have similar operations.

The unanimous operation must be some kind of rule, which is used or discovered by many strong people.

Perhaps it has a similar reason to the 'source' of the murlocs.

In the world, the more traces are left, the more convenient it will be to return after death.

After inspecting the lizard dragon claw, not long after, the construction of the dark sky on the Bastion was completed.

The most notable change is,

With a flickering shroud appearing,

not long,

In the entire space, the huge Fortress disappeared.

But to Chen Mo's embarrassment,

The battleships of the rest disappeared without a trace when they activated the dark sky.

At least one must be above the demigod level to perceive the position.

But Chen Mo here,

The Bastion did disappear, but what the hell... a black shadow was left in place!

It looks like some kind of terrifying giant i, casting a shadow.

And the shadow is still twisting and changing shape.

Anyway, it looks pretty bluffing.

Hmm... In fact, it is what is left after the scales absorb all kinds of light.

Originally, the invisibility was very good, but the scales absorb the surrounding light indiscriminately, thus leaving a dark area.

Not as outrageous as a black hole,

So it was like a black distorted shadow.

But it's okay,

Invisibility is inherently an additional ability,

And with such a huge body, Chen Mo had no intention of hiding any enemy.

The overflowing terrifying energy fluctuates.

Strong gravity.

Wriggling tentacles.

Open the teleportation portal from time to time.

…0 for flowers……

Whichever it is, it's like a black light in the sun,

glaring, conspicuous.

In addition to the dark sky,

There is a second change to the Bastion,

That is more like a living thing.

Just looking at the appearance, it is squirming flesh and blood, tentacles, and a pitch-black void.

Of course, if you look carefully, you will also find that countless eyes are aware of your gaze and are looking at you!

Believe that soon,

There is no problem in building this war fortress with star soul.

Really come alive!

Now, Chen Mo is transforming and evolving each organ.

And the step of "artificial evil god" is already very close.

Chen Mo believes,

He just needs to go one step further, possess stronger spiritual power, and make two more leaps forward.

It is enough to make the Bastion a qualitative leap.


even now,

It can also be regarded as a big killer.


[Origin]: Chen Mo, one of the products of the genetic ascension road, the Mothership of Terra Star Civilization.

[Equipment]: 10 giant tentacles (built-in high-energy weapons), giant magic heart, Nesser core, gravity core, folding core (under construction), portal (connecting to the main planet), giant electromagnetic gun, dark Eye (under development), Dark Sky

[Description]: A planet-level creation, because it is a living planet, also has the will of the planet, so it has almost unlimited space for transformation and evolution.

[Next upgrade]: It is expected to require 20 tons of Tiberium ore, 2 tons of Eridium ore, 100 tons of top-level magic crystals, and a total of 10 million tons of various metal minerals.

[Remarks]: It needs to be equipped with Requiem, which has reached the maximum attack capability. At the same time, it needs to continue to enhance the "energy absorption" ability to provide enough energy for the folding core and giant weapons.

"The resources needed to upgrade again are too terrifying."

"Converted, almost 100 billion."

"I will do two more evolutions, and then leap forward, and I will need almost 100 billion.

"That is to say, in the future, if I want a qualitative change in strength, I need at least 200 billion."


Chen Mo calculated carefully and couldn't help but gasp.

No wonder the expansion of the Star Soul world seems to be endless,

He now has some preliminary understanding of the reason.

The consumption of other star soul powerhouses is certainly less than one-tenth of his, but it must also continue to double.

That's scary.

Chen Mo has reason to believe that if he doesn't choose "Battle of the Temple of Heaven" quickly, he will just operate according to the rookie's method.

I want to make so much money in a short time.

Unless you sell planets.

Otherwise it is simply impossible.

If you want to get rich, looting is still the first.

"But having said that, the strength is stronger now, and the ability to plunder has also increased.

"Achieving 200 billion is not necessarily more difficult than the original 20 billion."

PS: Seek fresh wide flowers.

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