Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 268 Outrageous Support Team! Dragon God Blood Vessel! Artifact! (1 More)



"I really have something to do."

Luo Bing looked at the message sent by Chen Mo.

Immediately speechless.

But it's too late,

She sent another message, but there was no response.

Obviously, Chen Mo must be enjoying the harvest.

"Although it's a lot of money, it's actually more attractive than me!"

"I'm really not doing well."

Luo Bing couldn't help touching his smooth cheeks.

Such a superb beauty feels completely useless.

White is so beautiful!

the first time,

Luo Bing thinks that appearance is not always useful.

At least here in Chen Mo,

Not very useful.

"Oh... I don't have a role to play, so don't even think about it.

"Still daydreaming here."

"Chen Mo doesn't want to talk to you at all."

"Void licks the dog, is it interesting?"

Luo Bing looked at a group that forcibly pulled him into it.

In the 'Chen Mo Support Group', there are all female rookies from the 38th theater.

Because of the last cooperation, this group fantasized about hanging out with her, and then they could have a relationship with Chen Mo.

This is really a dream.

This time Chen Mo won again,

Unexpectedly, hundreds of girls also joined this group.

Many of them panicked at the avatar,

One is more coquettish than the other.

It seems that Luo Bing is depressed when the 740 games are played.

What are these girls thinking?

Do you really think she is the head of the harem?

get rid of!

Here, besides her, there is no one who can talk to Chen Mo!


Chen Mo didn't even know this happened!

This is why Luo Bing wanted to find Chen Mo,

I don't know which idiot just now, but because of Chen Mo's big victory,

Then in the name of this group,

Still celebrating in the chat area,

Said that the "Chen Mo Support Group" firmly supported Chen Mo, and also spontaneously edited a lot of Chen Mo's fighting videos, masturbating there and entertaining himself.

It was nothing at all,

But this time,

attracted the attention of many,

Especially those outside the 38 theaters!

As a result, people continue to apply to join the group,

It was also because of this that Luo Bing discovered this matter.

When she reacted,

The ‘Chen Mo Support Group’ has expanded to a full 2000 members!

Chen Mo's appearance and strength are the ceiling among newcomers.

This battle is really too dazzling.

Chen Mo became very popular, so many people wanted to go to him and save hundreds of years of struggle.

Look at the group composition,

All girls under 30.

They are all quite talented,

The appearance is also extraordinary.

After all, those who have the courage to come to the door are either talented or good-looking.

Of course (dacf), there are many rich people!

this thing,

It awakened Luo Bing, who was still immersed in Chen Mo's strength and unable to extricate himself.

She suddenly realized that the Chen Mo support group that was speechless at the beginning has now grown to this scale!

What's more, there are a large number of people, constantly contacting her, trying to join!

She was suddenly dumbfounded,

This must not be hidden from Chen Mo anymore.

There were few people before, so I thought it would be good to change the name in a few days.

Not anymore.

She can disband forcibly, but this group of people will definitely organize one by then, but it is out of her control!

God knows what this group of women will do when they lick the dog,

Definitely crazier than it is now.

It's not as good as maintaining the current situation.

At least she is still the head of the harem in name,

It's not like you don't know anything.

So this time, she is going to officially tell Chen Mo the existence of this 'backup group' and ask him what to do.

There are thousands of girls waiting to apply to join.

It's not a problem to keep refusing like this.

Anxiously waiting for Chen Mo to make a decision.

Holy Terra.

The counting of the harvest is proceeding rapidly.

The entire snake-human race personally took action to count their own planets,

Which ones can be sold, and which ones will be useful in the future, they will know!

The Queen of the Snake-Human Race helped clean up the scattered cosmic life.

This time the loot is fully counted,

Chen Mo believes that he is one step closer to Star God!

And the 'Requiem' that he was struggling with before also has funds!

He can't wait to arrange the snake people so that all his planets can function perfectly.

20+ top farming planets!

What is this concept?

It can continue to support him to build a huge empire.

Holy Terra, this word will spread throughout the entire Star Soul world!

Standing beyond holy Terra,

Looking down at this civilization with unlimited potential, Chen Mo was excited.

The half-god maid stands on the left and right, standing in the void.

And across the battlefield, countless star soul masters recorded this scene.

"Master, I got the artifact."

At this time, the snake-human queen came over with a transparent shield.

There is a red light flickering inside.

Chen Mo looked at the Dragon God "gift" in front of him.

How can there be time to deal with Luo Bing's small problems?

Dragon God had already "sent" him sharp claws and scales before.

this time,

The gift is... a small piece of blood vessel?

looks like.

and is alive,

Inside the cover, it is still twisting and struggling, and its activity is very sufficient.

"Master, according to my research, this should be the blood vessel of the lizard dragon. I have summarized its information according to your request.

【Dragon God Blood Vessel】

[Origin]: The spoils obtained in the battle of the Temple of Heaven, the obtainer is Chen Mo, the strong star soul.

In the long history, a powerful cosmic god was born in the star area on the edge of the Temple of Heaven, and the other party called himself the dragon god Momaris.

The dragon god player accommodates the rebellious character of the Temple of Heaven, and is powerful and cunning.

He likes to give some "organs" to his servants to facilitate positioning, or to enhance the strength of his subordinates.

[Description]: This strange blood vessel has obviously been transformed by the knowledge of the gods, and has quite "idealistic" characteristics. It can absorb a lot of flesh and blood, and its vitality is amazing, but I think it comes more from the characteristics of the dragon god itself. From this, it can be deduced that the Dragon God itself has very tenacious vitality and is good at absorbing various energies.

[Remarks]: When using this kind of item, it is easy to be eroded by the dragon god, gradually manipulated by it, and the coordinates will be locked by the opponent at the first time. It is precisely for this reason that the engineer said that it is currently impossible to infect and control this blood vessel, unless the Dragon God actively cuts off the connection.

"Can I use this ability to reversely lock the Dragon God's position?"

When Chen Mo saw the remark, the first idea that popped into his mind was to take advantage of this benefit.


For the rest of the people, this artifact is a hot potato.

I dare not use it even if I get it,

Either destroy it, or shield it heavily and seal it up.

But for the location discovered by the Dragon God,

Chen Mo itself doesn't matter at all.

Although he has already mastered the technology of crossing planets, he can completely relocate Holy Terra to another location.

But Chen Mo didn't intend to do that,

It is hanging the dragon god,

Coupled with this blood vessel, it must be itchy with hatred.


"I grew up extremely fast."

"One more evolutionary leap, it's useless to have the dragon god interfere, I can secretly infect the blood vessel of parasite.

"At that time, the Dragon God won't be able to escape..."


Chen Mo asked Oran to seal up this blood vessel on the Bastion for observation at any time.

It stands to reason that it would be safer to place it on Terra.

However, if Chen Mo opens the channel to the mother star,

This blood vessel will be purified.

So it can only be placed on the mothership first.

done these,

Chen Mo ordered the rest of the Star Soul Masters to be driven away,

He himself returned to the manor of Holy Terra.

Ready to count the harvest.

Also check out Purify Oran at the end!

not long,

Sisters Irene, the Mermaid Queen, and Oran, the snake-human queen, appeared in the manor one after another.

neatly lined up,

Standing in front of Chen Mo.

All are superb.

3 demigods, 1 god, top combat power!.

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