Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 262 Chen Mo Support Team! Chen Mo Can Do It, But I Can't Do It? Excited Newcomer Zone!

Because everyone found out before, there might be a battle going on on Chen Mo's side.

And it seems to have obtained the spoils of an entire planet!

all of these,

All are displayed on the trading platform.

So many people follow Chen Mo.

First, it was the goods he hung on the trading platform, which was amazing.

Even if it is placed in the entire battle of the Temple of Heaven, it is considered a lot of goods at one time.

Secondly, Chen Mo is already very popular.

It's okay every day, newcomers like all kinds of analysis Chen Mo.

After all, worship the strong,

Analyzing the methods of learning from the strong is something that many people like to do.

Not to mention Luo Bing,

In theater 38,

A group of girls formed a "Chen Mo support group" with Luo Bing as the core.


Luo Bing was helpless.

Chen Mo is completely insignificant.

In short, this group of women is very boring, and they study Chen Mo every day when they have nothing to do.

Whenever there is trouble in Chen Mo's side, they will be able to find it immediately.

For the rest of the top geniuses, there are also various think tanks and the like,

Also follow Chen Mo.

This person's actions are of great reference value!

At the same time, this is also the first battle for newcomers to enter the 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven'.

Attention is high.

And it seems that Chen Mo's main planet has been attacked.

side of the Tenjin Temple,

Also assembled a million legions.

No matter in terms of significance or scale, it is number one among newcomers!

The movement was so loud that the entire war zone knew it.

"Very good! Let's fight!"

"Hiss! It looks like I won, you see so many spoils on the shelves, it's really shipped!"

"It's over, someone has detected the millions of legions in the Hydra Constellation of the Temple of Heaven, and they are turning over one after another!"

"Hehe...this is probably a bait!"

"Chen Mo is stupid, why don't you call your allies for support!"

"I don't know where he got so many resources,

But judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the Temple of Heaven dares to go up to a million legions.

Maybe they came prepared.

Maybe Chen Mo is taking bait now.

No matter how you eat it, you have to obediently spit it out after a while. "

"It's okay to spit it out!

I'm afraid that the main planet will be blown up by people, then it's really a joke. "

"Could it be that the rookie's first battle will end in a disastrous defeat?

A genius Star Soul Lord, is about to fall?"

"I don't understand why Chen Mo can provoke so many people, the entire star area of ​​the Dragon God and the Temple of Heaven...

"Tsk tsk... If I were asked to fight on this scale, the opponent wouldn't even need to take action. I'd be frightened to death.

"Chen Mo is much stronger than us!"

"Strength is relative, no matter how strong it is, can it be stronger than a 2.0 civilization, stronger than a god?"

Many newcomers hope that Chen Mo will be deflated this time.

Especially the person who was slapped in the face just now,

It's almost time to blow up Chen Mo's planet.

But now that they are fighting for the Star Soul World after all, it is still a pity to lose such a genius.

So some people suggested that the Federation should send someone to support it.

Anyway, Chen Mo can afford to ask for assistance.

"I have a starship that can be folded, and several demigods under me are just idle and have nothing to do. I think Chen Mo is a good newcomer. As long as he says something, I will go to support him immediately.

Money doesn't matter.

Mainly to make friends!"

at this time,

There is new news,

"Brothers! Big news at the level of a nuclear explosion! Chen Mo overturned the Million Legion of the Temple of Heaven, and maybe more goods will be on the shelves later. If you want it, hurry up and prepare the money. The 10% off shopping carnival is here. !"

"Fuck? Is it true or not?"

"It's fake, no matter whether you win or lose, it's impossible to get the result so quickly. The battle at the legion level also involves the planet. You think it's going to the bathroom, just a few minutes?"

"It is less than 10 minutes before Chen Mo's planet was attacked."

"To be honest, this time is not enough for the main gun to warm up for a few rounds."

Many people questioned it.

But smart rookies and many star soul masters have a more accurate way of judging.

Check Chen Mo's ranking directly.

In the Battle of the Temple of Heaven, the record ranks 1,030,000!

"Don't guess, Chen Mo is wearing a watch, the Federation is the most faithful recorder of the record.

"Tsk tsk....Look at this ranking. I don't know about the Dragon God, but the Heavenly God Temple Legion is definitely overwhelmed by Chen Mo!"

"What the hell? Almost a million people?"

"There are tens of millions of star soul masters involved! Chen Mo is going to enter the top 10% so soon?"

"It's unbelievable, the elite officers of the Temple of Heaven, but there are three main battle races, the Golden Man, the Snake Man, and the Octopus. Among them, there are at least hundreds of legendary powerhouses!"

"Hundreds? Do you think it's the rookie area to play with you, at least 500! And there are starships, which are much more powerful than ordinary legendary damage, and there are all kinds of weapons!"

"My God, isn't this too invincible?"

"This is a newcomer, I dare to swear, he will definitely kill most Star Soul Masters in seconds!"

"Wait, everyone, take a closer look. Among the trophies on the shelves, there are a lot of equipment with the snake-human mark. Does it mean that... Chen Mo has overturned the snake-human race?"

"Chiliu~ Snake Girl, I love it, I love it, when will I put some on the shelves, I will definitely support it!"

"Snake girl is the best, tsk tsk, I'm so envious, I dream of having a few, of course, only those who are legendary or above can have a taste~~"

"I'm in the battle zone close to the Hydra Constellation. Now the entire Hydra Constellation is half empty. I'll send someone to infiltrate it and find out!"

A star soul expert watched the discussion and was also very curious.

Take the risk of sending out an infiltration squad.

The Gray Steel Consortium also has actions, this is their strong point!

Everyone wants to know,

What the hell did Chen Mo do,

At the same time, many people also moved their minds,

This wave is an opportunity!

In the Hydra Constellation star area, the combat power is much less at the moment, and before the Temple of Heaven can react, it may be able to make a profit.


This is not the forefront, and it is absolutely impossible to occupy the planet.

But looting is still no problem.

The mother planet of the snake people is there,

As one of the main fighting races, and also good at mining and farming, the home planet must be rich!

"々`The idea of ​​the mother planet of the snake-human race, you don't want to fight."

"Hehe... According to my observation, the snake-human race should be very strong, and there will be gods soon.

"This legion-level battle may be commanded by the snake-human queen.

"If the snake girl at the peak of the demigod can be taken down, wouldn't it be..."

"Dreaming! I met the Snake Girl last time on the battlefield. Just one glance made my blood boil. It was very difficult to catch the opponent, but I lost two full 9th-level powerhouses, and the opponent will launch activation The Tiberium ore is really hard to handle.

In the end, I only got a corpse, which was a real blood loss. "

"Upstairs, tell me the truth, are you taking advantage of the heat?"

"Fuck! I don't know what you're talking about? I'm not that kind of person!"

"I don't believe it, but you lost money, why don't you make up for it right away?"

"Yeah, send the picture to see!"

"I want to see Snake Girl!"

"Fuck, brothers, the star area of ​​the snake-human mother planet is very empty, and I haven't seen any defense facilities. Opportunities, brothers!"

"I can't help it anymore, I'm going to send an infiltration team, Yu Yibo!"


"Where are the soul masters of the surrounding stars (Wang Zhaohao)? Hurry up and start a group, everyone!"

"The time has come to manifest the collective power of our Star Soul World!"

"Haha, thank you Chen Mo for the opportunity!"

"It's very strange, where did Chen Mo loot so many supplies, could it be the mother planet of the snake-human race?"

"There is a high probability that it is, so the snake people summoned the people to take revenge!"

"The queen is not easy to deal with. I think the battle is not over yet, so let's quickly assist!"

for a while,

The whole rookie area is boiling,

Many people are ready to move, especially the first few newcomers,

Some people also have a tax holiday of more than 2 months,

In this way, it is worthwhile to directly join the 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven'!

If Chen Mo got the snake people, they can't?

The thing got a demigod snake girl to go back and train it. If I don't want it, I can sell it at a high price!

What's more, killing the members of the Temple of Heaven is a record.

Don't be in vain!

Immediately, someone imitated Chen Mo and joined the "Battle of the Temple of Heaven"!

Not only that,

Many veteran Star Soul Masters move faster,

They had a lot of starships, so they immediately mobilized their manpower and tried to go to the Hydra constellation!.

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