Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 270 Chen Mo Observation Post Disbanded! Begging To Sell Knowledge! (1 More)

The rookie area was in a bleak state at the moment.

Especially the old 'Chen Mo Observation Post'.

The organizers inside, Liu Fan, Li Long and others, fell silent.

At the beginning they said they were going to beat Chen Mo.

And unite together to communicate with each other.

Let Chen Mo have nowhere to hide, and will no longer suppress them.


However, some geniuses who were not in a hurry to clamor and became administrators were very fortunate.

Otherwise, it would be very embarrassing at this time.

Because, someone is questioning.

"Is this post bar still necessary?"

"Yeah, we can't observe others anymore."


"Where's Wang Yifeng? Tell me something, why don't you disband this post, so as not to be embarrassing."

"It's okay, we're just ashamed, those top geniuses, who are eager to learn from Chen Mo and join the battle of the Temple of Heaven, that's a disaster."

"It's not only embarrassing, but also life-threatening.

"But "500" is not. They went to get a penny and didn't get any benefits. Many people's equipment was still in Chen Mo's hands!"

"Five of the top ten on the rookie list have gone, it's going to be cold!"

"It's so dangerous, I was almost inspired by the Internet, seeing how much money Chen Mo earns, if I didn't oversleep, I probably would have gone!"

"It's a good thing Wang Yifeng didn't go this time, otherwise, with his style, he wouldn't have contributed 100 billion to Chen Mo."

"Chen Mo is too cruel!"

"It's a dead end if you go to a demigod. If you want to challenge him, you must at least start with a god.

"Damn it! Have you counted the trading items listed by Chen Mo? Once all the transactions are successful, the sum of these funds can directly hang us all up and fight!

"Khan... have you been beaten already?"

"It doesn't matter to me if I have strength, but this level of wealth has already beaten me... no, my father has been beaten, woo woo woo... I can't accept it."

"Hiss~ The resources of the entire snake-human mother planet, plus the million-strong army of the Temple of Heaven, and hundreds of thousands of minions of the Dragon God [have harvested the resources of so many people!"

"This is a hair!"

"More than that! I also took thousands of Star Soul Master's equipment, and the equipment of their infiltration team is not bad at all. Even if it is one million, it is not a small sum. I don't know if it will be sold. Or give it back to them?"

"Also? You're not from the rookie zone just now. Boss Chen Mo didn't ask you for extra compensation, so just have fun!"

"Boss Chen Mo shouldn't care about those Star Soul Masters."

"At this point, who else wants to follow Chen Mo's record?"

"Still messing around? I really can't even eat shit!"

"Learn a way of thinking from Chen Mo!"

Boss Mo can do it, we can't!"

Many rookies and geniuses couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At the beginning, many people wanted to imitate Chen Mo's appearance, and went straight to the battle of Tianshen Temple, and then hanged and beat Tianshen Temple, recruited maids, became the master of Star Soul, and reached the pinnacle of life.

Now carefully examine the gap between myself and Chen Mo, and realize that it is overthinking.

What they should worry about now is, wait until they have survived the rookie stage before rushing to the Temple of Heaven. Is there any suitable area for them to fight in this war zone?

The areas with low difficulty are all searched by Chen Mo!

They can only chew hard bones,

The gap with Chen Mo will only become more and more exaggerated!

Not only them, but also the Star Soul Lords were anxious in their hearts.

In this case, especially Chen Mo's method of obtaining records and resources like a whale.

They get no benefit at all!

After all, before the battle of the Temple of Heaven is over, they can't move to other places.

I want to go on a big expedition, but I don't have the guts.

The strength is not enough.

But in the battle of Tianshen Temple, if Chen Mo got most of the results in the end, wouldn't they do it for nothing?

Of course, at this time, many Star Soul powerhouses are only paying attention to Chen Mo.

I didn't think he would be a strong competitor.

"Hehe, you are indeed the rookie king, and you have the demeanor of my past.

"The person upstairs just asked who is the star soul powerhouse?"


"I'm really curious, how did Chen Mo subdue the two slave races, and how did he get such a big battleship, which seems to be able to break through."

"Chen Mo relied on this mothership to pull the snake-human mother planet over?"

"If I have the ability to go to the Temple of Heaven to create a planet every day, I will earn blood!"

"I'm so curious too! I wonder if Mr. Chen Mo has systematic training knowledge?"

"I guess so. You see, the murlocs and snake-humans have gods, so they must have their own knowledge system. Mr. Chen Mo must have used this kind of knowledge himself!"

"I wonder if it can be sold?"

"Should first submit the large library to verify the security."

"According to the time, it's almost too soon. I really hope that Mr. Chen Mo will come out quickly. I'm the first one!"

"Ahhh! Can the knowledge of using Tiberium ore be sold? I beg you to know Mr. Chen Mo, match me up, and I will give you a 1 million referral fee!"

"I'm convinced, expecting the federation to reward some knowledge, it's like killing him. Chen Mo's knowledge is so much that he can sell it, and now he has his own knowledge system.

"I wonder if Chen Mo is having an affair with Lady Luck?"

"Haha, don't tell me, there really is a goddess of luck in Tianshen Temple, you can ask her if she got married with Chen Mo!"

"It's not impossible! After all, even the snake-human queens can join Chen Mo!"

"Chen Mo's luck is really good!"

"The most terrifying thing is that his exclusive race is also very scary. It seems that it will be a matter of time to become a star god... 0″

"Brothers, don't you think it's too coincidental? Tianshen Temple likes to give them away so much, and they send them to Chen Mo every time."

"I wonder if it's because the goddess of luck knelt and licked Chen Mo in secret long ago, and then frantically gave away the head to give Chen Mo points."

"Chen Mo is cheating!"

"Don't even mention it, it's really possible. In this way, when the goddess of luck comes over, Chen Mo will be directly raised by her as the master of the star soul, and maybe even get into the upper echelon.

Doesn’t this revitalize the situation in disguise?”

"Damn, if you say that, this is a big chess game!"

"The Big Chess Party is almost done. I think it's simply Chen Mo's awesomeness. When he is overwhelmed with dominance, Lady Luck wants to join him."

"Damn, combine with the Temple of Heaven to collect points, I really can't think of this way!"

"Anyway, Chen Mo opens the stone hammer!"

For a while, many star soul masters on the theater channel complained one after another.


"That's right, Chen Mo is such a jerk!"

"I said that the record all the way is crazy, this is the report from the Temple of Heaven!"

Especially many newcomers directly exploded the pot.

Because it really is good luck.

just this time,

just can't understand,

a battle,

Brutely continued Chen Mo for 3 games.

They are all delivered separately.

It really makes people look stupid.

This operation is impossible for outsiders to see.

"I quit the post, and I will not have any communication with Chen Mo in the future.

"Me too, it's too embarrassing to stay here."

"Hurry up, don't be screenshotted by someone in 4.6, when the boss Chen Mo finds out, it will influence me to work under his command!"

"Have you heard of the group 'Chen Mo Support Group'? It's full of beautiful girls who support Chen Mo, I'm going to sneak in!"

"Hee hee~~ I'm the pretty girl already in there."

"Get out~*

"88 everyone~"


There is no one in Chen Mo's observation post.

Several administrators were silent.

what can they say

Just pretend you didn't see it!

Imagine when the post was first created, your calling the wind and calling the rain.

Wang Yifeng sighed,

Discuss with several administrators, and everyone agrees to disband directly.

Continuing to keep this post is purely to make myself unhappy.

Although disbanding is also embarrassing,

But taking advantage of the present, everyone is discussing Chen Mo's ability, they secretly disbanded,

There shouldn't be too many people paying attention!.

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