Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 267 Sliding And Kneeling Directly, Just Say: Dad! Crazy People! (2 More)

"I'm coming!"

"Chen Mo, I'm here to help!"

Someone turned on the broadcast as soon as they folded over.

This made everyone very confused.

"Stupid! Can you see clearly before you speak!"

"Fuck, I'm convinced, people want your help?"

The Star Soul Lord who saw the situation clearly,

Already terrified at the moment.

Someone said it was impossible!

The news spread online.

The entire theater channel exploded.

The rookie area is alright, everyone is numb and a little used to it, after all, the words 'Chen Mo is awesome' will be swiped every few days.

But in the theater channel,

It's the first time!

"Brothers! Have you watched the video? The first battle of the so-called strongest rookie king is finally over!"

"The Legion of the Temple of Heaven and the Minions of the Dragon God have been wiped out!"

"The Snake People have taken refuge with Chen Mo. In this battle, Chen Mo used gods and suspected star-level warships!"

"Tsk tsk..... The Heavenly God Temple's million-strong army, only a few dozen people escaped back, and they all seemed to have gone crazy. As for the Dragon God, it was even worse. His minions were all wiped out!"

"The dragon god himself didn't dare to come down and do it!"

"The Temple of Heaven is in this star area, the main combat power has been wiped out, and the rest can barely defend the Hydra."

"I sent an infiltration team a long time ago, and now I have first-hand information about Hydra, and I testify that the above are all true! There are still people from the snake people going to seek refuge with Chen Mo!"

"My infiltration team is near Sacred Terra! Those who have the conditions should really come and have a look! This scene, I promise to let you know what it means to be awesome!

I wipe it! It's too scary! Chen Mo is invincible!"

"Hey... I also said that the Heavenly God Temple and the Dragon God's wheel will fight, and Chen Mo will be wiped out sooner or later. I didn't expect Chen Mo to be so strong!"

"I think the Dragon God is too expensive, rubbish!"

"Upstairs, Hanhan, do you know that there are demigods and cosmic beings on the battlefield? If I'm not mistaken, the other party is still a slave of the Dragon God!"

"Hiss~! Such a strong man, just one can blow up my planet. Damn, I can't even figure out how Chen Mo can resist."

"Resist? Your imagination, that's all. It's obvious that Chen Mo's side is killing randomly!"

"The person who just said that he wanted to help Mr. Chen Mo, hurry up and ask for credit!"

"Hahaha! Yes! Hurry up!"

"Credit? I just slid and knelt at the feet of Mr. Chen Mo, just saying: Dad!"

"The idea upstairs is good, but please pay attention to the top-notch maids around Mr. Chen Mo, your speed is too fast, maybe you will be regarded as an enemy, and the gods will crush you with one hand!

"It is recommended to climb over here slowly. 々!"

"Chen Mo: Climb for me!"

"Alas... so many elites from the Temple of Heaven and life from the universe are gone. I have spent millions of teleportation fees. I am so tired. I really got nothing from running around. "

“Just watch Chen Mo pretend!”

"It's a pity that Chen Mo lost so many records!"

"What's the pity? There are still many warriors of the Temple of Heaven in the Hydra Constellation. If you have the ability, just go there now!"

"That's right, Chen Mo has the ability to get the opponent to come and play at home."

"I'm so envious~ Why are the Temple of Heaven and Dragon God so stupid? Isn't this delivered to your door?"

"Hehe... an afterthought! Just now, you didn't want to take advantage of it!"

"Big brother Chen Mo will surely gain an explosion this time, and the gap with us has widened again."

"Let me do the math: Boss Chen Mo now has 3 demigods, 1 god level, and more than 100 legendary fighters. The number of other fighters is beyond count."

"It's not possible to surpass, it's far surpassed!"

"Just the legend of the snake people's refuge is close to this number!"

"Why is such a powerful race, even dribbling the ball, taking refuge in Chen Mo?"

Alas... all I can say is envy. "

"It feels like the Temple of Heaven and the God of Dragons are madly breastfeeding Mr. Chen Mo."

"No, they rushed to give away the equipment one by one! The snake people hate it the most, so they packed themselves up and sent them away!"

"Absolutely rich!"

On the side of Holy Terra, many Star Soul Masters have arrived at this moment.

Word spread.

Because the content is too shocking.

So spread explosively!

"Big breaking news!! Chen Mo won the first 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven'!!"

"Chen Mo has a planet-class mothership! And it seems to be alive!"

"Not only that, there are many giant mana buildings on it!"

"I dare to swear, this mothership is definitely much stronger than the Star Soul Lord's, and there is a fucking dark sky on it! I can feel that unique aura!"

"More than that, it's impossible for the giant monsters that keep coming in and out to live on the Bastion. The spatial fluctuations there are very regular. I suspect there are semi-permanent portals on it!"

"Fuck? Dark sky? Portal?"

"Why do you call this a rookie?"

"There are not many star soul masters!"

"What's even weirder is that the mothership itself is so huge that it doesn't seem like it can be built artificially at all. It's like a living planet. Is it a domesticated cosmic life?

"If that's the case, then this ship has a bright future and can continue to grow stronger! Maybe it can form a unique world of its own, which can fight against gods!"

"Don't underestimate the snake-human race and the murloc race! These two races have ridiculously high talents, and both have produced demigods or gods. If they are well trained, they may be able to produce gods stably!"

"These two races are also extremely suitable for farming! They are also extremely beautiful and seductive."

"I feel like I'm almost catching up with Luo Bing's angel."

"Enslaving two extreme races, even gods, is unbelievable!"

"Chen Mo is too perverted, isn't he?"

"Which pervert are you talking about upstairs?"

"Everything is perverted!"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone is newcomer here,

Know how difficult it is to obtain resources and develop civilization.

It is necessary to constantly plunder the enemy, and at the same time maximize farming and use the resources at hand.

Don't talk about newcomers,

is the Lord of Star Soul,

Always pay attention to your own development. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into a state of stagnation.

Resources must be concentrated!

But Chen Mo has several races, various weapons, and even motherships!

It can be said that a hundred flowers bloom.

The scariest thing is...

Chen Mo not only has everything more than others,

And all better!

Leaving aside his own exclusive race,

Two slave races, if loyalty can be guaranteed,

That was simply a great help.

This can be said to be the only one in the Star Soul world!

Everyone is trying to ensure the purity of the collective will,

Even if you accept a legendary servant, you have to check carefully,

But where Chen Mo,

Dare to accept anything!

Quantities are calculated in billions.

Everyone speculates that this unique ability to "enslave" is the talent of Chen Mo's exclusive race.

They can't learn even if they want to.

This made countless star soul masters envious.


Don't talk about newcomers,

That is, the masters of all kinds of star souls, no matter what their identity and background, dare not underestimate Chen Mo at all.

The Star Soul Lord, who had just said that he would pull Chen Mo, dared not speak out now.

He even changed his name and changed his profile picture!

Afraid of being recognized by Chen Mo!

Because of the strength Chen Mo displayed at the moment,

Already explained the problem very well.

As time went by, the gap between Chen Mo and them must have widened.

The Star Soul powerhouse doesn't dare to say how long it will be ahead of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's development speed is really too fast!

With his combat strength, it should not be too easy to obtain the record rewards from the Battle of the Temple of Heaven!


To continue like this is to kill indiscriminately! Sweeping the Temple of Heaven!

"Is this the true strength of Chen Mo?"

Many rookies are geniuses, directly desperate.

Unless (mama Zhao) uses taboo methods and asks someone to kill Chen Mo, otherwise they will compete openly and aboveboard, and they have no chance at all!


They only dare to think about this kind of thing in their hearts.

After all no one is a fool,

Chen Mo is in the Federation at the moment, and has attracted the attention of countless people,

Might even have been noticed by a member of Parliament!

If you touch him, you don't know how he died!

At this stage, Chen Mo is an unsolvable existence to them.

Compete with Chen Mo?

I can only die this heart!

"I'm busy, let's chat later!"

Chen Mo didn't answer Luo Bing's video.

Just simply replied.


He really has no time.

Here at Luo Bing, whenever you have free time, you can do it anytime.

But the joy of harvest,

But can't wait!

first loot,

It is the slave of the Dragon God at the peak of the demigod.

The opponent was directly shot to death by Oran,

But the flesh and blood are still alive,

At this moment, genes can be devoured to obtain opportunities for transformation.


What Chen Mo valued more,

It's the same weapon in his hand.

Like the previous servants of the Dragon God, he also holds an "artifact" bestowed by the Dragon God.

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