Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 259 The Ecstatic Heavenly Temple Legion! The Hand Is Full! (2 More)

Near Holy Terra.

One hundred thousand kilometers away.

Suddenly, there is space torn open.

Several starships appear there.

As soon as the starship appeared,

It immediately set off a violent energy level, accelerated at the same time, and began to rush towards Terra.

but a little pause,

The starship turned around again, and headed for the Snake-human home planet.

The starship has not gone far,

The entire space boiled up, like a shattered mirror, cracks~began to appear.

A large number of temple-warriors rushed out one after another.

Many commanders of the Temple of Heaven began to take out various equipment from the space ring, and then assembled them,

Build an unusually large giant magic weapon.

These weapons are cumbersome, but for attacking planets that don't move,

very useful.

Many of the devices did not even have time to erect shields,

But it doesn't matter,

They're only here for orbital bombing, after all.

There are snake-human gods leading the charge,

They're just routine, showing that they've been there,

And put as much posture as possible,

As if I tried my best to come to the rescue,

at the same time,

Many masters lead their confidant elites to move forward quickly.

They want the first time,

Invade enemy planets.

"Haha, is this the slave owner's planet? It seems to be okay.

"Okay? It doesn't look that good, no wonder they're plundering like crazy.

"Fuck! I just learned about the breath of Tiberium ore, so much!"

"Hey! How much land has this slave owner robbed? The fluctuation of this high-energy mineral is simply outrageous!"

"Hiss~ Really!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Everyone act quickly!"

"According to the plan, don't mess around! Be careful to lure the snake people away!"

"Indeed, we can get as much as we can, and the record is not bad."

"The snake people are notoriously united and narrow-minded, let's not get caught!"

Hundreds of thousands of vanguard troops of the Temple of Heaven started to follow the plan noisily,

Split up!

In just a few minutes,

They spread out their formation,

Various weapons.

Dangerous flashes.

The whole sky is lit up!

The scene is very spectacular.

After they set up a stable space rift,

more starships,

And the follow-up troops arrived continuously.

To straighten up the formation a little bit,

They are about to pounce directly on the slave owner's planet not far away!

The star area of ​​Hydra is not yet a war zone, but there are many elite fighters.

The Temple of Heaven is in this area, and there are more than one million troops stationed there!

They mainly belong to the Jinren and Octococracy, and a small part belong to the Snake people.

Of course, the number of other races is also very large.


The relatively common high-ranking races in the Temple of Heaven, in this large army, all have them!

Iron man, bronze man, elf, ribs, orc, one-eyed, etc.

Although the number is small,

But if it is only in terms of types, it can be regarded as a hodgepodge.


Under the leadership of the two main battle races,

Many Tianshen Temple soldiers took action one after another.

many logistics units,

even mining,

After hearing the news, I also want to rush over.

However, he was reprimanded by the commander in this area.

"Get back!"

"Today's battle will end soon!"

"Be careful to call for backup from the slave owner, and don't come over with too many irrelevant people."

"Those who act on their own without receiving an order are not counted as achievements!"

"All space cracks are under control!"

"Damn it! Why don't the Snake People follow orders! Starships keep returning!"

"Damn it, the transport has also been brought over? Damn it! There's still a lot of ore in it!"

"Aren't they going to garrison the rest of the theater? Bastards!"

"Are these snake people amazing after they have gods?"

"Fuck! I'm going to report this to my superiors!"

The commander started cursing.

shouted loudly.

Because it was to support the snake-human race at the beginning, everyone rushed to the mother planet of the snake-human race noisily,


They came to the slave owner's side in a noisy manner,

It can be said that the entire Heavenly Temple Legion is in chaos.


Although the commander has been identified,

However, the strengths of the various ethnic groups below are intricate,

The commander is also not very good at commanding,

Especially a lot of gold people and snake people.

Let's not talk about the snake people.

The golden man is already moving freely,

The commander is very clear about their thoughts,

The relationship between the Jin people and the snake people, in the entire Temple of Heaven,

almost semi-public,


Some golden people just want to make some trouble for the snake people.

The rescue was procrastinated at the beginning.

Now it's good,

I definitely don't want to give the snake people all of them.

So they all rushed to the forefront.

"Brothers, go!"

"Come on, this time burn the slave owner's planet into a glass ball!"

"Haha, it's the first time I've had such a good time, it's like letting me find a slave owner's lair, let's see if they still dare to be arrogant?"

0 for flowers...

"The lair has been discovered, dead Lu Chen!"

"Time is limited, must be fast!"

Although the army of the Million Heavenly Temple is noisy, it is a regular army after all!

Those who can support the snake people at the first time can also have combat effectiveness.

People are fast,

A large black mass was quickly divided into two groups,

The main wave is rushing towards Holy Terra,

Another batch,

It is rushing to the mother planet of the snake-human race.

Among this group, the fighters dispatched by the snake-human race are the main ones.

They also did not obey the commander, but directly accepted the dispatch from the home planet.

Many commanders of the Temple of Heaven moved out the huge weapons in the ring.

not for attacking,

But for the sake of empty space, wait for something from the slave owner, it must be more valuable!

"Tsk tsk... The command of the Temple of Heaven is really chaotic."

"But to be honest, their numbers and equipment are really good."

on Holy Terra,

through the magic eye,

Chen Mo observed the legions charging towards him from a distance.

from afar,

A densely packed block of i,

The flickering magic light even covered the entire starry sky.

gravitational fluctuations invisible to the naked eye,

It was like a violent storm, setting off a stormy sea.

But Chen Mo's expression is very calm,

He even took a sip of tea.

The faint fragrance of tea floats~~

If you don't know, you may think that Chen Mo is watching some interesting movie.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It was kind of a windfall."

"It was unexpected before that it can be implemented to this step."

"If I was before, I might not dare to play so big, but now..."

Chen Mo looked around,

Looking at the snake-human queen who was lying on the snake-human hall and slowly opened her eyes.

How about a god-level servant, plus a fortress number?

he believes,

Just show your cards,

without attacking,

The entire Heavenly Temple Legion will collapse directly.


Chen Mo did not rush to do so.

this legion,

In addition to the valuable equipment,

most valuable,

Or their flesh and blood.

Just gobble up the genes,

Chen Mo can obtain most of the genes of the existing upper races in the Temple of Heaven.

Genetic suppression for them all!.

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