Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 255 Confident Snake-Human Queen Oran! A New God Is Born! (3 More)

The mother planet of the snake-human race.

"Queen...I really don't know why this is happening!"

"I don't feel it at all myself."

"Wuuuu...... I killed the snake-human race, you kill me!"

Oritoka, the Spear of the Serpent Clan, burst into tears.

She thought she had escaped smoothly.

how do you know

The other party didn't know what tricks they used, but they found the home planet through her!

Just find it,

They also manipulated many members of their snake-human tribe.

Although neither is a powerful snake girl.

But the problem is, many powerful weapons,

also infected with parasites,

Moreover, the command at the grassroots level,

Almost all messed up.

It can be said,

Almost unconsciously, the

Penetrated into many key departments.

And all this,

She didn't notice it at all,

this is too scary.

If the queen hadn't been prepared,

At this "three four three" moment,

The entire home planet of the snake-human race has fallen into the hands of the enemy!

And she can only die in remorse.

Fortunately, the queen, as always, is a creator of miracles,

She is about to ascend to God!

The power of the gods cannot be shaken by mere tricks.

"Olitoka, you don't need to blame yourself, everything is under the queen's control!"

"The opponent's method of infecting and eroding is really good, but so what, the queen is about to ascend to the gods!"

"We chose to ally with Lady Luck, and it was indeed the right choice.

"This time there is no danger."

"Outside the news, the enemy has already started to retreat, obviously they know how powerful we are!"

"Hmph! Come whenever you want, leave as soon as you want, toilet?"

"Kill! No one left!"

"Destroy this slave owner, and give the queen as a congratulatory gift!"

The senior executives of the snake-human clan had just finished speaking.

A burst of excited voices erupted in the hall.

They had too much fear before, and they must vent at this moment.

And the glorious moment of the Snake Human Race is coming soon.

The queen's shocking reversal is really exciting.

Everyone feels scalp tingling.


I feel like I'm about to climax.

"Don't be overly optimistic."

The queen nodded, and Zans pursued the enemy.

But she didn't think that the opponent was so easily defeated.

After all, before becoming a god,

She still can't tell,

In this hall,

Besides Olitoka, are there any other people who were also infected?

What's even more strange is that Olitoka herself has experienced many battles, but she didn't realize it at all.

Her consciousness is fine,

The other party did not know how to hide in Olitoka's body.


All of this will come to light after she ascends to the gods.

Originally, she was not as sure as 100%.

but at the moment,

As the enemy attacks,

Under the stimulus of foreign enemies,

The whole world, in unprecedented unity,

She felt the power of faith like never before.

Even so, it's kind of cruel,

But this time she resolutely took the risk to become a god,

indeed because,

the enemy is too strong,

The crushing advantage has actually boosted her success rate!


She has full confidence that she can ascend to the gods!

"A powerful enemy sharpens the will of our race.

"What doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger.

The queen spoke lightly.

Her whole body was shining with golden light.

Her will is growing rapidly.

A large amount of resources were taken out from the ring by the queen and consumed.

She is on the path of ascension to consciousness.

But the queen did not give up her body.

at this time,

Her already incomparably beautiful body is also becoming more perfect.

According to the knowledge in the brain,

She can also transform into legs, completely close to human form.

Or according to the way in the brain, completely separate from the physical body, and exist forever in the way of the conscious body.

"This mode of existence may be more conducive to subsequent learning and use of more 'over there' knowledge.

But before that,

She still has to complete the ascension to the gods first and destroy the intruders.

As for the strength of the invaders,

she is not very clear,

but it doesn't matter,

The opponent didn't destroy her home planet with a single blow, and she also reached the critical moment of ascension to God,

It is enough to prove that:

The opponent is indeed much stronger than the demigod,

But under the gods.

"Just wait a moment, and the support from the Temple of Heaven will also arrive."

"The golden man, the octopus, these guys will be there."

"There will be at least a million troops and thousands of starships."

"Maybe there are still many demigods, and many commanders of the Temple of Heaven.

"At that time, the snake constellation will usher in the most lively moment in the entire history."

"At that time, it was also my glorious moment!"

"Let this arrogant slave owner, as well as those people in the Temple of Heaven, keep their eyes wide open."

"Witness the birth of a new god!"

"In this starry sky, there is a place for me 0°

Queen Oran thought.

Leaving aside the loss of the tribe,

At this moment, she was very excited, happy, and looking forward to it.

Whoever struggles for hundreds of years,

At last the moment has come,

Will be excited too!

Fortunately, she has experienced too much, experienced many battles,

At this moment, his body was only trembling slightly, and he regained his composure.

"The whole clan obeys my orders!"

"I'm about to ascend to God!"

the queen spoke.

With the whole discourse,

The golden light began to dispel the darkness.

She is about to ascend to God!

The powerful power, let the whole planet begin to feel it!

The starships that were coming to support in the distance all observed this unprecedented strange fluctuation.


Many commanders of the Temple of Heaven were stunned.

everyone feels,

I will see myself,

A grand counter-kill.

She is indeed the queen of the snake people!

Congratulations Temple of Heaven!

In addition to the goddess of luck, another powerful goddess is ushered in!

Both are very similar!

Someone is already celebrating.

"Gather all forces and wipe out all slave masters and servants!"

"Above the legend, gather at the palace!"

The queen's voice resounded throughout the mother planet.



For a while, all the snake people became even more excited.

This time, everyone heard the queen's voice.

That is at this time,

The whole planet suddenly trembled slightly,

start speedup 5.7,

And the speed increases extremely fast!

so that,

The wind blows all over the earth,

The atmosphere blows wildly towards the tail,

Pull out a long gas belt, leaving traces in the starry sky.

It's like white smoke from an airplane.

Immediately afterwards,

The entire planet is shrouded in white light.

for a moment,

dark sky,

starry sky,

golden hall,

All gone!

"what happened?"

"I can't perceive the probe left on the asteroid!"

"Look, what is that!"

"A whole new planet, never seen before!"

"This is this a fold?"

"It's really like crossing the starship!"

"Presumptuous! Who is disturbing the morale of the army, hurry up and arrest him, this must be an infected person!

Right! Folding? Another piece? Absolutely impossible!".

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