Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 273 Huge Harvest! The Goal Is More Than Half Completed! Withered Flowers! (2 More)

Chen Mo's transaction information has not been uploaded yet.

It's already been sold over there.

So the background data seems to respond very quickly.

The increase is also exaggerated and scary.

don't see don't know,

This kind of intuitive digital beating, simple and rude income, quite exciting!

[You sell 1 piece of Tiberium ore, earning 1 million yuan! Buyer: Wang Mo]

[Sell 100 sets of your Tianshen Temple 8th-level suit, with an income of 50 million yuan! Buyer: Buyer of the Gray Steel Consortium]

【Currently owned funds: 53.4 billion】

Just as Chen Mo was watching it, 53.4 billion beats directly came to 54.4 billion.


1 billion!

"Hiss...that's crazy."

Even Chen Mo gasped.

The speed at which money is made is not so fast when the nuclear-powered money printing machine is smoking!

In just ten seconds, the income is 1 billion.

What is this concept?

Many star soul masters don't have so much money after working for a month!

Look at the magic crystals and Tiberium ore in your inventory,

The warehouse can't fit anymore.

Up to 10 tons in total!

So much Tiberium ore is enough for Chen Mo to make dozens of long-distance crossings,

This is still a case of Chen Mo selling some of the worse ones.

"This wave is expected to have at least 150 billion resource revenues.

"It's crazy money."

"The goal of 200037.7 billion I planned is directly completed, and more than half of it has been completed!"

Chen Mo laughed happily.

very excited!

His original plan was to use his own agricultural planet to obtain 100 billion in one month.

Now it seems,

Progress is much faster than planned.

The Temple of Heaven and the Dragon God have given too much.

Not only has his resources greatly increased, but he has also acquired an additional enslaved race, the snake race!

The snake people came here for refuge, and in addition to sending a beautiful god-level queen, the dowry was as high as hundreds of billions.

The resources scavenged on the mother planet of the snake-human race are about 100 billion.

The sum of the Temple of Heaven and the Dragon God is about 50 billion.


This refers to the resource sold.

The total value cannot be calculated.

After all, Auran, the queen of the snake-human tribe alone, cannot estimate the price.

A god-level servant is also a beautiful snake girl. This kind of transaction is extremely rare in the world of Star Soul.

Chen Mo has never seen it on the trading platform anyway.

He believes that even if he bids 200 billion yuan, there will be buyers.


This is impossible.

The value of the snake race is great.

It is worth Chen Mo spending a little resources to cultivate.

Besides, he doesn't need that little money now!

In short

Chen Mo had already seen the Citadel of the Cthulhu level and was waving to him.

Star God, rub the stars with your hands, it seems to be coming soon!

Until the snake-human queen completes her purification, she calls softly,

Chen Mo then took his eyes away from the watch.

The beating numbers, after watching for a long time, the mood is not so excited.

"It seems to be the first time to obtain so many resources."

"But it's still due to being strong enough."

"If you don't have enough strength, you can't catch luck when it comes."

"I didn't expect this wave of dragon gods, but having the means to kill the gods keeps me invincible."

The only pity is that the dragon god did not come,

The power of spiritual idealism is extremely strong, and it is impossible to calculate the other party by using ordinary traps.

"But if the Dragon God doesn't come, she can send minions in a steady stream to give me warmth."

Thinking about it this way,

Chen Mo felt no pity again.

On the contrary, it can maximize the value of the Dragon God.

It's not easy to think about the other party,

With such a distant star area, he still has to fight against himself.

At this time, Ashe also counted the gains from personnel.

In this battle, Chen Mo infected and controlled more than 10 billion snake people.

Among them, there are about 100 legends or above.

have to say,

The snake people are indeed powerful.

Ordinary natives, if they can have a legend, they are already very powerful.

Under the painstaking management of Queen Oran, the number of legends of the snake people is a hundred times that of the general calendar!

It's no wonder that it can become a hot new race in the Temple of Heaven.

But the more this is the case, the more difficult it is to reconcile the conflict between them and the snake people.

It can be seen from this battle that the Jin people didn't want to give full support at all. If they didn't want to take advantage later, they didn't want to come at all.

At this time, the Jin people as a whole are probably happy.

After all, although they also have losses,

But the strongest opponent disappeared directly.

The interior of the Temple of Heaven is more harmonious.

Of course, the fact that the snake people are so powerful does not mean that they are more talented than the murlocs.

It's just because: Oran, the queen of the snake-human tribe, directly distributed all the knowledge.

"If I hadn't come in time, the snake-human race would have given birth to the city god soon."

This hotbed is even more outrageous than Chen Mo initially expected.

According to the situation of the snake people, Chen Mo readjusted the estimation of the return of the ancient gods,

Dabj concluded that, without his intervention,

The ancient gods may begin to return within ten years.

After God Orlandon, the ancient god of the 'source' was actually half successful.

However, after Chen Mo appeared, he subdued Oran directly, and brought the holy Terra to purify, preventing her resonance consciousness from being disturbed.

After some operations, at this time, as long as you carefully check the legend among the snake people, there is no danger.

"If there is no accident, I can start to transform the land of the agricultural planet next."

"By making up for this shortcoming, every agricultural planet can reach a level close to the top.

"It just so happens that the snake people and the murlocs actually have the same origin, and the transformation methods used are compatible with each other, and the two races will not conflict when used together.

"I have collected all the perfect knowledge of 'source' on transforming the planet.

"Consume about 10 pieces of Tiberium blue form ore, and you can transform and upgrade the agricultural planet once."

"Based on this calculation, I can transform almost a thousand planets."

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

This is of course impossible,

First of all, life planets are not so easy to get. Currently, he has only about 30 qualified planetary governors.

But if you train a governor...

Several training courses can be held to cultivate them in batches.

I believe that Ashe will have a perfect plan.

He doesn't need to worry about it.

In addition to selling various trophies and obtaining a large amount of funds,

Chen Mo also gained the rarest resource: knowledge.

There are three main sources of knowledge:

One is the federation attention, the reward obtained.

One is from Oran, the queen of the snake people.

Finally, what Chen Mo is most looking forward to is the combination of the knowledge of Irene and Auran.

The first acquired knowledge, part of which is not needed by Chen Mo,

He listed directly on the trading platform.

The price of knowledge is quite good. There will be a wave of auctions. If you meet someone who needs it, you can sell it at a very good price.

Of course, there is a probability that it will not be sold.

When the time comes, find another time and just auction it off.

No matter what, Chen Mo is definitely worth it.

"There are still stockings..."

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched.

This is probably the personal item of a member of the Star Soul Lord's infiltration team.

However, as long as it is a creation of the Star Soul World, people will buy it.

Chen Mo didn't care too much,

Sell ​​what you don't need.

However, some of the unopened and used ones were kept and thrown in the manor.

Daily necessities are always useful.

"The latter two kinds of knowledge are of high value, especially the knowledge of using Tiberium ore and 'withering flowers'."

"The former is not unique, you can try to sell it to a large mining company.

The consortium should be very interested in this. "

Chen Mo plans to contact the Gray Steel Consortium if he has time.

But before that, his knowledge had to be recorded in the big library.

Only when it is approved can it be officially circulated.

In short, this step is beneficial and harmless.

And it is necessary.

Star Soul World has very strict management of foreign knowledge.

So the process takes a lot of time,

During the period, some scholars may come to discuss this knowledge face to face.

And Lilia and Chen Mo know each other,

Maybe she will come.

Moreover, Chen Mo has now become famous in the first battle, and he has officially joined the battle of the Temple of Heaven. Many experts may seek cooperation.

In the process of trading knowledge, I can meet many masters.


Chen Mo doesn't care much about these, he develops too fast.


What he has to do is to use the "withered flower" to gain the opportunity to evolve.

At the same time, with the help of the knowledge of Oran, the Queen of the Snake People, transform and upgrade the Holy Terra again!


Charming voice.

At this time, Oran, the queen of the snake people, was also ready. .

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