Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 257 You Can't Refuse Master's Request! At Your Mercy! (2 More)

"Evil... evil god!"

"No, it's the Star Soul World!"

Ashe looked at the light that burst out in the distance, and his whole body was covered in smoke.

The rest of the snake people turned pale with shock.

Don't understand what's going on here.

The gods, their eyes are burning!

What exactly did you see?

Their strength is low, so naturally they don't notice this.

terrible stress,

All will be borne by the strongest Ashe.

"Do not!!"

"how can that be!"

The queen looked horrified.

She was completely paralyzed and stopped talking,

The opponent even summoned the mother star.

This is just so rogue!


she wants to cry,

It's true that she is a god, but how can she fight against the home planet of a god-level civilization?

That's the cosmic slave master!

Even if she is ten times stronger, it is impossible.

so at the moment,

Her heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

the strength of the enemy,

Far stronger than she appears to be.

Her arrangement at the beginning, and her self-confidence,

Before the other party points, it seems a little ridiculous.

She anticipated the opponent's conspiracy,

but did not expect,

The other party is not a conspiracy, it is simply relying on the incomparable strength to force it!

even feel uncomfortable,

raised her to be a god,

Only then did he make a strong move.

It's just...she doesn't understand,

Doesn't this just increase the risk?

Or... the other party has already made her into a god from the very beginning, and expected her to be part of it 2

If so, it would be terrible.

Not only is the opponent's strength, but also his planning ability far surpassed her!


A sense of powerlessness filled Oran's heart.

At the same time, her stubborn character of never admitting defeat also made her extremely angry.

Resist to the end!

That was her only thought at the moment.

If she hadn't been able to control the power of the entire mother planet, she would crush the entire planet at this moment.

She absolutely did not want to be enslaved again.

She never wanted to live the days of mining Tiberium mines day and night.


She was also puzzled, didn't slave owners never persuade anyone to surrender?

They seemed to have a low demand for slaves.


Their powerful pattern does not allow them to keep too many unfaithful individuals within the planet.

Ashe waved lightly, and the Tiberium ore in her hand spun.



Turned into a lightsaber.

The demigod is already so powerful that he can use his will and interfere with reality.

It is easy to manipulate the energy you are familiar with.

She looked at Oran, the snake-human queen, with a cold expression.

"The strength of the master is not something you can guess."

"Ignorant ants, even if they have absorbed some bait from the sea of ​​knowledge of the ancient gods, they are still individuals with a taste.

Listening to Ashe's words,

Oran, the queen of the snake people, almost vomited blood.

Three sentences never leave the master,

And despised her as a bumpkin!

Just treat yourself as a licking dog,

He even asked her to join in quickly,

If you don't hurry up, you will lose the same expression.

Too angry!

The issue is,

She can't move at the moment!

And the words of this strange and beautiful woman really caught her attention!

Especially the level of the opponent's use of 'source' knowledge,

Stronger than when she was a demigod!

And the other party has mastered some,

Nor did she have the knowledge.

Knowledge bait?

ancient god

She had to admit that she had never heard of these statements before.

It seems that the so-called secret of his rise,

The other party also knows.

And more than you know!

Oran said angrily: "Quickly let us all go! Otherwise, I'll blow myself up"!"

"You can't expect anything from me!"


It's all she can do.

And if you don't hurry up, even this,

She couldn't even do it.

she feels,

The other party must want to get something from her.

But beyond her expectations.

The other party didn't think about it at all,

Ashe said:


"No one can bargain with the divine will."

"Join the glorious evolution."


"Give your all!"

voice just fell,

Ashe manipulated the dragon claws to tear the space,

swipe lightly,

A gash appeared in Oran's chest.

The top of the snow is white, poured with bright red.

beating heart,

At this moment, it came into the hands of Ashe.

The gods can already survive completely without flesh and blood,

this blow,

For Oran, it doesn't matter.

at first,

She thought so too.

But the next moment,

She screamed.

Infection Control!

At this moment, the 'parasitic' gene of Chen Mo's exclusive race is evolving towards idealism and conception.

Already able to infect pure energy bodies.


The new god who has not had time to completely leave the flesh and blood.

There are many connections between body and consciousness.

With this,

The sharp claws that tear the void directly break through defenses,

Then the infection takes hold of Oran's heart,

And then infection control awareness.


so what?

Still slavery!

Plus it's close to Holy Terra,

Open the breath of the mother star, and there is a terrible burning to help purify.

Oran struggled violently,

Terrifying energy burst out from Alan's body like a supernova explosion.

for a while,

The whole Bastion was shaken by the impact,

Darkness looms,

Under the full power of the gods, the power is extremely terrifying!

There was a storm on the holy Terra, and many weak and small individuals, looking up at this scene, directly exploded to death.

If the shock wave spreads out,

Capable of directly destroying a planet.

But the next moment,

The Bastion's dark pupil turns,

Terrible Energy Drain!

next moment,

Struggling desperately, the screaming Queen Oran twitched and rolled her eyes.

she opened her mouth,

He still wanted to make a sound, but he found that his body seemed to be hollowed out, and he couldn't use his strength.

She wants to use knowledge from 'The Source', using Tiberium,

It was also easily stopped by Ashe.

set down,

She restrained her to death.

She could only open her mouth, panting violently.

At the mercy of Chen Mo,

Can't resist at all.

"no, do not want!"

"how is this possible!"

Oran was terrified.

She didn't expect that she couldn't even blew herself up.

Isn't the will of the gods omnipotent?

invincible will,

Can't resist this weird slave master!

at the same time,

She was horrified to find,

own strength is rapidly draining,

at the same time,

Her connection with the will of the planet is also fading,

She is being marginalized rapidly!


she desperately found,

do not know when,

Almost all of the snake people have turned against each other!


all prostrate on the ground,

Shout out the divine will.

"Join the glorious evolution!"

"Bow to the truth!"

A snake girl pointed at her and scolded loudly.

"Bow to the truth!!"

"Join Glorious Evolution!!"

The sound spread,

resounding throughout the planet,

Replaced her will as a child of the planet!

The planetary will of the home planet has been stolen.

A new collective will was born.

use the power of faith,

Even gods who don't care what they can't do will suffer backlash.

At this moment, Chen Mo draws from the bottom,

It directly shattered Oran's last will to resist.

She tore open her last barrier abruptly.


She was completely naked in front of Chen Mo.

The battle that took place in another world completely stunned the high-level snake people.

They looked at everything in front of them in horror.

don't know at all,

What exactly is going on.

Only to see the queen begin to bow her head in submission,


Rebels are everywhere.

Even boldly, shouting the name of the slave owner.

"々`is some kind of weird infection."

"It's like an evil god."

"It is more invisible and deadly than Tiberium ore infection."

"It's not true, everyone, don't be afraid!"

There are also legendary warriors of the Snake-human tribe who have been identified, and they refuse to believe everything in front of them.

But soon,

Such a sound disappears.

Because after the queen lost most of her power, Chen Mo used the power of "star soul" and added the knowledge of "corroding Gaia's consciousness proficiency".

The process of attacking Oran went extremely smoothly.

Except that Terra was slightly turbulent and caused some natural disasters,

Nothing to lose.

Of course, the loss of Terra can be recovered in a few days, and even after the snake-human race joins, it can keep up with the next level!

at the same time,

The snake people, and their mother planet,

It will be Chen (Manuo's) Mo's pocket!

Newcomer area.

There are always people who are paying attention to Chen Mo's movements.

Someone checked Chen Mo's sacred main planet of Terra, and his score dropped by 100 in just an instant.

at the same time,

Someone combined all of this with the huge movement of the snake-human tribe's gathering of millions of troops, and these.

"Hahaha! Everyone, take a look, big news!"

"Chen Mo's home planet has lost its rating! It means someone attacked him there!"

"Fuck? The main planet loses points, which is extremely rare!"

"It's over, where can people find it? Could it be that the dragon god came to take revenge on him?"

"Hehe... If you are from the 38th theater, you will know that there is a lot of movement in the area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven in the distance, and there are terrifying spatial fluctuations, at least at the planetary level!

"I observed the army of the Temple of Heaven gathering there!"

A lot of evidence was issued.

Even the powerhouses of the Federation Star Soul also came to join in,

Prove it's true.

" fluctuations? Teleportation? Army!"

"Could it be that the Temple of Heaven used its best method again?"

"It's self-evident who the target is!"

"It's over, this time Chen Mo was attacked by a space rift!"

"Dragon God can't be indifferent, such a good opportunity, it has no reason not to participate!"

"Hiss! The blessing of being served by two powerful men is not small!"

"It's over~~ I never dreamed of being treated like Mr. Chen Mo~".

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