Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 272: Automate Massive Transactions! Everyone Was Stunned! (1 More)

At this time, as long as the trading channel is opened,

And select several tags such as Tianshen Temple, Lord of Star Soul, etc.,

In chronological order,

What came out was all Chen Mo's merchandise.

Densely packed, all of them!

[Sell the 8th-level set of Tianshen Temple, 90% new. There are currently 10,000 sets remaining. 】

[Price: 500,000 sets. 】

【Seller: Chen Mo】

[Sell the legendary level set of the Temple of Heaven, ninety-nine new, beautiful snake girl for personal use, there are currently 100 sets left, if you want to buy it, hurry up! 】

[Price: 10 million sets. 】

【Seller: Chen Mo】

[Sell Tiberium ore, green form 100 tons, blue form 1 ton, free shipping!]

[Price: The average price at the time of purchase in the ore market. 】

【Seller: Chen Mo】

The interface of the trading platform flipped all the way,

Almost all such information.

There are too many types of Chen Mo to sell,

Even if he has packaged the same thing into a transaction message,

Still swiping the screen.

There is so much to sell!

Moreover, many ore corpses or ores have a strict shelf life.

Storage conditions are strict.

Chen Mo doesn't want these things to occupy the warehouse for a long time,

If possible, I hope to pack and dispose of it within a day.

Of course, with the incomparably huge market of Star Soul World, it is not a problem to consume these resources!

And he is receiving great attention at this moment, relying on the fame of the rookie king, the speed of selling goods is also extremely fast.

As Chen Mo continues to put goods on the shelves,

including knowledge.

The entire War Zone channel exploded.

Everyone was discussing: How much did Chen Mo earn?


Here comes the most intuitive feeling.

Face the impact of the boss' harvest!

no one can stand it,

Many people exclaimed,

Some girls have stars in their eyes.

"Ahhh! Dad Chen Mo~ It's a lot, it's too much money!"

"Oh my god~ It's the first time I've seen someone selling so many things. Although they're not the most valuable, the quantity is definitely the highest in the entire war zone."

"In Star Soul Lord, no one has sold so many things at once, right?"

"If I remember correctly, there really wasn't. The most time was a rookie king 3 years ago, who sold almost half of Chen Mo's resources.

"It's incomparable. That person has accumulated for several months. Chen Mo just participated in the 'Battle of the Temple of Heaven'. It's just one day!"

"One day? Chen Mo has been selling things one after another since the beginning of the war. Well, I don't think Chen Mo has accumulated for a minute. It's just that there are too many things to count!"

"Woo~ I cried with envy."

"Are you crazy? Snake Girl's own equipment is here? One hundred sets of legendary equipment?"

"Good guy, do you even have stockings for sale?"

"Yes, it's just the equipment of our Star Soul Lord!"

"It's really windy and cloudy, everything that has passed has been searched clean."

So if you compete with Chen Mo, the pressure is really high. "

"But having said that, whose infiltration team is wearing stockings, yet many people buy them!"

"After all, it's original. There are tens of thousands of star soul masters, and the leader of the color batch should say less than ten million!"

"These materials add up, let alone about 100 billion?"

"With so much money, I'll go, and I can arrange both the Requiem and the Dark Sky.

"This money is used for development, so it should be able to steadily advance to the star soul powerhouse?"

"At least the Star God!"

"The Star God is exaggerating, but becoming a powerful Star Soul Master is not a problem.

"Can you stop talking about it, a group of old eunuchs, discussing how the emperor favors court ladies here?"

"Indeed, we may not be able to imagine how the local tyrants spend their money.

"Woooo...Compared with Chen Mo, my structure is as low as the center of the earth."

"I'm only able to condense the star soul now, and I'm at least 3 stages behind Chen Mo."

"I plan to use a year to learn from the master Chen Mo, and follow in the footsteps of the master, step by step!"

"Great perseverance upstairs, it's different like me, just lie flat, and send a resume to Mr. Chen Mo tomorrow, begging for a part-time job!"

"Fuck, this is also a shortcut!"

"Have you heard? There is a 'Chen Mo Support Group' which is very popular recently, and the administrator is the goddess Luo Bing... What do you think if I set up a 'Chen Mo fencing brotherhood?'"

"You are awesome!"

"Speaking of which, there are so many materials for life in the universe. If you add them up, it's more than 100 billion?"

"This part needs to be evaluated separately. If you meet a recognized buyer, the fluctuation will be huge, so it's hard to say!"

"I've never seen so many cosmic beings in my whole life."

"It's like rotten fish and rotten shrimp, piled up like a mountain, it's outrageous!"

"By the way, Mr. Chen Mo's knowledge is sold out. I don't know if the artifact will be sold or not? If it's an auction, I'll be the first to participate!"

"The artifact is not something that you and I can get our hands on, but I want to participate in this knowledge! This should be rewarded by the Federation, and when the knowledge signed by Mr. Chen Mo arrives, I must get one!"

"Hey! Signature knowledge, this is usually only available to star gods, leave a mark, the first step to eternal life, envy

"々`That's why Mr. Chen Mo is already preparing to become a star god, we have to work hard!"

"Try to become a star soul powerhouse when Chen Mo becomes a star god!"

"The cowhide upstairs, aren't you equivalent to one-third of Chen Mo's speed!"

"Hahaha! I still need this bit of confidence. What if it happens? But I am currently the master of the powerful Star Soul, and the next step is almost there. One-tenth Chen Mo, barely~

"If you say that, I'll be 1% Chen Mo."

"I'm not humble anymore, I'm showing my cards, I'm 1/20 Chen Mo."

for a while,

Everyone started to say how much Chen Mo they have.

Everyone has recognized Chen Mo's ability.

at this time,

Chen Mo is so popular that everyone is talking about it.

After all, you don’t have to eat melons, but the trading platform is a place that every Star Soul Lord must pay attention to!

Holy Terra.

Chen Mo originally thought that he could get to know Oran, the Queen of the Snake-Human Tribe, just by putting some goods on the shelves.

Of course, cleanse first.

It's not necessary for him to do it himself (Li Dezhao),

Just let Oran move by himself~

Chen Mo found himself underestimating the gains from the serial battle just now.

Gained too much!

It took him more than ten minutes to complete the transmission of the information about the goods that needed to be put on the shelves.

Not to mention the auction,

You have to set the auction price, and you have to keep responding to other people's inquiries for some things.

Especially the corpses of life in the universe.

There are not many buyers here, so the price needs to be discussed privately.

dense information,

Chen Mo's head swelled when he saw it.

He simply reset the permissions on his watch, and asked the little fox to help him deal with it.

With the help of biological mastermind,

Return to Yu directly in seconds!

All kinds of items were put on the shelves, and they swished directly, at the speed of light.

Ever since,

There was an amazing scene where a large amount of supplies were put on the shelves in an instant.

next moment,

Chen Mo looked at the account balance,

skyrocketing numbers,

Immediately stunned. .

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