Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 265 Go Fishing In Person! Horrified Cosmic Life! (2 More)

Feel the dragon god apparition.

The servant of the dragon god was instantly ecstatic.

This power... is invincible!


Such is the power of the great dragon god,

Just staring at it, the entire universe will be dimmed, and unbelievers will tremble.

Even the formidable snake-human queen lost her light.


It is Dragon God!


while they,

Belonging to the minion of the Dragon God, this time, it is bound to show its power and let the Temple of Heaven and the slave owners know how powerful it is!

In this star area, they are not allowed to play around at will.

No one can ignore their power!

"The number of the slave master's slave army is astonishing, and the fighting power is even more frightening!"

"But not in a hurry."

"We are all high-end fighters, and the last time we are legends."

"When we speed up and charge, even if the opponent's attack power is not inferior to ours, the defense power is far inferior to ours. With our huge warning and speed, it is not a problem to resist for a few minutes."

"In addition, our "May 17" servants set up heavy fire cover in the rear."

"As long as one person reaches the planet, we win."

"Not to mention that our number is close to one hundred, and each one of us can play annihilation!"

"And the strange planet monster on the other side happens to be on the same line as the slave owner's main planet, so it can't attack us!"

"Even if the strength of the slave master is twice as strong, we are not in vain.

As long as the deterrent power of the Dragon God is still there, we will surely win!"


"The eyes of the Dragon God have come!"

"Victory belongs to us, glory to the great Dragon God!"


The servant of the Dragon God felt that he had the chance to win.

Can't help but encourage loudly.

With the roar of the slaves,

Cosmic beings continue to accelerate,

Soon the Holy Terra was approached.

Dragon God's servant keenly sensed that the huge planetary warship located on the other side of the slave master's planet had a strong high-energy reaction,

but useless!

Their charge route is really ingenious,

Just let the main planet itself stand in the middle and act as their shield.

opponent's super weapon,

Can't beat them!

"Ha ha!"

"Perfect plan!"

"The opponent's two major weapons, the gods are intimidated by the dragon god and dare not move, and the other planet's monsters are blocked by the main planet."

Seeing that the Queen of the Snake-Human Race also had a dim light,

It seems that it is not the opponent of Dragon God at all.

Even if it is separated by air, it is far inferior!

After all, it is a new god, there are no means, and the knowledge of gods is not rich.

From the perspective of beings in the universe,

It was no surprise that the snake-human queen was defeated the next moment.

"But we have to be careful, if the Queen of the Snake-Human Race disregards her own danger, or stops suppressing the Dragon God's coming, we may be directly wiped out by the other party."

"It's possible!"

"But when the dragon god comes, none of them can escape. Shuang Kangsheng won't allow it?"

"I hope the slave master has enough control over this servant of the gods!"

Some cosmic beings said quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking,

All beings in the universe will discover,

The snake-human queen really looked this way,

his words.

for a while,

Many beings in the universe felt a little bit in their hearts,

They all scolded the man with crow's mouth.

After all, it's a matter of life.

Compared with the gods,

They are just legends,

The strongest is only a demigod,

Compared with the gods, it's not even the slightest difference,

The other party is really determined to kill them, the Dragon God is absolutely unable to keep them, he can only promise to avenge them!

One life for one life belongs to yes!


Among the life in the universe, the proportion of outlaws and the proportion of old coins are basically halved.

So there are also quite a few beings in the universe who not only have no fear,

On the contrary, I feel more exciting.

"Hahaha! This murderous look, I'm so scared~~"

"The Queen of the Snake-Human Race? Gods? I am so shocked that I directly burst this ball, what can she do to me?"

"The Dragon God is the only true God!"

"The gaze of the gods is really stimulating. My whole body is boiling with beast blood. Let the terrifying storm come more violently!"

"If eyes can kill, I think I've been beaten into a primitive element."

"So what about the gods, after all, they chose their seats, and your master is not strong, so you should be buried with him!"

"First destroy the slave owners, and then destroy the snake-human race!"


Just when the beings in the universe are proud.

In front of them, a life appeared.

The opponent is small in size,

It is not as big as a scale of the beings in the universe.

But the opponent's strength,

not to be underestimated,

Demi god!

Not only that,

behind the opponent,

And three beautiful mermaids stood,

All demigods!

for a while,

the identity of the other party,

ready to come out!

Demigods! Humans!

"It's a slave master!"

"Hahaha! He's in a hurry!"

"Our tactics are exactly right! The opportunity has come!"

"The other party can't afford to lose the main planet, so they are going to be tough with us!"

"Look at the light on the back of his hand, he is a star soul powerhouse!"

"I didn't run away, we forced the other party out!"

"Tough? My favorite!"

"So what about 4 demigods, let me take the lead in the charge!"

"Let them feel the most primitive fear.

"The fangs of life in the universe!"


The servant of the dragon god roared ferociously,

Then burst out with a terrifying force,

He accelerates directly,

rushed to the front,

More than 30 kilometers of body shape,

Let him drag out a tail flame like a comet... 0

At this moment, with full force,

His energy level keeps climbing,

Almost close to the level of gods!

as life in the universe,

He is invincible at the same level!

"Sorry, I didn't say I wanted to fight you."

There is a vacuum in the universe and there is no way to transmit sound.

However, the life in the universe is already extremely powerful. Although it is not like gods and gods, just the spread of consciousness and unconsciousness will have a strong impact on the surroundings, but it is also easy to spread one's own thoughts

So Chen Mo replied casually.


he appeared here,

Not for these rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

life in the universe,

He has killed enough,

his goal,

It's the Dragon God behind!

Chen Mo holding the proof of conquest,

Backed by Holy Terra,

Across the distant starry sky, he doesn't need Dragon God at all!

If the other party can come,


Actually, that's what Chen Mo wants.

As for these cosmic beings,

Just let the snake-human queen be wiped out.


He stopped pretending,


Can't wait for Dragon God to come!

Letting the snake-human queen stop it just now was just acting.

This will make all life in the universe fold over and rush over at full speed,

Just right!

"Harvest time."

Chen Mo smiled lightly.

But the beings in the universe don't know it.

Especially the servant of the dragon god, he sprinted with all his strength,

He laughed loudly and said:

"Why, instead of fighting, do you want to seek peace?"

"Sorry, we don't charge you for gadgets like this on 4.9."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Many cosmic beings laughed loudly.

I didn't expect the slave owner to beg for mercy!

But the next moment,

A cold but beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of the slave owner.

the other side toward them,

stretched out his hand,

Then, a volley shot.

next moment,

The servant of the dragon god only feels consciousness and body, which seem to be separated.

This is not an illusion.

In fact,

His flesh and blood are falling apart.

His proud scales fell off one by one,

exposing the fragile blood vessels inside,

The beating heart is clearly visible.

"Do not!"


"Dragon God will not let you go!"

The servant of the dragon god widened his eyes and screamed.

But he didn't know,

At this moment, the slave owner on the opposite side is also very excited!

The proof of conquest in his hand shone slightly...

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