Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 266 Dragon God Momaris! Scary Star Soul Lords! (1 More)

Hydra, central region.

After the sudden attack of life in the universe,

surviving infiltration team,

One out of ten!

at this time,

The wounded were heartbroken.

But more star soul autonomouss who haven't had time to go there are very curious!

Chen Mo over there,

How's the situation?

"I guess it's cold!"

"It's impossible to be cool, the Federation is not a fool, how could it be possible to let Chen Mo cool down, it is possible to suffer heavy losses!"

"Hahaha! At this time, it's the turn of this handsome guy!"

"I'm going to rescue Chen Mo!"

"Support a wave! You will definitely gain the favor of Mr. Chen Mo!"

"This time, it's definitely not a tie!"

"We have passed, and it is absolutely impossible to submit again!"

"There are only three things, this time, we must take advantage of Chen Mo."

"Kill the life of the universe, and we can also gain a wave of success!"

"Smart people have already gone to kneel and lick Mr. Chen Mo, but fools are still talking here."

"Licking a dog is a terrible death! I want to hang and beat Chen Mo!"

"And the Dragon God!"

"I'll give you all to die!"

A large wave of star soul masters, each with their own ideas!

The Dragon God can be followed by the oriole,

They can't?

Chen Mo can't learn,

Learn about Dragon God,

Still no problem!

All Star Soul Lords think that rushing over at this moment,

Must be able to pick up a bargain!

It's just a matter of how much.

The sooner the better!

for a while,

Many Star Soul Lords who had been summoned in advance set off one after another!

holy tera,

The battle continues!

At this moment, facing the gods,

Cosmic beings who can challenge beyond the level are not worth mentioning.

All 30 hits in an instant!

What is the mere existence of hundreds of universes?

Chen Mo only needs to nod slightly, his maid can easily tear them all to shreds.

This is still the mercy of the snake-human queen,


Just as these cosmic beings are sprinting with all their strength, defenseless,

It can be easily powdered by her.

This is the gods!

Although the power that can be mobilized has not increased, relying on the powerful "ideal" power, the nature of the power can be changed unimaginably.

A terrifying shock that is impossible to produce in the past,

At this moment, within the scope of her control, it can be easily realized.

The hundreds of thousands of servants who are still preparing, seeing this situation,

Scared pee directly.

They thought they were following the boss of life in the universe to make soy sauce,

Who knew it was so scary!

So far, they have been completely useless.

Everyone has only one thought, escape!

Even if they don't have the ability to travel through space, even if they can only wander in the icy universe, finally run out of tranquilizers, and then be infected by an evil consciousness.

But it was better than dying now.



"This slave owner is crazy!"

"Yeah, in order to kill some minions, Lian Long Shendu stopped fighting!"

"Hahahaha! We're all going to die! Before that, I want to see the Dragon God tear him apart!"

"Hateful! Damn slave owner, why are his subordinates so strong!"

"Too strong!"

"Didn't you say the new slave owner? Why is the other party so calm!"


"Save the fart! Don't run away, wait for the great dragon god to come! We can just hide behind the giant magic cannon!"

"We are just ants, I hope the other party is not in such a hurry to deal with us!"

"Yeah, this is the only chance of escape..."

I haven't finished talking yet,

The pressure of terror has already spread to them,

Many people exploded on the spot.

Flesh separated.

But the equipment on them is intact,

Hundreds of thousands of servants,!

seen from afar,

It's a circle of light spreading out,

Wherever it spreads, the enemy will fall apart.

This made the few remaining legendary powerhouses creak and tremble uncontrollably!

"Ahh! Great Dragon God! Save your believers!"

Finally, someone broke down completely and cried out,

for a while,

This sentiment spread throughout the battlefield.

at the same time,

There are also servants in the corners of the distance, all crying in fright. Their only hope, the eyes of the dragon god are already looking down here,


Can't really stop the opponent's attack!

The great gods have not come for a long time!

for a moment,

A terrible idea emerged in everyone's mind.

This is... Scared?

rear of the battlefield,

Chen Mo stood calmly.

Of course, it is impossible to say that he is not nervous!

But it's more of a pity!


The Dragon God actually faltered at a critical moment.

"Sure enough, gods are gods, there is no one who is easy to deal with, and they actually know that I have other means.

"It seems that it is impossible to use fraud to deal with the gods."

Chen Mo thought of it with some pity.

However, he believes that it will not be long before he will find a chance to kill the opponent head-on!

at this time,

The Dragon God, who had been silent all this time, spoke from a distance away.

"Let my believers go, our grievances have come to an end for now!"

cold voice,

Resounding directly across the battlefield,

The remaining servants almost burst into tears when they heard this!

Dragon God finally remembered them!



Chen Mo smiled lightly.

Seriously speaking, although Chen Mo burned, killed, looted and did all kinds of bad things to the aborigines, but regarding the matter of the Dragon God, from the very beginning, it was the other party who was looking for trouble for him.

In the beginning, it was the little lizard dragon who troubled him and was killed by him on the planet.

After that is the Tiberium mining area defense battle.

This time, it is already the third time that the two parties have celebrated the festival.

This is not the case!

In the beginning, the dragon god was so powerful that Chen Mo could only use careful tactics when dealing with his heirs.

but now,

Even the Dragon God wants peace.

Chen Mo can make her lose ugly,

None of her believers will return alive,

I believe that the news will spread, and it will be a heavy blow to his faith.

Don't think that if you follow the Dragon God, you can wander outside the Star Soul World and the Temple of Heaven.

To mix with him, or to mix with Dragon God, this will become a question that all life in this star field must carefully consider!

"Little slave owner, I advise you not to mistake yourself."

Momaris looked indifferent.

The scarlet pupils made the entire starry sky seem to be shrouded in blood.

She has her own plans.

At the same time, some believers who are familiar with this area are also needed as support.

"The Great Dragon God is coming!"

"I advise you not to make mistakes! If you offend the Dragon God, you will never have peace in the future!"

"It's a great grace to give you a few days' delay, and you dare to bargain!"

"God's punishment is down, death!"

All of a sudden, the surviving servants became fanatical.

they all feel,

Since the Dragon God came forward for them, then this little slave owner will definitely get sacked down!

Resisting stubbornly won't do him any good!

However, what many slaves do not know is that,

It is good for Chen Mo to provoke the Dragon God.

And it's big!

As for guts?

Chen Mo is all over!

Chen Mo is also looking forward to continuing to fight against him with the Dragon God, so he will send more minions from other star regions!

The struggle is temporarily over,

How can that work!

So when I heard that the dragon god wanted to forget it,

Chen Mo got angry on the spot,

If you say you don't want to fight, don't fight, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo waved his hand lightly,

The snake-human queen quickly understood the meaning of her master,

Pain the killer.

for a while,

All the surviving servants froze their smiles.

And the angry roar of the dragon god Momaris resounded through the entire starry sky.

But in the end, she held back,

Glanced at Chen Mo, then went.

Chen Mo looked at the starry sky gradually returning to darkness, and had a premonition in his heart.

Dragon God must have made up his mind,

There must be a war between the two sides.


As soon as the dragon god retreated, the snake-human queen gasped heavily.

She almost collapsed and couldn't stand still.

Fortunately, Chen Mo reached out to catch it.

Looking down at the queen of the 223 snake people who was paralyzed in her arms, Chen Mo laughed and said:

"Don't worry, the other party dare not come over."

"Thank you master."

Olan was flustered and said hastily.

at the same time,

She also realized that her master might not be what she thought, just a demigod.

The opponent is sure, against the gods!

this time,

The pressure that Dragon God put on her is really too great!

Several times, she thought it was over, and the Dragon God would be furious and kill him directly!

As a god, she understands the horror of the opponent's power.

She couldn't resist, and the rest of the people present couldn't resist either!

Her clan may be reduced to ashes in an instant!

These thoughts frightened her so much that she couldn't stop fighting.


To her amazement,

The dragon god with such a vicious reputation is so timid in front of his master,

Didn't say a single harsh word,

Just leave in silence!

The master is so powerful!

Also very mysterious!

It can make the mighty dragon god afraid.

At this moment, Oran, the Queen of the Snake-Human Clan, looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little curious in her heart.

She realized that she was not wronged at all when she lost to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is much better than her!

“Chives keep coming!”

"The harvest is endless!"

"It's too late to count!"

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling as he looked at the trophies all over the battlefield.

Just when he thought the matter was finally over and he was going to take the snake-human queen back to the manor to "check and purify" it.

Space began to fluctuate again,

A portal slowly opened.

Immediately afterwards,

It's the second way.


Something else is coming!


So much fun today!

Chen Mo looked at the starship that appeared through the space warp in surprise.

Compared to Chen Mo's surprise,

The many star soul masters who appeared at this end of the space gate were stunned.

What about the Minions of the Dragon God?

What about the big pile of life in the universe???

for a while,

The scene became extremely quiet. .

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