Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 274 Master, You Are Awesome! Prepare To Ascend To God! (1 More)

Holy Terra.

As a god, Oran, the queen of the snake-human race, is extremely efficient.

When Chen Mo checked the harvest, she had already sorted out the knowledge in her mind.

And shared the part about ascension to the gods with Ai Xi.

As the queen, Oran admires Ashe very much.

At the same time, he also knew why he was favored by the master.


All originate from the 'source'.

I am collecting knowledge about the source, and the master is also there.

And obviously, he has become the owner's collection object.

So far it looks like,

The master seems to be satisfied with himself?

She doesn't care so much about the current situation now.

Look at Ashe who is living a very nourishing life... maybe this is a good thing.

At least the crisis-ridden situation of the entire snake-human race disappeared.

She is still godlike.

But it directly lost a powerful enemy.

At the same time, she was a little puzzled. Didn't Lady Luck give her a hand at the critical moment?

What's more, she discovered that the internal rules of the Star Soul World were completely different from what she had imagined.

At least it is different from what the Taishen Temple advertised.

Of course, maybe this is just because his master is special?

Regarding this point, she was going to take the opportunity of communicating with Ai Xi to ask for advice.

The other party may know how to get along with the master.

To put it bluntly, how to please the owner?

Oran was still not clear about this kind of question. She asked Ashe, and she was indeed looking for the right person.

Hmm... At least Ashe thinks that she has successful experience.

She also often shares her successful experiences with her daughters.

and this

It is also one of the reasons why Chen Mo is confused when facing the eyes of the mermaids every time he goes out~

At this time, the mermaid queen Ashe looked forward to it.

The knowledge of the "withered flower" that she imagined before has been obtained,

She told her master that this knowledge can make a powerful weapon!

I believe the owner will be very happy!

At the same time, the plan to use the red form of Tiberium ore to ascend to the gods can be carried out immediately.

Soon, she will be a goddess!

And these are all thanks to the master.

"Master, you are awesome~"

"It's really amazing~ I'm almost ready to ascend to the gods!"

She couldn't help smiling and narrowing her eyes.

In the bottom of her heart, she is also full of energy.

If you become a goddess, you will definitely be able to unlock more postures to serve the master... um, knowledge, right?

Hearing this, Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled, "Very well, you can use the extra prepared ones from Olan for your advancement materials."

Ashe nodded immediately: "Yes! I will definitely not let the master down!"

When she advances to God, she can also open the way for the murlocs.

At that time, follow-up promotion,

It will be so much easier!

After Chen Mo obtained the knowledge of 'withering flowers',

Not in a hurry to make weapons right away,

Instead, they arranged for Oran to upgrade the land on Terra.

Fight to upgrade to Garden World!

When these explanations are finished, it is already dark,

while eating,

Chen Mo checked his exclusive race information.

【Race】: Mushroom

【Property】: Cluster creature

【Level】: Level 2.0 Civilization

【Ability】: growth, devour, hallucination, toxin, parasitic, nerve, metal, electricity, high energy, gravity, perception, brain wave, self-destruct, space


[Overall evaluation]: The overlord of the star area. At present, the number of your ethnic group has exceeded ten trillion, and the infection has spread to more than 2 star regions, infected and controlled more than 20 living planets.

In the control area, it is in an absolute hegemony-level dominance.

Your will is the will of the entire star area. The influence brought about by your every move is no longer limited to a mere planet. Even the power of the gods like the Temple of Heaven has begun to pay continuous attention to you.

Your civilization has reached the level of civilization 2.0.

This is a watershed, further up, will gradually touch the core power of 'ideal' and 'gene'.


"After continuously looting the Temple of Heaven and Dragon God, my exclusive race has reached level 2.0 civilization."

"It is the kingdom of God."

"The power of idealism will develop rapidly."

"Of course, the power of genes is the root of all this. Now I have two evolutionary opportunities in hand, and I can go further at any time!"

"As for the resources consumed by evolution..."

"Perfectly enough for the moment!"

Chen Mo's eyes sparkled, looking forward to it.

Level 2.0 civilization can basically unlock most of the knowledge.

The consciousness disturbance he can resist has also been strengthened a lot. Even if ordinary gods are stronger than Chen Mo at this time, they can't do anything to Chen Mo with consciousness disturbance alone.

…0 Ask for flowers…0

And the funds on hand have reached the 100 billion mark at this time.

It is equivalent to 3-5 years' income of an ordinary Star Soul powerhouse.

As for the newcomers?

Compared with Chen Mo, even poor ghosts can't compare.

on cash alone,

Chen Mo is richer than many star soul powerhouses at this time!

After all, no one saves money, and everyone tries to convert it into strength.

So much cash can be said to be extremely astonishing.

"Except for the funds required for evolution."

"There was also more than enough money to build Requiem.

"It can also be prepared to upgrade and transform the Bastion again to make it completely resurrected."

"If you're lucky... the mermaid sisters, you can also start preparing to ascend to the gods.


The reason why I say it depends on luck,

It is because part of the knowledge and cosmic life corpses sold by Chen Mo are auctioned.

In the case of auction, the price fluctuation is relatively large.

The more you sell, the more income you get.

"It's time for the Cthulhu-class mothership~"

"There are at least 2 servants of the gods..."

"Believe in this war zone, no one can fight with Russia!"

"The Temple of Heaven will also greatly miscalculate my strength."

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.

It's not that he underestimated the Temple of Heaven,

It is really his strength, after each battle, it will immediately skyrocket!

cannot be inferred by common sense.

Chen Mo's smile immediately attracted Ashe's attention.

The beautiful eyes flowed, and she looked at it without blinking.

At this time,

Chen Mo also looked over.

Oran, as his woman, of course has preferential treatment!

resources are sufficient at the moment,

She also said she was sure.

Then get ready to ascend to God.

this moment,

Chen Mo has also been looking forward to it for a long time.

This will be the first god he has cultivated with his own hands.

"This time, 'Ascension to the Gods' will definitely succeed!"

"I will have a god-level maid."

“Still excellent!”

Chen Mo spoke directly.

Very confident.

Directly under "Definition".


The success rate can be further enhanced.

while aside,

Hearing Chen Mo's words, the Mermaid Queen blushed slightly.


Do you want to be so direct!

There are other people beside me!.

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