Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 254 Soft And Deceitful? ! The Last Light Of The Snake People! (2 More)

With Chen Mo's current strength, he is an old-school god, so I dare not say that he can handle it.

After all, the other party will have artifacts, or they can explore or learn various knowledge by themselves,

There are many means!

But a newly promoted god,

He is still sure.


It's not that if you are sure, you can get it~.

Even if the gods look at the entire universe,

It is also a rare species.

Even rarer than cosmic creatures.

It can be said that if it is an ordinary person, they may not see a god in a lifetime, or in the evolution of a planet for hundreds of millions of years.

It takes luck.


Chen Mo's luck is pretty good!

There is a deity that may be born.

As for whether you can seize this opportunity?

In order to ensure 100% success,

Chen Mo decided to use the proof of conquest!

First teleport directly, connect the other party to the mother star, and pull them together to the vicinity of Holy Terra.

This keeps Chen Mo safe.

In this area shrouded in the atmosphere of the mother star,

Not afraid of being a trap routine of other gods.

In a word,

blood earned.

If you're lucky, you'll also get a snake-human queen.

God level servant!

"For ordinary natives, it is extremely difficult to advance to the gods, and the probability is extremely low."

"But the snake-human queen is different."

"Her race was actually born from the disturbance of the 'source' consciousness. It has evolved all the way, which is equivalent to being cultivated by the ancient gods, and its aptitude is definitely not bad."

"The same resonant body, I think that even if the queen of the snake-human race is preparing to ascend to the gods urgently, the success rate will not be low."

"I'll congratulate the master in advance~"

"A soft and rideable maid~"

said the mermaid queen.

She is also smiling.

As for the impact on your own status?

She wasn't worried about that at all,

She believes in her abilities.

I also believe in the owner, and I will never like the new and dislike the old.


If the snake people are really subdued, then the murlocs will be pressured, that's for sure.

But if the master wants to develop, all these are necessary.

"I hope the other party can surprise me."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

What kind of evolution opportunities will the gods.... bring?

He is looking forward to it.

After putting forward his own idea to the little fox,

Chen Mo entered the spectator mode.

He will not specifically interfere with the course of the battle.

Only provide the approximate goals that need to be achieved:

Send the Snake People with the ball to the vicinity of Holy Terra.

As for how to detail, it is executed perfectly.

It depends on the cooperation of the commanders of the major legions and the biological masterminds.

Raise soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while,

If there are so many tedious details, Chen Mo has to do it himself, then it doesn't make any sense.

Following Chen Mo's order,

The whole Bastion moved again.

9 tentacles are firmly inserted into the center of the planet,


The Bastion is identical to the Snake Terran mother star.

Not just links on the surface.

Infused with creep, spores,

Also explosive growth.

There are quite a few of them, rapidly changing form, growing into gravitational cores,

Lighten the load on Bastion.

partly grows into a gigantic breakaway core,

Under Chen Mo's use of a large amount of 'evolution potion' and 'star soul' power,

This step will be very quick!

The will of the planet that was originally the most resistant to invasion, at this moment,

Completely suppressed by the star soul world breath of the fortress!

and this

It is also an important reason for the rapid and explosive expansion of infection.

Organisms that are not on this planet will naturally be rejected.

Even if the ability of parasitic infection is very strong, it cannot be accomplished overnight,

But the Bastion itself is also a planet,

this wave,

It is equivalent to the collision of planetary will.

Naturally, the mother planet of the snake-human race was completely defeated.

Under this series of measures, the entire snake-human mother planet accelerated rapidly.

It only takes 5 minutes to enter the guarding state.

"I have a hunch that the snake-human queen has a lot of money."

"Perhaps it was supported by the gods behind her."

"Otherwise, there is no way to explain why she gathered advanced resources so quickly.

"Obviously a large part of the resources are still on the curry side."

Chen Mo looked at the battlefield, inside a light curtain, his attacks could not enter at all.

Inside is the palace area of ​​the snake-human queen.

at this time,

He arranged for the snake-human infected people inside to be completely imprisoned.

Can't move.

But it can be seen that

The snake-human queen and Ashe are indeed very similar,

Both are queens, leading the rise of the race, and at the same time, they are very kind to their own people.

Even to this point,

She also didn't directly kill Oritoka, the Serpent Spear.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that being able to capture the snake-human queen and subdue this race would be a great achievement.

Now it seems,

on looted resources,

He can also almost double that!

"If this is the case, then my goal of 200 billion funds may be realized ahead of schedule.

"With the resources in place ahead of time, you will be able to advance to the Star God faster!"

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

…0 for flowers……………

The mother planet of the snake-human race.

A doomsday scene.

The whole world is plunged into boundless darkness,

the only light,

It also comes from the legendary powerhouse.

However, in the dark,

There are countless monsters surging.

This darkness, as if it was alive, crazily devoured the light.

light rays,

It doesn't spread far at all.

The only one that maintains amazing brightness and does not go out,

It is the palace of the snake-human queen.

Huge beams of light that are tens of kilometers long spew out from the tentacles,

Bombarded on the palace shield.

However, the palace remained motionless, and even burst out with a powerful golden light.

The will of the world has also been strengthened.

Make Chen Mo's infection progress,

suddenly slowed down.

This scene,

It directly boiled the entire snake-human planet.

"Go to God!"

"Her Majesty has begun to ascend to the gods!"

"This time it will succeed! Dispel the darkness!"

"I have received orders from Her Majesty Queen, everyone must strengthen their defenses and strengthen their will!

"All of this is under Her Lady Queen's expectation!"

"My Lady Queen will ascend to the gods, and the support of the gods will also arrive soon!"

"Hahaha! Her Majesty Queen is wise and mighty, with such terrifying energy fluctuations, she can resist the evil gods from outside the territory! Sure enough, she has extra means!"

"The promotion time spread before is wrong, just to confuse the enemy!"

With the news that there is a queen.

The Snake Race, which was on the verge of collapse, showed amazing cohesion.

The resistance of the entire snake-human mother planet suddenly became stronger!

And this in turn,

It further increased the success rate of the snake-human queen's ascension to the gods.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The queen is really going to succeed in ascension to the gods! You see, these monsters have all retreated!"

"Hateful, my family members are dead, blood debt is paid, and still want to escape? Hunt down to death!"

"This is not a retreat, this is a hasty flight."

"They know that once our queen ascends to the gods, their time of death will come, and the thunderous majesty of the gods cannot be seen by these ugly monsters.

"The queen can reduce these monsters to ashes with just one look."

All the surviving members of the snake people roared excitedly.

This time the darkness,

Is it the final grind?

Their race is finally about to usher in the final light.

The layout of the Temple of Heaven has not changed for some time.

They are variables!


The snake people don't know,

They are indeed about to usher in the final light,

but this light,

It is Holy Terra.

There are also variables,

But it's Chen Mo Spoon!.

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