Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 247 Approaching The Garden World! Angel Maid! Achievement Rewards! (1 More)

After viewing 'Gene Devourer,

And plan to let them conduct experiments in the area controlled by the Temple of Heaven,

Chen Mo re-examined his exclusive race.

at this time,

Although it is still called a mushroom, but through various parasitism, transformation and evolution, the shape of the entire mushroom civilization is completely different from the beginning.

Even though Leviathan is so powerful, one blow is enough to destroy the planet.

But seriously,

Their power comes from mushrooms,

Mushrooms that continue to spread and grow to expand to every planet!

Inside the planet, Chen Mo built a large number of biological brains as usual.

As a race that maximizes 'swallowing' and 'growth', they are really against the sky.

On the road of genetic ascension, becoming stronger and stronger.

If it wasn't for choosing mushrooms at the beginning,

It is absolutely impossible for the current development to be so smooth.

"As more and more genes are collected, the types of parasites that can be modified and evolved in the future will also increase."

"And it's getting stronger and stronger."

"The number is overwhelming, swallowing everything!"

Of course, the fastest way to obtain a parasite army is to carry out appropriate transformation and evolution on suitable indigenous individuals.

This set, Chen Mo is quite proficient.

It only needs to parasiticly infect the natives, and then activate the corresponding gene ability.

Far cheaper than hatching a parasite from scratch.

Imagine that the enemy first found individual 'gene devourers' sporadically on the surface of the planet.

Then there are slices of unknown mushrooms.

at first,

Just sporadic reports of attacks.

Then there's the fringes, where hordes of attacks start happening,

Strange species have been sighted.

In the atmosphere of the entire planet, spores began to float,

Some people began to suffer from strange 'infections', and their bodies began to mutate indescribably.

After the natives gather all the scholars and break into the ground, they will find a neural network all over the planet.

By this time,

Wandering infected people can be seen everywhere.

Just wait for the biological mastermind to assess the degree of infection, then you can start to gather the 'gene devourers' everywhere and start looting the city.

Set off a never-ending wave of beasts.

before long,

The entire civilization belongs to Chen Mo.

The above steps are not Chen Mo's obscenity.


His Gene Devourer carried the infected starship and set off.

Target, a planet in the area controlled by the Temple of Heaven,

Just outside of theater 38!

"This operation is similar to the work of the infiltration team of the Temple of Heaven."

"However, my main goal is to enslave an entire planet, and the infiltration team of the Temple of Heaven is to gather the children of the world and create chaos. 11


"The Gray Steel Consortium has collected so many sets of equipment from me, so there should be some results, right?"

"It just so happened that I have gathered together a few sets of Heavenly Temple Commander suits recently, do they still want it?"

Chen Mo suddenly remembered,

On the side of the Gray Steel Consortium, there is an elite operator who seems to be keen on infiltration.

Chen Mo's complete set of non-destructive equipment was basically bought by the other party.

The other party bid generously.

I don't know where the combat zone of the Gray Steel Consortium's operatives is?

If it is also near here, maybe we will meet later.

Unfortunately, Chen Mo took a look at the suits on his trading platform.

This time, the Gray Steel Consortium did not come to bid.

Could it be that the method of infiltration was seen through by the Temple of Heaven?

Then this elite operator, I am afraid that the loss is not small.

But this has nothing to do with Chen Mo,

He flipped through it and made sure that Huigang didn't want to trade it, so he sold it to a star-soul expert.

Although the price is much lower,

But he held this thing in his hand, and it was useless in itself.

Except for leaving some space for the ring as a transport device, the rest of the spoils are all exposed.

As the Heavenly God Temple retreats steadily, their equipment will become less and less valuable.

What Chen Mo has to do is to cash out as soon as possible.

Build strength!

With money in hand, it is very convenient to buy any resources!


Chen Mo is going to attack the Snakeman Mother Planet!

He believes that when the time comes for these sold equipment, he will get a lot of them again.

A complete set of equipment for the Temple of Heaven without Kaifeng,

He might be able to do wholesale!

Take stock of the harvest time, it passes quickly,

In a blink of an eye, it was half a day.

At this time, Chen Mo's Terra has changed again,

In the sky, there are more streamers,

From time to time across the sky.

This is an angel.

Because it is connected with Luo Bing's main planet, the two worlds can be said to be barrier-free communication,

The other party's angel was attracted by the beautiful environment here, and flew over from time to time.

And established contact with Muyao,

The other party is also here and has set up an office.

In order to transfer various affairs.

These people gathered in the port city of the Mermaid.

Make the whole city full of vitality.

At this time, Chen Mo's manor also has a new kind of maid, that is, an angel.

According to the original agreement, after Luo Bing developed to a certain level, he would give Chen Mo some angels.

Chen Mo's original plan was to absorb the genes of angels and look for opportunities for evolution.

However, beautiful angels surround you,

The opportunity for evolution has indeed not appeared for a long time.

In addition to opening the passage to the main planet of Muyao and Luo Bing.

Chen Mo's sacred Terra, the transforming light in the ocean, also changed a color.

It turned out to be a faint blue light, which was stimulated from the blue Tiberium ore, continuously and slowly transforming the ocean environment.

Now it's red.

Thanks to Chen Mo's blessing, the mermaid queen's strength has gone one step further.

Although it is not as good as the snake-human race, but with the strength of a demigod, it is enough to use the red form of Tiberium ore.

Coupled with the knowledge from the 'source', the queen can further improve Terra on the basis of the original.

Thereby greatly improving Terra's rating.

At this time, Terra is extremely close to the Garden World.

Very suitable for human living.


With the help of this red Tiberium ore, Chen Mo can also transform at least 20 top-level agricultural planets.

More top farming planet means more income.

Originally, the planet was only worth 50 billion, but if Chen Mo transforms it, the value will at least double.

Even selling planets can make a lot of money!

Of course, Chen Mo spent a lot of hard work on Huang's transformation.

Naturally, they would not do this kind of one-shot deal.

Taking advantage of the advantages of the top agricultural planet, coupled with tax-free terms, to continuously expand production and expand business is the kingly way!

Renewable fishery resources can provide Chen Mo with continuous financial support.

Take inventory of the resources at hand.

Currently has 15 billion funds.

Tiberium ore 2 tons.

Manganese ore is 500 kg.

There are also large quantities of fishery resources that are about to mature.

(Nuoma's) Once the time comes, it will be a lot of money,

Calculated according to 20 agricultural planets, one 5 billion is 100 billion!

"々` This income alone can directly satisfy me to choose one of leap evolution or upgrade and transformation of the Fortress!"

"As for the other 100 billion shortfall..."

Chen Mo calculated carefully,

If you think the snake-human race or if you are lucky, let the minions of the dragon god come out.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

"By the way, the record rewards should be down!"

Chen Mo suddenly remembered this.

I believe that after he becomes a Star Soul powerhouse, the federation's reward knowledge for him will also be adjusted accordingly.

There may be surprises!

"Get rewards!"

Chen Mo did not hesitate,

Open the watch directly and operate it on the official website of the Federation.

not long,

The mother star channel slowly opened.

Looking at the enchanting figure coming from the passage,

Chen Mo was taken aback,

Not a federal worker?

but immediately,

He reacted,

This situation seems to have happened once before!.

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