Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 261 Get The Snake-Human Queen! Great Harvest!

Holy Terra not far away,

The fighting quickly reached its fiercest level.

Then calm down quickly.

Even if forced to the point of nowhere to retreat, the Temple of Heaven exploded with the strongest combat power,

Still useless.

Legions of parasites are fearless of death,

Morale or something has no effect on them.

Become a ruthless killing machine that references biological mastermind battles!

a fight down,

Not only did the Parasite Corps not reduce its staff,

There are more than one million parasites out of thin air.

The more you fight, the stronger you get,

This is the advantage of Chen Mo's exclusive race.

As long as the enemy is defeated,

He must have gained something.

For Chen Mo, war is basically a business with no loss.

Most of what is left of the enemy will become Chen Mo's combat resources.

Everything from flesh and blood to consciousness can be used by him.

The existence of the Bastion has brought about an extremely powerful gravitational disturbance.

At the same time, using the gravitational core, Chen Mo can easily interfere with the teleportation,

At this moment in this area,

Transmission has been banned!

The result of the battle is naturally self-evident.

Unilateral beating.

You don't even need to use real heavy weapons.

Holy Terra.

Chen Mo watched a battle,

The whole person became more energetic.

his strength,

Another point of growth.

not more than 30,

But can be clearly perceived.

The quality of this batch of Tianshen Temple elite is very good.

harvested their genes,

In the follow-up confrontation with Zhantian Temple, he was basically in a state of genetic suppression.

Leapfrogging the opponent can become a routine operation.

If ordinary people know this,

will definitely be dumbfounded,

Just hang up!

The stack of killing books is still permanent, and it will only get higher and higher.

to later stage,

Facing the Golden Man, any greenskin on Chen Mo's side can put pressure on the legendary Golden Man!

"This unexpected harvest is really not easy."

"It took me a lot of effort to deal with the snake girl in time, and then let the other party cooperate.

Chen Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead.

I got up and took a sip of tea.

This time, he used the power of the star soul to the extreme.

Crazy erosion of the planetary will of the snake-human race, with the fastest speed, settled the queen of the snake-human race.

After all, when he realizes that there may be an opportunity to lure the Temple of Heaven,

It's been a while.

This opportunity waits for no one,

Good thing he got it!


If ordinary people saw Chen Mo wiping his sweat, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

You call that a lot of effort?

For Star Soul Masters like Luo Bing who work overtime day and night and have to go on adventures and battles by themselves,

That's 10,000 points of critical damage!

And what about Chen Mo?

Just sweating a little!

Not in itself any danger.

more importantly,

This was an unplanned windfall!

Even if it is a surprise, it will not lose anything if it is not.

For Chen Mo, there was no cost at all to mobilize the army.

Just like that, Chen Mo should not be emotional.

The truth is not on the same level.

Feeling the power in his body, Chen Mo opened his watch to check the civilization rating.

Lord of the Planet: Chen Mo (Demigod)

Star Soul Level: Lavender (Star Soul Powerhouse)

Planet number: 23788

Civilization level: Level 2.0 (with god-level combat power)

Civilization tendencies: genes, technology, swarm organisms, infection parasitism

Planet Contribution: 181.4 billion

Planet Ranking: The 1,000,000th place in the Battle of the Temple of Heaven (real-time)

Planet information: low-energy planet (half garden world), has a special connection with the mother world

Important equipment: Bastion (Mothership), Permanent Motherstar Channel, Portal, Planetary Defense System, Biological Mastermind, Dark Sky, Proof of Conquest

Colonial planets: 22 in total. Including the ocean planet (the top agricultural planet), the Tiberium mining area (the top mining planet), the snake-human home planet...

Special resources: Top Fishing, Titanium Ore, Magic Crystal, Uranium Ore, Tiberium Ore, a small amount of Eridium Ore

Enslaved Races: Mermaids, Snake People

Existing resources: 15 billion cash, 10 tons of magic crystals, 0.5 tons of Tiberium ore, 200,000 iron ore......

Other information: no

"Very good, now I also have god-level combat power."

"It's officially joined the game."

"Because I have the genetic suppression of the Temple of Heaven, and at the same time I can dig out the knowledge of the 'source', it will be easy for Ashe to advance to the gods." 1

"Single on the speed of cultivation."

"It is estimated that it is far more powerful than many star soul powerhouses!"

"And by cultivating Queen Ashe, maybe a path to becoming a god can be found, and both the snake people and the murlocs can use it for a long time."

"Although the consumption of Tiberium ore will greatly increase, once this kind of knowledge is summed up, it is at least advanced knowledge!"

think of this,

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

Maybe these two civilizations will become quite mainstream cultivation civilizations like angels or elves in the future.

And his name will also spread along with this knowledge,

As long as the star soul world is not destroyed,

His mark will never die.

This can be regarded as the first step of eternity.

As for his ranking, he was a little surprised that he was out of a million.

Not too bad, but too good.

He was just a fight after all.

On this vast battlefield, it generally takes time for a Star Soul Master to accumulate his achievements.

One million for the first time, very good!

For this point, Chen Mo is not in a hurry.

He believed that he would be able to quickly improve his ranking,

Just like in the rookie area,

Random killing!

a thought,

Chen Mo summoned the snake-human queen Oran.

As the other party is a god, tearing space is already a basic operation,

The moment the order is received,

Oran's soft waist twisted slightly,

The tail of the snake followed suit.

The beautiful body appeared in front of Chen Mo through the spatial rift.

Alan prostrated himself in front of Chen Mo, and respectfully said:

"Great divine will."


Chen Mo smiled and looked at the snake-human queen.

The attraction of the other party, it has to be said, is strong.

It is a very tempting impulse that triggers a hormonal explosion.

It makes people want to "violently".


"You are the Queen of the Snake People Clan. From now on, the Snake People Clan will still be led by you. At the same time, I will gradually assign more responsibilities to you.

Do not let me down!"

Chen Mo said, then turned back to Ashe and said:

"Ai Xi, you and Oran have a good communication 700, let her give you all the knowledge, summarize it, and sort out the complete withering flower' knowledge.

"Good Master~(Good Great Divine Will)"

The two women nodded.

Immediately the two queens departed from Holy Terra,

Oran, the snake girl, organized all the snake girls to come to Terra and carry out purification batch by batch.

Don't be careless about guarding against the ancient gods at the source.

The queen went to count the spoils.

at the same time,

She also promised Chen Mo,

After the battle,

The manor should be settled as soon as possible, and a new maid should be selected.

The two sisters, Irene, are naturally going to move in.

It is more convenient for everyone to communicate with each other,

I believe the owner will like it more.

At the same time, there is a brand new snake-human race,

Her original maid arrangement may need some adjustments.

The appearance of the snake girl is no worse than that of a mermaid, and it is also different from the pure beauty of an angel. The snake girl is very enchanting,

think of this,

She glanced at the snake-human queen Oran,

I can't move my eyes a little bit.

It can be seen that the other party's ability to seduce is strong!

Chen Mo glanced at the evolution opportunity prompted by the system, and then turned on the watch.

Queen Oran has already arrived, so there is no rush to evolve this time.

Let's take a look at the rewards given by the Federation for the first battle of joining the Battle of the Temple of Heaven!

Chen Mo is delighted to check out the rewards.

But he didn't know,

At this time, the war zone channel, as well as the rookie zone, have exploded.


The depth charges never stopped,

One wave after another orgasm. .

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