Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 246 Gene Devourer! God, Will It Bleed? (2 More)

[Ding! It is detected that under the existing resources, the green skin can be transformed and evolved! 】

[Do you want to consume resources and transform and evolve in the space environment of asteroids? The deduction system is expected to have a success rate of 99%!]

Chen Mo has various resources in place,

Looking at the hatching nest, there is a system prompt.

But seeing the success rate,

Chen Mo couldn't help but froze.

"The success rate is so high again!"


Thinking about it, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

Among the resources he consumed, he deliberately used a lot of items related to the infiltration team of the Temple of Heaven.

But after he advanced to the star soul powerhouse, the influence from the goddess of luck was greatly reduced!

The result is,

The success rate is back to the peak!

"That is to say..."

"The stronger I am, the less interference I receive from the outside world, and all means of evolution can perfectly follow my goal."

When Chen Mo activated the power of the star soul,

I am more sure of my own thoughts.

Not only has the success rate of transformation and evolution remained close to 100%, but the speed has also suddenly accelerated!

"Accordingly, it would take at least two days to complete the transformation and evolution involving several powerful items, even claws of the god level.

"But now, under my special attention, the energy supply is extremely sufficient, and the time for transformation and evolution can be shortened to just a few hours."

A few hours, Chen Mo felt a bit long.

But it's not impossible to wait.

I believe that this transformation and evolution will consume about 5 billion resources and will not disappoint him.

Of course, zoom in on the battle between the two camps, or the growth of individual strength.

This time is hardly worth mentioning,

Even if it is the world of Star Soul, this kind of world is known for its high-speed growth.

For a newcomer to manage a leap in strength, at least 7 days is a unit.

But Chen Mo here, just a few hours,

If others know that this is too busy, they will definitely vomit blood with anger.

People are more than people, people are mad!

After two and a half hours, the huge eggs began to melt and hydrolyze from the top.

There is humanity in it, and a deformed monster with a bowed back appears.

There is a pair of sharp, black claws in front.

The claws are made of the same material as the upgraded lizard dragon. At the same time, Chen Mo also follows the concept of technological overlord,

Some dragon scale ingredients were infiltrated into it.

Both are from the god-level lizard dragon!

One is good at hiding and absorbing energy, and the other is cracking matter at this time. If there is strong energy support, it can even tear the space for a short time!

There are experimental alloys around.

The monster with a human body, a snake tail, and sharp claws gently waved its claws.

just a touch,

The experimental alloy was directly divided into two,

The cut surface was uncharacteristically smooth, not as smooth as a mirror, but with a layer of light white powder.

Chen Mo was delighted immediately,

Check out the stats of this brand new monster now.

【unnamed parasite】

[Status: Legendary Intermediate, Special Parasite Combat Unit]

[Equipment: Dragon Claw, Energy Extraction Device, Gene Devouring Mouthparts]

[Remarks: In the weakly controlled area on the edge of the Temple of Heaven, there is a dragon god entrenched here. The strength of the opponent is expected to be at the strength of an intermediate god. The dragon scales and claws currently obtained should be the part that faded away in the stage of the primary god. organ.

But even so, it also has very powerful characteristics that are different from ordinary natural substances.

Based on this modification, the evolved parasite has a powerful ability to absorb energy and tear objects.

Note: This creation uses a lot of genes and abilities related to the Dragon God. If it is not concealed, within a certain range, it will definitely attract the attention of the Dragon God and cause hostility. 】


"Then according to its characteristics, it is called 'Gene Devourer'."

Chen Mo said.

807 Following his thoughts, the introduced name just now,

Originally called Space Ripper, or Shadow Stalker, it would be better.

However, Chen Mo is concerned about forcible, assassination and the like,

Not interested.

The real bosses are all just positive.

So he doesn't want the development direction of this parasite to continue to strengthen the gene phagocytosis ability.

the rest of the means,

like claws and energy drain,

It's just a way to break the enemy's barrier, gain flesh and blood, and devour genes!

"Having this parasite, directly growing hyphae from his mouthparts, protruding tentacles, and inserting them into flesh and blood is much more efficient than using the creep blanket directly."

"Even the gods can be shredded by the sharp claws of this parasite."

"I just want to ask, god, will it bleed?"

Chen Mo is looking forward to it!

"In short, 'gene devourer' is worth cultivating.",

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