Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 271: Obsessive Object! The Response Of The Genius Tribe! (2 More)

Inside the 'Chen Mo Support Group', it was bustling right now.

The matter of Chen Mo is further fermented,

After the excitement.

More people discovered this 'backup group'.

Especially after the disbandment of Chen Mo's observation post,

Actually many people moved their minds,

Join in too.

Luo Bing: "Okay, okay, don't add any more people!"

"We haven't seen you here usually!"

"Exactly! Goddess Luo Bing is right, sisters, don't pull people anymore, we are enough."

"Indeed, some girls feel that they are not newcomers."

"It's outrageous. Just now, there was a strong star soul who wanted to join in. He also said that he had done business with Chen Mo, and he would agree!"

"She's thinking about shit."

"Brother Chen Mo is very popular in the whole war zone, too many people want to get close!"

"Yeah, our support group was suddenly discovered by many people!"

"But here, not everyone can enter!"

"Boss Chen Mo is very strong, we can't be too bad~"

"Let's not talk about ordinary people, they are not qualified to discuss Chen Mo with us!"

"It's too strong! I watched Chen Mo's last supervisory battle video more than a dozen times, and it's already... oops~ I can't, my legs are weak, and I can't walk at all.

"Just weak legs?"

"I have a showdown, Mr. Chen Mo is the object of my lust!"

Inside the backup 30 regiment, it was very lively.

And not only here, various small circles and big channels are also talking about it!

However, unlike most theater channels, the atmosphere in the 'Genius Tribe' group is rather weird.

Here is also discussing Chen Mo,

But among them, what was discussed more was about the influence Chen Mo brought to them.

Because the 'Genius Tribe' is a group that is relatively close to the edge during the battle of the Temple of Heaven, and is dominated by the genius Star Soul Lords in the eastern region.

The fringe area, the genius star master, these two coincide with Chen Mo (they think).

They also saw Chen Mo's search ability.

They believed that when Chen Mo launched a full-scale offensive, he would definitely form a direct competition with them.

The attack direction of both sides is the same.

At that time, the good planet of the Temple of Heaven may be snatched by Chen Mo.

If they just grab one or two, they don't care.

But when they asked about Chen Mo's past record, many people were shocked.


They are all wiped clean from one area to another.

If your strategy area coincides with Chen Mo's, you might not get anything.

"Brothers, I'm in big trouble. The area I'm going to attack next is near the Hydra constellation. w

"When Chen Mo directly sweeps over, I'm sure I won't get any results."

"You change the place, I'm also facing the same problem, it's difficult!"

"If it's difficult, don't do it! Why the hell are we asked to change places? There are only so many suitable areas to attack. Although we are all good hands, we are only limited to the Star Soul Master stage.

We don't have many options. "

"Give up the high-quality area? I'm not reconciled!"

"'s not as serious as you said."

"Chen Mo is alone, no matter how strong he is, he can't eat too many places."

"I also think what you say is too scary, don't be disturbed by the Internet, I found that everyone likes to brag about others, maybe Chen Mo is not that good at all.

"There are too many planets and the opponent may not be able to manage them."

"Can't manage it?"

"Do you know the two servant races of Chen Mo? They are both races counting in the billions, and they are the best in themselves. It is really suitable for them to manage the planet!"

"And I doubt that Chen Mo has relatively advanced planet transformation knowledge! When the time comes, no planet will be spared!"

"He will definitely not dislike the fact that there are many living planets under his command."

"Well, even if he manages it, it will take time. It will take at least a year for an agricultural planet to take shape, and a lot of resources will be invested. It is impossible for Chen Mo to have that much money."

"We hurry up, Chen Mo is here to share the firepower, it's a good thing!"

"Good sir, share the firepower, doesn't that mean the record? I'd rather grind it out by myself and play mahjong back and forth with the Temple of Heaven!"

"Would you like to eat Chen Mo's leftovers?"

Someone asked directly and bluntly.

for a while,

The entire 'tribe of geniuses' was left speechless.

Everyone is a genius, the top meteor soul master in this area.

Such words cannot be said in any way.

In fact, if Chen Mo wasn't too strong, no one would want to discuss this kind of issue at all.

Too bad.

Usually they complain about some morons, and at the same time they are looking for opportunities for win-win cooperation.

But any wise man can see,

The civilization developed by Chen Mo is unusual,

The ability to expand is terrifying.

Any one of them competes alone, no, they are not qualified to compete at all.

You can only loot a little bit before Chen Mo comes, and when Chen Mo comes, it will be a storm!

"Fuck you!"

"Everyone is capable, so don't be intimidated by the opponent's record."

"After all, doesn't he just have an extra goddess?"

"If it weren't for the backing of a god, would we be able to see him more?"

"For the rest of the combat power, we need soldiers, we have them, and we need starships, we have more!

His starship is thicker and bigger than ours, I admit this.

But they are all used to plunder planets, as long as they can beat the Temple of Heaven.

The extra power is just the cannon hitting mosquitoes.

Besides, the other party obviously didn't have a 'Requiem'.

It's just a turtle shell with a 'dark sky'.

What we are really afraid of is the gods!

A god can suppress a planet, and the other party may bring a lot of knowledge. "

"That's right! Chen Mo is nothing but gods and people."

"Hey... If there is a god who is so forthright with all his wealth, it would be great to come to seek refuge with me!"

"You don't dare to accept it! We're not playing that game."

"Don't worry, let's unite and quickly get rid of the Temple of Heaven in this area!"

"It's time to let go of your prejudices and cooperate sincerely."

"The people in this area are very rich. At present, the Federation will not allocate more Star Soul Masters here. We have a guaranteed income.

Hurry up, the more we attack the city, the less Chen Mo will get. "

"We take this opportunity to really unite, and the development speed must be very fast."

"When Chen Mo realizes it, he can only eat what we have left!"

"Haha! Indeed!"

"Brothers, this is not only a crisis, but also an opportunity for us, so seize it!"

For a moment, the entire 'genius tribe' became emotional.

This plan has been approved by most people.

Everyone is a genius, pretentious.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the monster Chen Mo,

It is impossible for them to find the step of uniting with each other.

But now that we have reached this point,

they believe

Miracles are only a matter of minutes.

After all, each of them is very capable!

Many other groups also held similar discussions.

But they are far less urgent.

So stop there.


Everyone is paying attention to the actions of the 'Genius Tribe'.

At the same time, many people also envy them.

after all

This cooperation is a great thing for the relatively weak Star Soul Lord!

If you can join them for a share of the pie and eat a big pot of rice, it will be so refreshing! 370 "I beg you to join the 'Genius Tribe'!"

"Damn! I really want to be in the battle zone in that direction, so I can wrestle with Chen Mo!"

"So many geniuses and powerhouses unite, this is simply a grand event!"

"The 'Tribe of Geniuses' is awesome! If you don't see it, you don't know it, and you will be shocked! There are actually 10 of the top 100 newcomers!"

"Don't be ashamed~ There are so many geniuses, and they have to hug each other to keep warm~"

"Hehe, you are a bitch, we are facing the facts squarely, as geniuses, we are more aware of the gap, and because of this, we are confident that we will make it to Chen Mo!"

"Indeed, I'm afraid I won't recognize the situation."

"Everyone is so pragmatic, so I feel relieved and begged to join the 'Genius Tribe'! I will pay 10 million dues, okay?"

"Ten million? That's a bit low!"


"Looking at Chen Mo's 'backup team', all have to be video-reviewed, and the pass rate is 99%!"

"We can't ask for less!"


"The grade must be high!"

However, this discussion did not last long.

because soon,

Chen Mo's harvest has all been sorted out.

Trading platform, all listed.

for a while,

Everyone is left with envy, jealousy and hatred.

The transaction information is swiped.

All in one color, all transaction information released by the same person.

Some people just got up and thought they were dazzled.

Is there a problem with the trading platform?

Turning over a dozen pages in a row,

It is a person named Chen Mo who is selling items.

Even more outrageous is that,

Among them, there is even a complete set of Star Soul World equipment!


Don't you need this equipment yourself?

And that's not the craziest,

and knowledge,

Chen Mo put up knowledge for auction again!.

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