Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 251 Auction Disturbance! Very Short Of Money? ! Dark Sky, Come! (1 More)

Newcomer area.

As the federation continues to give resources to newcomers, powerful newcomers emerge in each theater,

The Temple of Heaven, which was able to resist at the beginning, naturally retreated steadily.

With the release of record rewards,

It also means that in the major theaters, the fighting has come to an end.

The Temple of Heaven has basically all been defeated and withdrawn from these areas.

Therefore, newcomers should pay close attention to the last two months of newcomer benefits, focusing on development.

It is also because of this that the newcomer area is extremely lively.

at this time,

The record of the entire rookie zone was third, and he announced his own rewards.

Once the award is announced,

The entire rookie area was boiling.

1 advanced knowledge!

10 billion resources!

And 2 low-level knowledge!

All envy the other's reward.

It is also for this reason that everyone has speculated, as the number one Chen Mo, how much reward should he get?

Chen Mo naturally wouldn't answer.

Everyone had to ask Luo Bing.

Luo Bing will not ask Chen Mo alone for this.

And even if she knew, she wouldn't say it without Chen Mo's permission.

After all, mastering what knowledge can be regarded as revealing part of the other party's development route and possible abilities.

However, at this moment,

A screenshot of an auction message was sent to the newcomer area by a newcomer.

This news slightly foreshadows the rewards Chen Mo will get.

Auction item: advanced knowledge 'Magic Ship Cannon' (automatically downgraded to intermediate knowledge 'Starship Secondary Cannon')

30 Auctioneer: Chen Mo

Auction time: 1 day

Starting price: 100 million

Each bid: 10 million

Advanced knowledge, put it up for auction!

for a while,

The entire rookie area was dumbfounded.

This silent show off!

The third place was speechless.

Higher knowledge which he treasured,

In Chen Mo's place, it is used for auction, it seems more cost-effective?

So how much knowledge does he have?

" this another kind of local tyrant?"

"Damn it! My eyes are blinded, what do you mean by inhumanity? Let Chen Mo show off like this, I must be envious and jealous!"

"Chen Mo is awesome! He must have acquired a lot of advanced knowledge, and his development path is very special. He must have a very powerful attack method. He doesn't need the "Magic Ship Gun"


"Silly upstairs, how do you know that they have special methods, maybe they are just short of money!"

"I think it's pretend!"

"It's no different from Wang Yifeng and others throwing coins, he's just throwing 'knowledge'!"

"Drought to death, flood to death, why Chen Mo can even sell high-level knowledge, such a waste of money! If this knowledge is given to me, I will immediately increase my combat power by more than ten times, and I can lift the Temple of Heaven to fight !"

"Hehe...Give me this knowledge, and I will have the power to kill demigods on the spot, and I will directly rank among the rookies!"

Many people have imagined,

How powerful it is to have such knowledge.

However, just such a piece of knowledge that can make a newcomer take off directly on the spot,

At Chen Mo's,

Not worthy of attention.

At least, there is no short-term money that is worthwhile.

This fact is very disappointing.

"Grass! It's Chen Mo again!"

In a small circle of elite rookies and experts.

Many people also discussed it.

"It's also Lao Wang who won the third place, what kind of show are you showing off?

It was already embarrassing, and I wanted to keep a low profile, but I ended up giving you such a whole lot.

All of us are not as good as Chen Mo!”

"Hey.....I also wanted to make a name for myself, thinking that Chen Mo is relatively low-key, but I didn't know that it was such a coincidence that I was slapped in the face by a deal on the spot.'

"I'm a hot chicken~~"

"People are invisible pretenders, the deadliest."

"This is not a pretend, what is even more pretend is that Chen Mo's transaction was not announced in the rookie area at all.

"What does that mean, do you know?"

"What the hell?"

"If you don't tell Liu Fan, we haven't found out yet!"

"Hey! Doesn't it mean that Chen Mo has already made a choice? He doesn't want the 2-month tax exemption for newcomers?"

"It's 2 years of tax exemption, it doesn't matter whether you are in the rookie area! I just don't know which choice he made?"

"I guess there is a high probability that it will be the 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven'. After all, he has defeated the Temple of Heaven several times, and he is also an old opponent. He must pursue and fight fiercely."

"Wuuu...they have already started to develop outwards, we are still nesting here, we are really not reconciled!"

"Don't despair, we are not without opportunities."

"If you analyze carefully and look at the items sold by Chen Mo, you will find that there are many magic weapons and high-energy minerals, all of which are necessary for development."

"The other party sold it, indicating that he is short of money."

"But force, the other party has no shortage of access."

"This shows what?"


"Stupid! It shows that the funds needed for the development of the other party are very scary. Even if you sell so many resources, it is not enough. You still have to sell incomparably valuable knowledge!"

"Even if this knowledge is sold for 5 billion, or even 8 billion, it is estimated that it is not enough for the other party to consume.

"The direction of his civilization's growth has not been determined at all. Instead, he spent money abruptly. Although he is powerful now, he will not be able to spend it sooner or later!"

"But we are different. We have more or less learned from the paths of our predecessors. If we really want to develop ourselves, we must come after the Star Soul powerhouse!"

"I did a careful calculation. Assuming that Chen Mo is now a blue star soul, then he is 2 major stages higher than us, but the consumption of each stage is about 20 times ours."

"Hiss! So scary?"

"Nonsense! So I said don't worry, play with him.

He just played in the early stage, and he was directly beaten by me in the follow-up!

I'm here to make a prophecy, and you can hang him up when the time comes!"

"No wonder!"

"So he is eager to leave the rookie zone, and there is an explanation. He just wants to make more money quickly."

"Hehe...then he was wrong, the outside is not a place to pick up money with sacks!"

"I hope those guys in Tianshen Temple will work harder and teach Chen Mo to be a good man."

"One year later, I expect to become a Star Soul expert. I dare not say that I have surpassed all geniuses in the past, but it is also one of the best in speed.

At that time, I will definitely look down on Chen Mo!"

Li Long said domineeringly.

It can be regarded as a guarantee,

Give yourself an incentive!

Chen Mo is his goal for the next year.

The opponent is strong?

don't be afraid!

In the end it was his stepping stone!

"Chen Mo actually chose the 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven!'"

"I'll go.... This is really a version ahead of us, it's like a hang!"

"He should attack from Theater 38, which is closest to the area ruled by the Temple of Heaven!

"There are powerful snake people and Jin people over there!"

"None of these two races is easy to mess with. I think they are regarded as very troublesome enemies in the rest of the war zone."

As Chen Mo's affairs are unraveled in the small circle of elite newcomers,

Not long after, the entire newcomer area knew about 693.

"Hehe...Fake news, in theater 38, Chen Mo's army has not moved at all!"

*Neither in War Zone 33!"

"What rubbish news, Chen Mo is doing this on purpose just because he has 2 years of tax exemption. In fact, he is not ready to attack outside at all~"

"It's the truth upstairs. It's not like some people have already recognized Chen Mo as a father. He's farting. He has to go up and smell it for a long time, and he insists on blowing out his experience."

"Chen Mo's farts are all delicious!"

Since no sign of Chen Mo's attack was observed,

for a while,

The whole rookie area was noisy again.

But what people don't know is that,

at this time,

Chen Mo had indeed struck out.

But the battle zone,

It is a little distance from the front line of the battle between Li Tian Temple and Star Soul World.

Inside the Temple of Heaven.

The mother planet of the snake-human race.

at this time,

plunged into darkness.


Suddenly, it disappeared.

Instead, there is a distorted shadow.

Shadows waving tentacles, gigantic,

Block out the sun!

Seeing this scene, the snake-human queen who was full of confidence was terrified.

She immediately summoned many masters in the clan!

With the peak strength of a demigod, she still has a way to deal with it!

Support to the Temple of Heaven to support!


in the hall,

Many masters looked at her, showing exactly the same weird smile.

this moment,

The Queen of the Snake-Human Race was cold all over.

At the same time, a voice forcibly squeezed into the consciousness of the planet. .

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