Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 250 Withered Flowers! A Plan For The Owner To Relax! (2 More)

The red form of Tiberium ore is so overbearing and terrifying.

If it is not restricted, there will be no other ore in this area that can survive until it grows.

Fortunately, this mining area is huge enough,

It's a whole planet!

Otherwise, this unexpected situation would really make Chen Mo troublesome.

"Master, with this red Tiberium ore in hand, I can transform 20 top-level agricultural planets, at least I can make the oceans reach the top level.

"As for Holy Terra, breaking through to the garden world is not a problem!"

"At the same time, with the help of the complete red Tiberium ore, I am sure that I can ascend to the gods, which is a very important material."

"According to the knowledge in my mind, Tiberium ore can also be used to absorb the properties of planetary materials to make a special weapon called 'Withered Flower'.

"It's just that I haven't fully grasped the current knowledge of the 'withered flower'."

The queen originally wanted to sort out the knowledge completely and give people a surprise.

But at this moment, I couldn't hold back. "Three forty" she was so excited.

Hearing the queen's words, Chen Mo's thoughts moved.

Drain the mass of an entire planet?

Isn't this equivalent to directly using the power of Tiberium ore?

According to his observation,

Tiberium ore is to find a way to convert materials into energy crystals.


The ancient god at the source has a way to interrupt this process and directly extract energy continuously.

Instead of waiting for Tiberium to grow, as is often the case,

The whole is then purified into energy blocks.

matter directly into energy?

Interesting... Does this mean that once he acquires the knowledge of the 'withered flower', he can gain similar abilities through infection and parasitism?

Then his 'swallowing' ability is equivalent to an explosive growth.

Never worry about energy issues again.

Because for him, any matter can be converted into energy.

It is a million times more perverted than a device that uses heavy metal elements like Neisser's core!

If you can get the pollution ability of Tiberium ore again...

[Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained the clue of knowledge 'withering flower'. According to the system deduction, using this knowledge, combined with the power of 'star soul', 'parasitic' and 'high energy' genes, can obtain possible evolution opportunities. The probability of evolution is 99%. 】


Chen Mo couldn't help laughing when he heard the voice in his head.

Brand New Evolution Opportunities!

It's about time!

He now has a way to make money.

How the 200 billion will come has been arranged.

It is a poor evolutionary opportunity!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo pinched the queen's face with a smile, and said:

"It doesn't matter if you don't fully grasp it."

"You have to know that the queen of the snake-human race is much stronger than you. It's not been a day or two since she explored the knowledge of the 'source'. Look at her full of confidence.

"I believe she possesses at least part of the knowledge of the Withered Flower, and if you combine it, you should be able to piece together the complete knowledge.

"So if you're lucky, you might be able to do it tomorrow."

"Well~ thank you master~"

"I hope this knowledge can help Master."

The queen raised her head slightly, allowing Chen Mo's palm to slide across her delicate face.

in her eyes,

excited look,

The battle is about to begin.

at this time,

Chen Mo's army has assembled on the Bastion.

The resources are all concentrated in Terra.

Folding over the core, it has almost finished growing,

Immediately be able to launch a thunder strike!

The gigantic Fortress was directly dispatched to the vicinity of the home planet of the Snake People!

But Chen Mo did not rush to attack,

Instead, he observed the results of the 'Gene Devourer'.

In the area controlled by the Temple of Heaven, there is a planet where Chen Mo released Gene Devourer yesterday.

According to his plan,

At this time, it should have developed to the beast tide stage.

Chen Mo divided the parasitic infection of a planet into stages according to his own exclusive racial civilization characteristics.

The first stage, landing.

This stage is the most prone to failure,

Once alien species enter the planet, they will cause strong repulsion.

If there is a child of the world, the other party will immediately rush over to eliminate hidden dangers for various reasons.

No matter whether it is done openly or secretly, this step is the one that encounters the strongest resistance.

But once logged in,

It is equivalent to half the battle.

The second stage, diffusion.

at this stage,

Chen Mo's mushrooms have already landed. Once the first mushroom bursts out with spores, or any animal is infected by parasites, there will soon be endless parasitic spores.

These spores will absorb any energy they can absorb, and the infection spreads wildly.

The more infected, the stronger the strength, the more nutrients you can get.

At this stage, in order to stop Chen Mo's parasitic infection, the only way is to use the power of the children of the world and gather the will of life all over the world to clear the pervasive infection.

Of course, doing so is useless now.

Chen Mo has been able to parasitic infection in the gene,

After that, the whole planet will relapse.

As long as there is a large-scale infection that is not extinguished in time, it will become irreversible.

In short, entering the entire stage, unless the means of the gods are used, it is hopeless.

The third stage,

Beast tide.

The whole stage is equivalent to the late stage of cancer, and it is useless if the gods come.

The places where things can grow on the entire planet are basically covered by creeps. The genes of various creatures are embedded with various indistinguishable mushroom genes... 0

It is no longer possible to distinguish alien races from races on this planet.

at this time,

It has also reached the stage of eroding the will of the planet.

this stage,

There is no other way but to destroy the entire planet.

This method Chen Mo originally wanted to use directly on the snake-human home planet.

But thinking about it later, it's not right.

If the other party notices something and runs away directly, it will be a big loss.

After the snake-human queen failed to trick the star gate last time, Chen Mo felt that the other party should be very cautious, or have the guidance of the gods.

no matter which one,

When you are not absolutely sure, don't make a move,

This is the best.

once hands on,

Thunder must be used to win!

As for the god behind the snake-human queen, there is a high probability that it is the goddess of luck.

Chen Mo is very interested in this.

Of course, there is also the God of Wisdom.

Maybe...he's not wise.

After the Snake Race is wiped out, there should be a chance to fight these gods in the future.

He is also very interested in the situation in the central area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

What kind of powerful existence, or some kind of creation, interfered and derived this series of civilizations with very different aesthetics.

In short, no matter what, as long as it can evolve or sell money, Chen Mo will loot it.

There is nothing to talk about between different civilizations.

Surrender or perish.

This is the powerful method of the Star Soul Lord, and it is also the eternal theme of this icy universe!

"Master~ When this battle is over, I will make an adjustment to the personnel arrangement."

"In the manor, there will be a new batch of servants who serve you.

"Only the best 0.0 mermaid is eligible to enjoy this honor."

"The two sisters, Irene, will also move in by then."

"I've got a big, fun room ready."

The mermaid queen said with some expectation.

The master has achieved a stage victory,

And it is an overwhelming advantage.

Now he holds 20 planets and a war fortress.

If you defeat the snake people again, it will be even stronger!

It's also time to take a good rest and relax.

And what she has to do,

Naturally, it makes the owner happy physically and mentally.

In short

Looking forward to the successful conclusion of this battle.

Get a good harvest.


at this time,

[The evolution of the folding core has been completed!]

A voice sounded.

The entire Fortress vibrated slightly, and then began to accelerate forward.


A green skin roared excitedly.

"All ready!"

"Raise the Dark Sky!"

"Target, Serpens, the mother planet of the snake-human race!"

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