Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 260 Ice And Fire Serve The Two Heavens~ The Shocking Heavenly Temple Legion! (1 More)

The mother planet of the snake-human race.

Queen Oran slowly opened her eyes again.


The anger in her eyes has long been extinguished,

Instead, there is obedience to the master.

Slowly knelt down on the ground.

A double attack of body and will, at this moment she already belongs to Chen Mo.

It was Chen Mo's first contest with a god-level powerhouse, and he ended up winning.

The process went smoothly.


This is only the first step,

In the future, Chen Mo will have to continue to cultivate.

But it will definitely not be a loss. It is a very stable thing to explore and gain the knowledge of the 'source'.

The "withering flower" knowledge mentioned by the mermaid queen can also be put on the agenda!

"Do not!"

"Her Royal Highness!"

"This is impossible!"

seeing this scene,

Many snake girls in the main hall cried out in surprise.

Especially Olitoka, the spear of the Serpent Clan, at this moment,

Her scalp is numb.

Did even the queen, the transcendent being, succumb to the other?

Was it also infected and controlled by the other party?

Do not!

Not even infection control anymore.

It seems....brain and body, both involuntarily think each other is good

In the subtle influence of the "Four Five Zero", loyalty is deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

She didn't understand the reason for it,

but understand,

This is not at the same level as the kindness and power of the snake people, or other brainwashing manipulations.

very scary,

No solution.

But she didn't have time to think too much,

next moment,

She only felt something surging in her body,

black eyes,

Then fainted.

A large number of creeps surged,

Infection control begins on The Last Snake.

this time,

Chen Mo barely encountered any resistance.

Even their queen has surrendered, and the last fighting spirit of the snake people has disappeared.

Even the members of the Snake-Human Race who have not yet returned,

was also strongly influenced by


Many people of the Snake Race,

From all over the Tianshen Temple, they exhausted all kinds of methods and returned to their mother planets one after another.

Under the "call" of the queen,

Their return is also very smooth, and the snake people are just a new race, and all the personnel are concentrated in the Hydra constellation.

So this wave of Chen Mo,

They also took this part of the snake people under their command, and the supplies they carried were considered extra gains.

to here,

The entire snake-human race is considered to be all done,

Only the Heavenly Temple Legion that is coming excitedly is left.

Holy Terra.

in the beautiful manor,

The halo on the back of Chen Mo's hand shone slightly,

The purple deepened.

The long-lost world law concerns,

Come again!

Chen Mo not only has the collective will become stronger with the addition of nearly tens of billions of snake-human races, but also the star soul is even stronger!


Chen Mo quietly felt this power,

He didn't check his watch,

But he believes,

Occupy the planet with gods!

For such a brilliant record, the Federation's rewards must be indispensable!

"According to the plan."

The mermaid queen Ashe seems to be thinking about something when she sees her master,

did not bother,

Instead, he gave an order in a low voice.

"a piece of cake."

Several commanders of the parasite legion nodded.

"We'll let the parasite army come forward and play with them."

"Collect data first,"

"Try not to use any high-energy weapons."

"Flesh and all kinds of equipment, with such a quantity, it is a good fortune.

"It would be the best to transform them into members of the parasite army!"

"let's go!"


hiss hiss~

The sounds of various weapons began to sound.

Because they are all high-energy weapons, the roar is very little.

so at first,

seen from outer space,

There are not many strange places,

Until the densely packed parasite legion emerged from the home planet of the snake-human race and the holy Terra.

The black wave completely obscured the planet behind.

The one rushing to the front is the fastest and most flexible flying dragon.

Then there are green skins riding Leviathan, Gene Devourer, Hydralisk...

After Chen Mo's continuous leap forward evolution,

These parasite legions have all benefited, and the lowest level at the moment has also reached the sixth level.

At this level, it doesn't look like much.

But considering the number of such parasite legions, hundreds of billions.

And among them, there are many legends mixed in.

The number is as high as thousands!

Anyone who sees this magnitude of horror,

All hairy.

Such a luxurious lineup is the only one!

just for a moment,

The flying dragon roared, came out of the atmosphere, opened its mouth at the same time, and the high-speed metal projectile moved forward at one percent of the speed of light.

In general legion battles, they will be divided into sub-level legions of millions of levels to fight alone.

But here in Chen Mo,

This combat mode is too inefficient.

he here,

A whole legion is a complete whole,

The biological brain that has spread to more than 20 planets is enough to provide terrible computing power. Although this computing power cannot support the complete reality of the star world,

But it is more than enough to plan battles for each parasite individually.

Ever since,

At the moment when the two legions collided,

A silky scene appeared.

The entire parasite corps, like a tide, penetrated and washed through the entire Heavenly Temple corps without any hindrance.

just for a moment,

The army of parasites swarming out made the commander of the Temple of Heaven realize something was wrong.

How to emerge from the snake-human home planet??

Don't attack the returning starship yet!

a terrible thought,

flashed through his mind.

The legendary powerhouse who reacted as quickly as he did not change.

But in shock,

No one had time to react,

The Temple of Heaven Legion has already collapsed.

One touch and it will collapse!

At this time, there are still many people, unbelievable,

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the rising sun in the distance.

The majesty of the gods cannot be seen directly!


Everyone's heart skipped a beat,

Why is the snake-human queen still alive, and her ability seems to have improved to a higher level, but there are still so many slaves...

Under the double whammy,

Temple of the gods in body and mind,

Both got a double whammy... 0

"Quick retreat!!!"

"It's over, we're on the phone!"

"The snake people are traitors, everyone, fight back quickly! Organize defense..."


A yelling commander of the Temple of Heaven, before he could finish his sentence, was torn in half by the flying dragon equipped with dragon claws.


"Wait for me! Don't close the space rift!"

"Ah!! Help!"

There were screams everywhere.

Compared to silent weapons firing,

The tide is rushing over, setting off patches of blood mist in hand-to-hand combat, which is even more shocking.

Even the most determined warriors of the Temple of Heaven,

At this moment, the hand holding the weapon also trembled slightly.

" could this happen!"

"This slave owner is horrible!"

"It's different from what we've encountered before! The number of opponents is really endless."

"Hiss! A group of monster servants of the eighth and ninth ranks surrounded and killed the legendary golden man in a blink of an eye!"

"Why is there such a combat power!"

"I have recorded all this, the snake people betrayed the gods and will be destroyed!"

"It's so uncomfortable. Is my golden man not good to the snake people? We have made a lot of concessions. They have gods and are also a superior race. They would rather be the other party's lackeys!"

"What the hell is this slave owner doing!"

"That's right, a god-level queen, this is totally a post."

"'s cool to think about it, although it's a hostile camp, but if I were that slave owner, I'd be so happy that I couldn't sleep for days.

Shenling-level snake girl, it's exciting to think about it, damn it, I haven't even touched a demigod-level one!"

"The power of the slave owners is really incredible."

"Can they even enslave the gods? It's terrible."

"In short, we are absolutely finished this time."

"Don't force me! If you can run, run quickly!

We are lucky on 5.3, we are behind the front line, if we don’t run, we will be too late!”

I used to dislike myself for running slowly,

At this moment, my heart is secretly happy,

because they are in the rear,

no interference,

It is easy to open the space rift again,

As long as you return to the Temple of Heaven area,

In the case of being prepared, the other party will never dare to come again!

But at this moment,

with huge shadows,

behind them,

slowly emerging,

The shadows were dim at first, like two distant eyes.

but rapidly expanding,

become very large,

The entire starry sky dimmed for a moment.

waving tentacles,

twisted light,

the rampant darkness,

for a while,

The Temple of Heaven rushed to the retreating crowd,

hands and feet are cold,

as if frozen in ice,

stopped in place,


Behind them is a hot sun,


Ahead, is the cold and boundless darkness.


Two Heavens of Ice and Fire,

Under this kind of service,

Everyone in the Temple of Heaven was very desperate. .

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