Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 253 Raising The Coffin To Get Rich! Attack The Home Planet Of The Snake-Human Race! Advance

"Master, the power of this mothership of yours has far exceeded that of a demigod."

"Although it may not be as good as a god in terms of idealism, but in terms of energy level and defense, I'm afraid it is almost the same as ordinary gods."

"Master is invincible, another step forward~"

The queen said next, very emotionally.

Meanwhile, watch Chen Mo adoringly.

Sounds like a flattering, licking dog.

But these are her true thoughts from the bottom of her heart.

Of course, power is one aspect, but there are many aspects to measure the ability of a mothership.

on top of stealth,

Bastion is nothing to count on.

At least without transformation and evolution, there is basically no solution!

Originally, Chen Mo thought that this would not be a big problem.

But the support from the Temple of Heaven who immediately reacted around,

make him realize,

How much still matters.

Not to mention increasing the difficulty of the attack, it also increased Chen Mo's energy consumption.

The energy consumption of the Bastion is really terrifying.

The cost of this dispatch,

Chen Mo calculated it, and it was around 10 billion.

If the action fails,

The resources invested are equivalent to all in vain.

I have to cry to death.

But fortunately, he has gone through careful planning, and has the biological mastermind to deduce it repeatedly. More importantly, after the leap of evolution, his ability to infect and parasite has improved by leaps and bounds.

At this time, the mother planet of the Snake-Human Race has not been completely breached.

But inside, there are already quite a few snake girls!

The appearance of the Fortress at this moment is completely the result of a miracle.

This kind of creation is not something that Star Soul powerhouse 797 should create.

Some of the above abilities have already surpassed the average star soul powerhouse, and some are lower than them.

In the final analysis,

Or is Chen Mo's development speed too terrifying.

So that there is not much time to accumulate enough resources.

Bastion, still lacks some polish.

Theoretically, the fully revived Bastion is the most suitable for going out to fight,

Once revived, it will be at the level of a god!

At this moment, relying on the particularity of genetic ascension, Chen Mo has the ability to fight at the star soul powerhouse stage.

Even got the folding device from the Temple of Heaven.

Thereby grow nothing but fold over the core!

So...the movement is very huge, and the energy consumption explodes, etc., which is a natural thing.

After all, the Bastion itself is more a product of materialism,

Still follow the law of gradual and orderly progress.

There are many differences from pure idealistic creations.

Chen Mo says:

"The problems you mentioned do exist, and it is estimated that they will exist for quite a long time. After all, this problem arises due to rapid development."

"There is an imbalance in the enhancement of strength and the acquisition of evolution opportunities, resulting in some aspects of the Bastion being particularly strong.

"However, the top priority now is to develop rapidly. I believe that the imbalance in evolution can be resolved in evolution.

"As you said, after two transformations and evolutions, these problems will disappear."

"As for the external Dragon God Temple and so on, they are all my help. The more you come, the better."

"When the Temple of Heaven is destroyed, money will be needed, there will be a lot of opportunities for evolution, and a lot of knowledge will be acquired. I believe it can make up for this problem.

Chen Mo is sure that this problem is not a problem.

The reason why it becomes a problem is only because he is always challenging the difficulty.

If at this moment,

Using the Fortress to come to the floating city with only demigod guards in the Temple of Heaven, there will be no problem.

Roll directly!

Unfortunately, the gods are very cunning.

Otherwise, devouring the genes of the gods, I believe it can evolve quickly!

The Queen thought for a while, and said, "Well, all of this is due to the strength of talented people."

"As long as you defeat the Heavenly God Temple, there are a lot of gods there, and we will definitely receive a lot of goods!"

"By the way, speaking of gods... can we go to explore the corpse of the ancient god 'source' now?"

"By deploying consciousness detectors on more than 20 planets in several theaters, we have preliminarily determined the location of the 'source'."

"There, maybe you can directly have a lot of knowledge and resources!"

"If the master is not free, I can send some mermaids to explore in advance.

"Not yet."

Chen Mo shook his head.

He has been coveting the genes of the gods for a long time.


"The methods of the gods are too weird, especially the unknown ancient gods.

"It's not suitable to explore there directly."

"In particular, although you mermaids are more likely to perceive this 'source', you are also more likely to be affected by it and be eroded secretly."

"It's safer to wait until I become a star god, or go through a leap evolution."

Chen Mo believes that when the time comes, his strength will be comparable to that of a god, and a corpse of an ancient god will never be able to help him.

Going there at that time is a proper way to "raise the coffin and get rich".

Not only the layout and consciousness of the ancient god who was prostituted for nothing, but even her corpse was not spared!

After listening to Chen Mo's words,

The queen hummed softly,

For the master's plan, she unconditionally supports it.

What's more, the master's consideration is indeed more thoughtful than her.

Anyway, after eliminating the snake-human race, she will lose a strong competitor,

Where the source corpse is, it won't run away with long legs.

Once you are able, you can go anytime!

Snake-human (dadf) parent planet.

The battle is one-sided!

Facing the face-riding Bastion, the Snake Terran mother planet could not resist at all.

What's more, there are still a large number of snake women rebelling inside.

"Master, so far, we have inserted 9 tentacles, and only one was blocked by the snake-human queen.

"But it's not a big problem, the entire planet has been fixed by us."

"Currently we can choose to directly inject spores to purify the entire planet, or directly pull them away and take them captive."

The little fox's voice rang in Chen Mo's ears.


"How much does it cost to take the prisoners?"

Chen Mo asked curiously.

The little fox is now a qualified secretary,

Since she said so, this option must be beneficial.

"If the planet is pulled away, it is equivalent to adding an extra weight to the fold.

Correspondingly, Tiberium ore consumption increased by 5 times. "

"Equivalently, we need to spend 50 billion resources to complete the capture.

"That equals almost all of the Tiberium we have left.

"But the good thing is, we'll get a more suitable race.

The snake people are good at transforming the soil environment.

Even if it is a desert environment, they can also be transformed into an oasis. "

"This may be a part of the talent inherited from the 'source'. It just cooperates with the murlocs. Maybe it can be transformed and upgraded into a top-level agricultural planet!"

"The 50% of our idle planet area is also useful! It is estimated that we can generate 100 billion more income every month.

"In addition, the snake man is beautiful and has a very soft body. He is also a qualified maid. The race of the manor is somewhat single."

"I remember that the master also said before, to increase the diversity of planetary races and civilizations."

"And the Queen of the Snake-Human Clan also has some means. If the confrontation continues fiercely, reinforcements from the Temple of Heaven will arrive soon."

"Although we have blocked and interfered with the space, many space rifts have already begun to open in the farther area, and the golden people in the surrounding star area reacted very quickly.

"Ten minutes at most, and their vanguard support troops will arrive!"

"Unless the other party's home planet is completely removed."

"Otherwise, it would be enough time to kill the opponent, but you can't keep it. Many resources will be destroyed and cannot be searched.

The words are already obvious.

The captive not only gains a slave race, but also adds bricks and tiles to his ruling planet.

More resources are also available.

Chen Mo spent tens of billions here,

Definitely can't go back without success!

In addition to exterminating the snake-human race, he naturally had to make a fortune.

However, in addition to evolutionary opportunities,

Chen Mo estimates that he will not have much resource income,

Because obviously, he cost too much to and fro.


"This snake-human queen is starting to take the risk to advance to the gods!"

"Do we break through the opponent's defense and interrupt the opponent's actions?"


Based on various signs and clues provided by the ubiquitous Gene Devourer, the Biological Mastermind came up with a probability of 90% reliability!

The little fox was in a hurry immediately.

God, but is very strong!

Even just promoted,

Maybe the opponent can turn the situation around.

Action must be taken now!

"Not urgent."

Chen Mo waved his hand lightly.

"Wait until she is about to advance, and then start the teleportation."


He was all smiles.

tie a demigod back,

It's better to directly tie a god who has just been promoted!

Just tie it to Terra.

The proof of conquest just happened to come in handy.

If it really doesn't work, open the channel to the mother star, and roast the other party for a meal!

Just right, but also to purify the other party.

Chen Mo never expected that the first god under his command might be kidnapped.

I didn't expect the snake-human queen to be so powerful.

Of course, some training is necessary.

"I hope the opponent can advance to the gods."

Chen Mo sincerely hopes to come.

If that's the case, this return will cost 5 times more, which is not a problem at all.

blood earned!.

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