Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 252 Billions Of Living Beings, The Invincible Dark Sky! The Black Sun Volleys Into The Sky!

Holy Terra.

Floating in the universe, Chen Mo can clearly see from Leviathan's perspective:

A planet-level monster continuously accelerated, and then suddenly disappeared.

This is the Fortress.

Using the brand-new organ that folds over the core, it realizes the ability to travel through space.


For such a giant,

The consumption of a fold is very terrifying.

If it weren't for the completely liberated Nesser core, and the ability to swallow the surrounding light and convert it into energy.

Even if Chen Mo knew how to do it, he couldn't move it.

too big!

Looking at the Fortress that suddenly turned over and appeared above the snake-human home planet,

it just appears,

Let the mother planet of the snake-human race set off a terrifying tide of 10,000 meters high.

Gravity even began to pull the continents, causing volcanoes to erupt and earthquakes to continue.

terrible power,

It's like the revival of the evil god.

If it weren't for the Queen of the Snake Human Race, a demigod-level powerhouse would be present.

Chen Mo believes,

He just needs to let the Bastion stay there,

The snake-human civilization, which has lost its light and is tortured by the gravitational tide, will soon fall into a situation of extinction.

This is the true strength of the Bastion!

Watching the scene of the Bastion trying out its knives.

Chen Mo couldn't help feeling excited.

"Finally moving."

"Planet-class mothership!"

"It's also my first real warship."

"Combining defense and offense together, even the gods, it is extremely difficult to break through its defense, and there is a semi-permanent portal connected to Terra.

"As long as it is not killed in seconds, the Bastion is equivalent to being backed by 20 planets, with almost endless resources and military support, it is really strong!"

As for the enemies targeted by the Bastion, it will be very miserable.

Within a range of 100 kilometers around it, legions can be transferred at any time.

And it's endless!

In the entire battlefield, there is no safe rear.

This is also one of the reasons why Chen Mo sold the knowledge of "Magic Ship Cannon", no matter how good the enemy is at running, they can't run away with teleportation!

Hand-to-hand combat, the claws that can tear apart the space serve you close to your body.

Don't engage in those coquettish moves.

Just tough!

The entire Heavenly Temple's home planet without the protection of the gods is exposed to Chen Mo's attack range.

As long as the coordinates are exposed.

that is wide open,

Let Chen Mo in and out!

"Congratulations, master~ It's really big~"~~"

"Such a huge mothership will be invincible~"

"With such a mass, the gravitational tide alone is enough to plunge the surrounding planets into catastrophe."

The queen couldn't help but smile.

I adore my master so much.

It is too strong.

However, she also has some concerns.

"However, as long as we dispatch once, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the Temple of Heaven."

"Dragon God will definitely notice us."

"Maybe they will take precautions in the future actions, and even deliberately set traps.

"you are right."

Chen Mo nodded.

Chen Mo sat relaxed in the manor.

Through the magic eye, he seems to be on the battlefield,

Looking down at the snake-human mother planet below,

Countless storms are sweeping the globe,

This is caused by Bastion's tentacles,

A gigantic tentacle pierced deeply into the planet.

Tentacles that are hundreds of kilometers long, gently waving, are more terrifying than life in the universe.

Even if it is a small movement, from the perspective of the planet's ground,

That too is a mountain range sweeping at the speed of sound,


The storm and tsunami are raging again!

Among the tentacles, there are countless monsters rushing out crazily.

Sweep the entire planet!

The power is terrible,

The counterattack of the snake people fell on the Fortress like raindrops, but the strongest blow only made the entire Fortress appear in its true shape.

However, this extremely evil appearance will only accelerate the speed of the opponent's collapse.

Scared out!

The dark sky is supported by the collective will of billions of creatures of Chen Mo's exclusive race,

Almost invincible!


The demigod's attack can only make it show its true body.

Even if it is a god, it will not be able to do anything to the Bastion for a while.

You can leave in peace!

Now it seems that it is really a wise choice to persist in transforming the Evolution Fortress.

too strong!

Of course, the disadvantages are not without

That is too much movement.

"I thought it was a bigger mothership before."

"But now it seems that it's easier to think about.

Such a huge shadow, even in the extreme distance, can also observe huge gravitational fluctuations, accompanied by a lot of light distortion. "

"It's as powerful as a black hole."

"Such a feature is so unique that even the dark sky can't stop it.

As long as it appears once, it will definitely be focused on.

Maybe the Temple of Heaven will specifically ask the gods to predict my information.

With Chen Mo's current ability, there is no way to hide this all-round big movement.

It is impossible to build 2 dark sky screens to cover up.

After all, the size of the Bastion is here.

Just the high-energy reaction emitted can make the enemy's monitoring equipment explode directly.

The queen stands next to Chen Mo,

Looking at the Bastion waving huge tentacles in the distance,

In addition to being shocked,

It is also carefully estimated that:

"Master~ With such a terrifying energy level, you need to remodel and upgrade the fortress at least twice to make it come alive, so that it is enough to hide the fluctuations. I have a small amount of knowledge about this in my mind, but only when it reaches the god level,

Only then can it be used barely. "

at this time,

Watching the tentacles break through planetary defenses,

Countless creeps and spores rushed into the planet from the tentacles.

Inject deep.

Countless huge fungus clusters spread crazily under the snake-human home planet.

The genetic predators have also begun to dispatch!

But the rest of the flying dragons that flew in from the atmosphere, even the Leviathan, all burned up.

Under the resistance of the snake-human queen,

Their mother star can still support it.

The terrifying power of the peak demigod even made a volley in the air, causing diamond-shaped shields to appear on the surface of the Bastion.

The dark sky temporarily revealed its shape.

this moment,

A cloud of shadows like the Bastion,

It also shows its body.

Countless surging creeps, monsters all over them, and twisted and wriggling tentacles.

All these sudden shocking scenes,

The Queen's eyes widened.

Compared with the power of the Bastion.

The power of her demigod is really too petty, a bit like the level of a village head.


She somewhat understood why the master expected to reach the rank of star soul powerhouse so much.

This stage is the real big scene!

But she believes (Li's) that even a star-soul expert,

There are very few people who will make such a big scene,

The master's mothership is really too huge, and its energy consumption is also terrifying.

It's just such a break,

It consumes almost half a ton of Tiberium ore.

With so much energy consumption, the movement is sure.

Even, when she attacks with all her strength, she also consumes 20 Tiberium ore.

Destroy at most one planet.

Then let it burst out with terrifying light and heat.

But the Bastion just moves,

The influence caused by itself can be observed intuitively in the entire star region.

Even on other planets,

At this point look up and,

You can also see a huge "々Black Sun" exuding black flames.

Even, there will be a solar eclipse,

After all, the ability of the Bastion to absorb all kinds of light is really too strong.

Black Sun volleys!

Thousands of years later, the natives still living under this starry sky, maybe there will be such a myth and legend about "the black sun soars into the sky and the world is destroyed". .

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