Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 258 Shocking Everyone! Extra Meal! Millions Of Troops! (1 More) Subscribe

The rookie area has been divided at this time.

Many real masters,

has come to the fore,

And between them, quite a few alliances have been established.

even without,

Also pulled up a small group.

Whether there is mutual exchange.

Those who can enter these small groups are masters, or masters of star souls.

There are also veteran Star Soul Lords who have recruited many newcomers, either offering help, or getting to know each other.

at this time,

In these groups,

They are all talking about Chen Mo.

The first newcomer who walked out of the newcomer area and chose the "Battle of the Temple of Heaven"!

It can be said that the rookies who are interested in making some achievements, or the veterans in this area, are all paying attention to Chen Mo.

Let's see how this guy's test scores are?

I thought I would continue to observe for a while,

who would have thought,

The battle came so suddenly,

The Temple of Heaven suddenly gathers millions of troops!

armies capable of moving in space,


This is not a small amount,

This shows that they are all elites,

Even, they are above the eighth level!

Ordinary soldiers cannot act in the universe. Even with protective equipment, they are vulnerable to a large number of disturbances in consciousness.

In short

this time

Many people are not optimistic about Chen Mo,

"If the whole attack is true, then Chen Mo may be in danger."

"God knows how his home planet was discovered.

"I'm going to die, I like to take slaves, what else can I do, it seems that it is the lower body thinking, which leads to problems.

"It's a pity, his main planet has been transformed and evolved from a barren planet, and a lot of effort has been wasted."

"What you said, you didn't see it with your own eyes, so you think it's bad?"

"Not necessarily."

"Hey...Tera's score hasn't continued to drop, so it's all right, okay?"

"Hm...a million-strong army, it seems that they are also...making wool, and they all started going back to their homes?"

"Damn, this is to play everyone!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Many newcomers may not have seen this kind of scene. As a veteran star soul master, I have been in the star area for more than ten years. I can tell you in charge of 903: I have never seen it."

Not to mention newcomers, many Star Soul Masters were also dumbfounded.

Are you crazy at the Temple of Heaven?

Various mobilization of troops,

Even at the expense of transmission, these,

It will consume a lot of resources, and it will give many Star Soul powerhouses a chance to take advantage of it!

But that's the case,

What the hell did they do?


It's not just that everyone in the war zone on the Star Soul World side is confused,

Over there at the Temple of Heaven,

Not much better!

They don't even know what they're doing,

Do a lonely!

In short

rushed over in a hurry,

In the end there was nothing.

Dragon God naturally also dispatched manpower,

he is

But in the end, I can only give up.

On the contrary, the Temple of Heaven and the life of the universe discovered each other, and a fierce battle broke out.

Just when everyone was confused,

A large number of items were suddenly listed on the trading platform. may be inappropriate to describe it as a large amount.



In short

There are so many people are dumbfounded.

The key is,

These items, at first glance, are the spoils of looting from the Temple of Heaven.

"Just out of the factory, 100% of the new mana naval guns, not a single shot, can be inspected!"

"100 rings for the Commander of the Temple of Heaven, 5% off if you buy two, 40% off if you buy three, and a set of Temple of Heaven for sale, the quantity is 100,000 sets."

"Tiberium energy block, 2 tons, you need to order!"

"10 million tons of titanium alloy..."

This is part of the ad that Chen Mo played.

looking at these,

Everyone was dumbfounded.

some confused,

Are you kidding me?

After all, there are too many!

"That's an outrageous amount."

"Is this looting the main planet (dacj) of a certain Celestial Temple race?"

"Ordinary indigenous planets don't have so many goods!"

"Gah.... What the hell did Chen Mo do?"

"Is there such a possibility that everyone said that Chen Mo chose the "Battle of the Temple of Heaven" in a hurry, not to attract our attention and then pretend, but to loot these materials?"

"This should be only part of it. Chen Mo himself must have left a lot of good things, it's unbelievable..."

"Impossible, Chen Mo's legion is standing still, how did he attack the Temple of Heaven?"

"The million-strong army of the Temple of Heaven, did it fall into the trap?"

"Which boss sent someone to ask the Temple of Heaven, what's going on?"

"You can't even figure it out, do you think the Temple of Heaven can understand it?"

"I suspect that Mr. Chen Mo has done something big!"

"Looking forward to the results!"

"Ahh! I really want to know!"

At this time, as things further fermented.

The matter of Chen Mo is no longer just a part of the discussion.

the surrounding war zone,

have joined the discussion.

Even the Star Soul powerhouse was stunned when he saw so many supplies.

Some people think it's just a newcomer,

But seeing the materials on the trading platform, I silently calculated the possible strength of the Temple of Heaven.

Immediately afterwards, a silent sentence came: Fuck!

at this time


Temple of Heaven, Hydra star area.

The pot has exploded.

A master has been dispatched, and it has been confirmed that the mother planet of the snake-human race has been teleported away with people and planets!

On the planet, there are still gods who are about to advance!

that's it,

They were all moved away.

It's outrageous. Open the door to Outrageous. Outrageous is home!

Everyone at their own peril!


"We have masters who are good at space exploration, and there are cosmic beings on the side of Dragon God to assist us in detection.

Under the temporary cooperation of both parties.

We have reversely deduced the location of the other party's teleportation!"

"It is very likely that it is the other party's main planet, the base camp!!"

“This is a fantastic opportunity!”

“Once in a lifetime!”

"Damn it! Before, the slave owners kept attacking us. This time, we went straight to it!"

"Yes! Dare to leave traces, this time we fight back with fire, blow up the opponent's home planet, bring out the snake-human race, and save a god's home planet, the other party must be grateful to us!"

"The Queen of the Snake-Human Race is so powerful, she probably has already advanced to the rank of god at this moment, and she might be in an inextricable fight with her opponent. At this time, we rush over immediately, and we can definitely give that damned slave owner a fatal blow!"

"If you miss this opportunity, the other party will be on guard, so I'm afraid it won't work! Everyone hurry up and gather all the starships!"

"Yes! Take your chance!"

"Haha! Jedi strikes back!"

"This time, kill the slave owner!"

"Finally let me catch the opportunity, rush!"


at this time,

A legendary peak powerhouse asked:

"Then which race should we go out first? I suggest letting the Jin people come. They have extremely strong defenses, and there are enough legendary experts. The slave owners who are sure to be able to fight will be caught off guard!"

"This point must be discussed clearly, not rashly!"


"Although our Jin people are powerful, we need to separate some people, the mother planet of the resource snake-human race.

"It is recommended that the octopus attack the slave owner's home planet!"

Octopus: "Our starship has strong attack power, let's assist you from a distance."

"We are similar, good at long-range attacks."

"How about we have a meeting and discuss it!

"What are you discussing? For such a big matter, it is better to submit it to the gods for resolution!"


"Hey! Are you going to go or not? This opportunity is about to pass!"

for a while,

The masters of the Temple of Heaven race in the entire Hydra area stopped talking.

People look at me, I look at you,


Someone had an idea and said:

"Wait! The Dragon God just played with us like a dog's brain. Now, he sent the cosmic beings to assist us. What do you mean?"

"He must have wanted us to fight each other so he could take advantage of it."

"Yes! We must not be fooled!"

"Hmm... makes sense! We still have to think carefully about the matter of the snake-human race. After all, the Dragon God doesn't know what else is going on."

"It's a matter of great importance. We don't dare to make random decisions. We have to study carefully and discuss!"


Immediately seize the opportunity to rescue the snake people, and no one will mention it again.

such a dangerous thing,

No one wants to show off.

The most powerful golden men, you let them take the lead and risk their lives to save the slaves they looked down upon in the past?


Many Jin people even secretly rejoiced, wishing that all the snake-human race would die!

It is best to be the Queen of the Snake-Human Race, if she is also killed, don't come back.

From now on, this star area will be decided by them!

As for whether or not to destroy the slave owner's planet, compared with his own life, his life is still more important.

rushed over,

It can be said that there are not many benefits,

But if you take the lead, you must suffer heavy casualties.

In order to save a race that is about to rise and distribute their interests, they can't do it.

"What's the matter, change the subject, don't you want to go?"

"You must know that this is the lair of slave owners, and the benefits are countless. Defeating slave owners and destroying their planets, the gods will also have great rewards!

Moreover, the first race that strives to go will definitely gain the friendship of the snake-human race, and in the future it will gain the protection of an extra god.

It is not impossible to plunder the knowledge of some slave owners, soaring to the sky, and there are rewards from the God of Wisdom!"

There was a snake girl who was stationed outside and just came back at this moment, and she was hoarse at this moment.

"Then you have to fight well."

"Slave owners are not easy to mess with. The other party has a plan to teleport away the entire home planet. We have to figure out what kind of trick this is.

"Yeah, don't rush in."

"The life of the snake people is life, so is it not for our golden warriors?"

"The queen has returned a message!"

"Our snake people resisted the first wave of attack!"

Suddenly, the snake girl shouted excitedly!

next moment,

She commands the remaining Serpentine starships, 5 in total!

One after another began to fold.

"Rush! Target the slave master planet!"

"Blow them up!"

"Fuck? Are you really going?"

The rest of the people in the Temple of Heaven were dumbfounded.

But they also received the news,

The snake-human queen seems to have really turned the tide.

Think about it too,

a god,

How can it be so easy to be defeated.

Even if you fail,

She could have easily escaped by herself!


Everyone was moved.

Many Jinren commanders, with a thought, ordered to attack!

"Come on! Such good military exploits cannot be monopolized by the snake people!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up and cross! Loot the planet of slave owners!"

"The opportunity to get rich is right around the corner!"

Seeing the snake people and the golden people start to cross over one after another,

The entire Celestial Temple Legion,

They all moved.

Who of them can't do things like looting the planet?

Hurry up and do it!

What's more, the friendship of the snake-human race can still be lived. .

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