Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 264 Attack Chen Mo With All His Might! The Gods Make A Move! (1 More)


"A lot of life in the universe!"

"Oops, we fell for it! It must be the minions of the Dragon God!"


Hydra screamed.

welcome to,

in a short time,

The third force——Dragon God~ is here again!

Relying on their first attack, they caught the many star-soul masters in the star-soul world by surprise.

There is no more snake people here, and everyone thought they had figured out the whereabouts of the Temple of Heaven,

So not very vigilant!

to this effect,

Many star soul masters suffered heavy losses,

Someone's infiltration team is instantly wiped out!

Many people rushed to the Hydra Constellation, wanting to follow Chen Mo to pick up the bargain, all cried!

Not only did they not find it cheap,

He was also dealt with severely by the dragon god who came to pick up the cheap.

"Hey! You still said to be cheap! I never expected... We are also part of the cheap!"

"It's such a shit, imitating Chen Mo to do something, the risk is so big!"

"Yeah, it's fine if there are no benefits, and my life is almost gone!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomillions, this is a heavy loss!

"What the hell is going on with Chen Mo? Why did he provoke so many people! The Dragon God is chasing after him!"

"Big Brother Chen Mo is not only the best in skills! His ability to attract people is also the best in the entire war zone!"

"Hehe...I think it's time to play Beng, the dragon god is easy to mess with.

"Indeed, this wave is absolutely outside of Chen Mo's plan. The Dragon God is really a good trick. He robbed many Star Soul Masters at once, and robbed the Hydra Constellation by the way."

"He dared to engage in both forces. He is simply unscrupulous. She is probably very strong!"


"Dragon God is really good at it. Like Chen Mo, he eats at both ends. He even borrows all of Chen Mo's power, amazing!"

"Looking forward to a head-to-head confrontation between the two sides!"

"Haha! I see that Chen Mo has withstood two consecutive attacks from the Temple of Heaven. Will he still be able to resist the next attack?"

"Dragon God just go straight up to A, and blow up the opponent on the spot!"

"Damn it, I lost such a big loss! The entire infiltration team died suddenly on the spot, and now I want to see both sides dog-eat-dog!"

"Hope Chen Mo gets blown up! I'm so pissed off!"

"Hehe, let's fight, I'm almost ready to follow suit."

"Dragon God and Chen Mo really think we don't exist? Brothers unite!"

"We have so many Star Soul Masters, those who are nearby quickly join the group, some people will send out people, and those with starships will send out starships. In this wave, let's also have a praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles!"

"Yes! Slap Chen Mo!"

"And the Dragon God!"

"I'll give you all to die!"

As someone initiates a proposal,

for a while,

Inside the entire war zone, it boiled up.

Many people have begun to mobilize manpower!

On the other side, Hydra.

At the command of the great cosmic life,

Hundreds of cosmic beings took action.

this time,

They not only came by themselves, but also brought a lot of servants!

number up to hundreds of thousands,

Compared with the Tenjin Temple,

I can't see it naturally,

But the individual strength is generally very strong, which greatly makes up for the shortcomings of their lack of numbers.

And relying on the wealth of beings in the universe,

All armed to the teeth,

It's a luxury army.

There are no fewer than a hundred space rings alone!

This makes them powerful enough to carry powerful weapons.

They will teleport to a place very close to Chen Mo's main planet,

I believe that it only takes one charge to blow up the opponent's planet!

As long as they blow up the opponent's planet, their combat goal this time will be considered as a result.

After all, the Lord of Star Soul is very difficult to kill,

As a force directly under the gods, they only know that there is still a lot of information.

But as long as the opponent's main planet is destroyed,

It will be able to reinjure the opponent!

Holy Terra Outer Space.

at this time,

The space fluctuates again.

This time, the ones who came here are cosmic beings who are better at space travel!

They are also very strong,

But as soon as it appeared,

their vanguard,

was hit hard,

Turning over the nearest to holy Terra,

All suffered a 'space guillotine!

This point makes the beings in the universe want to cry without tears.

They never expected,

The battle has not yet begun,

The vanguard was directly beheaded,

Chen Mo's Holy Terra also has Bastion, with a large number of gravitational cores, interfering with space rifts, easy to understand!

It is very difficult to open the rift, but Chen Mo wants to interfere with the closure,

But it is much simpler,

It also consumes very little energy.


Chen Mo discovered that the beings in the universe are not willing to be lonely. After coming to join in the fun, he decisively let them teleport first.

It's almost a click!

"Fortunately, the servant army took the lead!"

"But we also lost more than a dozen fighters!"


…0 for flowers………

"I already said don't worry, let's teleport a little farther, and the other planet doesn't have long legs, so there's no need for us to worry!"

"Are you questioning my decision? There are always sacrifices in battle, for the Dragon God, it's all worth it!"

Servant of the Dragon God, the giant beast 30 kilometers long, said in a cold voice.

He was also annoyed.

I thought that if I came here as soon as possible, there would be a bargain,

Who would have known that the group of hot chickens in the Temple of Heaven were defeated so thoroughly,

When they came over, the other party was already clearing up the battlefield.

It was tantamount to the three-party melee that he had expected, and it turned into a one-on-one fight where the opponent was waiting for him!

What's even more outrageous is that the snake-human queen is still alive and well,

Also ascended to the gods!

What's even more outrageous is that the other party also took refuge in the slave owner.

This is so stressful!

The servant of the Dragon God, who originally thought he was 100% safe, began to feel that things were getting tricky.

At the same time, he cursed loudly, because he still felt that the snake people were so extraordinary, especially their queen, would be a variable.

Never thought it would be such a variable!

But the will of the Dragon God must be carried out!

"Give it to me!"

"All teleport farther away!"

"The gods of the snake-human race, I will pray for the dragon god's eyes to come down and restrain the opponent!

"You don't need to pay attention to the powerful enemies, and attack the slave owner's planet with all your strength!

Try to hit it and kill it with one blow!"

"With the will of the Dragon God, here again,

The Queen of the Snake-Human Clan can't get away!"

"For the Dragon God!"


"The dragon god is watching us!"

"As long as the interference of the gods is eliminated, we have no fear!"

"You can fight!"


"Watch me crashing through the opponent's planet!"

Numerous surviving cosmic beings began to teleport far away,

Then collectively charge and keep accelerating!

With the blessing of the Dragon God, they have nothing to fear!

In the case that the dragon god may teleport and show up, the snake-human queen is under great pressure,

The whole space is rippling.

An incomparably huge shadow looms.

The scarlet pupils projected a terrifying appearance the size of a planet in the air.

Across the distant space, the dragon god watched over,

for a while,

Many Leviathans fell one after another, and the weaker flying dragons,

It was a volley explosion, and blood rushed out.

Fortunately, the Queen of the Snake-Human Clan's eyes flashed, and she withstood the pressure of the Dragon God!

Across the space, the Queen of the Snake-Human Race was barely able to contend against the Dragon God.

But it seems... can't last long!.

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