Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 245 Write Knowledge! This Is Genetics! Gene Devourer! The Secret Of The God Of Wisdom! (1 Mo

"So far, I have three demigods under my command.

"The ability to infect is more about the spread of consciousness."

"There are also sharp claws that can tear through the defense of the gods."

"There are also starships that can be folded and the Neisser core that is being parasitic infection."

Chen Mo is thinking

With his current strength, he doesn't even need to use the Fortress, but directly teleports with the starship to conquer the Snake People.

This huge change in strength was not even expected by himself.

Not to mention outsiders.

No matter what preparations the snake people have, they will definitely miscalculate his strength greatly.

And definitely underestimated.

Underestimated a lot!

This gave Chen Mo an advantage in action.

"Now we're waiting for the fold core to grow."

"At most one day later, you can attack the snake people."

Chen Mo decided to deal with the snake people first, and then deal with the dragon god!

I believe that the other party will definitely come to make trouble.

The majesty of the gods was offended, and he killed so many people, even descendants.

this hatred,

Ken "two seven three" will have no solution.

"Great divine will.

"The Light of Evolution."

"Thank you for your gift, we will do our best to conduct research!"

Tens of thousands of masters knelt down in the floating city,

They all looked very fanatical.

There are even individuals kissing the ground,

The metal floor is very cold, but it makes them extremely addicted.

Such a brand new technology is something they have never seen before, and the knowledge contained in it is more than the ancient mechanical creations usually provided by the divine will!

As members of the Greenskin Legion, they are naturally fanatics of Chen Mo.

But loyalty alone is not enough.

Chen Mo needs more brains.

in order to gain knowledge.

The work of analyzing the floating city and the starship of the Temple of Heaven was handed over to the green leather engineer.

The elite among them—the technical overlords can try to analyze this knowledge.

This knowledge will be stored in the form of memory,

stored in the astral world,

Every subsequent technological overlord can be written into this "knowledge".

form genetics.

So the more knowledge you accumulate, the more you analyze,

The parasite legion individuals hatched by Chen Mo in the future will be stronger.

Facing the engineers who adored him fanatically, Chen Mo smiled and nodded,

"Brother Viagra, as the boss of the technology overlord, I will not interfere with your research, but you also have a goal, I hope you will become a great team.

Restore the glory of ancient technology!"

"We must not disappoint the divine will!"

The technical overlord said with great respect: "Under the guidance of the great divine will, we will definitely acquire more and more technologies, and at the same time organize them into 'knowledge', engrave them into genes, and become our eternal power!

The accumulation of time has made us thicker and thicker, and the sky is getting bigger and bigger.

One day, it will be used by the great divine will!"

"I'm sure this day won't take long!"

"it is good!"

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

The most powerful point of the green skins is actually the area of ​​"belief".

Since the technocrats believe that,

That's the best sign.


Chen Mo gave the Dragon God's claws and a set of Tianshen Temple suits to the technical overlord.

Also let them see if they can develop new developments in combination with the Floating Void City.

at this time,

The entire floating city has been divided into upper and lower parts,

Below is the disassembled Neisser core, which has been tightly surrounded by a base built with creepers. Above the core are the original buildings and various weapons of the entire floating city.

These are all available to Chen Mo. After all, what the Nesser core can do, so can the magic heart.

Plus the exclusive race 'infection control', the ability to activate objects,

It makes it very easy for Chen Mo to build a bridge of flesh and blood between irrelevant or even completely incompatible objects,

enable them to cooperate with each other.

The compatibility between all his weapons and energy supply equipment is almost 100%.


At present, these have to be excluded from the cable core.

At present, it is only relying on its powerful ability to hover on the verge of self-destruction.

But according to the technical masters, the problem is not big.

In fact, it can be used, and it is a hundred times more powerful than the Nesser core of the Temple of Heaven.

"Great divine will, we discovered that this Neisser core may have originally operated in this state.

"It's just because the Temple of Heaven can't be controlled, so layers of runes and metal shells are added outside to suppress Nesser's core so that it can run in a very low power state."

"Because the use of the self-explosive ancient times destroyed the shell, but completely liberated all the performance of Nesser's core."

"At this moment, it is the complete Nesser core!"

"Like a burning little sun!"

"The terror rays released every second, if collected, can destroy a planet."

"With just one, we're able to provide [the Bastion] with a steady stream of power."

The technology overlord respectfully reports.

The divine will has only cultivated engineers like them, pouring a lot of resources,

one without fruit,

He was very worried!

So he was very pleasantly surprised by this discovery!


Is that so?

Chen Mo also smiled,

It was a pleasant surprise!

"However, I still have to correct you, this is not a complete Neisser core."

"There is only one real Nesser core. According to information, it is an artifact that belongs to the God of Wisdom. It is said that it can provide endless energy, and can even be used to create the world... 0°

"The one in our hands is just a replica of Neisser's core. Strictly speaking, it can only be called a fake Neisser's core."

say so,

However, after liberating part of Neisser's core ability, it is much stronger than the one used by the Temple of Heaven!

As for why the Temple of Heaven uses the Nesser core so inefficiently,

Chen Mo also had a rough guess,

two reasons,

One is that the God of Wisdom does not want the people below to have too much power.

Many gods are like this and have their own considerations.

Therefore, in terms of the knowledge given, tampered with, what was given was the super beggar version, the lower level of the Temple of Heaven, and did not know the true power emperor of Neisser's core.

One is that the technology of Tianshen Temple is so stretched, and I don't even understand the core principle of Nesser at all.

Unable to completely suppress the berserk Nesser core, naturally it can only be used so inefficiently.


What if... it's the God of Wisdom himself, and he doesn't quite understand the core principles of Nesser?

Even, his first Neisser core was driven by the power of faith, and he didn't need to figure out the principle himself.

As for the subsequent Neisser core replicas, naturally the principle is not clear.

Everyone just used it in such a muddled way.

Is this possible?

Chen Mo suddenly,

This wonderful idea was born.

This may touch the secret of the God of Wisdom.

So he told this to the technological overlord.

The analysis of professionals is naturally stronger than him.

"Hmm... Great divine will, I don't rule out the possibility."

"But my own strength and knowledge are not enough, so I can't peep into this kind of question about the gods.

The technical overlord said with some shame.

"Well, as long as there is such a possibility!"

Chen Mo nodded.

The team on his side has just started, and it takes time to know such things. It is normal that such difficult things cannot be done now.

But keep an eye on it!

Then, Chen Mo turned his gaze and came to an asteroid.

This is the asteroid where the lizard dragon lair used to be.

After being affected by the battle between Chen Mo and the Temple of Heaven, it has been broken in half.

After correcting the orbit of the asteroid,

Chen Mo is mining on it, and by the way, it is used as a hatching lair for arms.

Various minerals are abundant here, and the resources needed can be directly absorbed,

Very convenient.

After acquiring the 'God-level Lizard Dragon Claw' and a stronger 'parasitic' ability,

On the basis of the green skin, Chen Mo transformed and evolved a brand new parasite.

Super defense-breaking ability, and the ability to devour genes.

Gene Devourer?


These two names flashed through Chen Mo's mind.

He decided that after the hatching was complete,

Choose a name and give this parasite a name. .

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