Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 275 Ashe Blushes! Having An Affair With Lady Luck? (2 More)

Mermaid Queen Ashe blushed.

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Chen Mo smiled.

His eyes fell on the beautiful queen.


If his words are heard by other newcomers,

Afraid to vomit blood directly.

After all, you have waited a long time for less than a month?

Seriously speaking,

Chen Mo actually took Queen Ashe under his command, and it hasn't been a month yet!

within a short time,

From the 9th rank, all the way to the current peak demigod.

Going to God soon!

This speed has to be said to be very explosive.

"If the news spreads, I wonder if we can let the races in the Temple of Heaven come to seek refuge?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking.


He doesn't like ordinary races either.

Even if he came to vote, he could not give corresponding treatment.

It can only be directly classified into the parasite legion, and the racial appearance cannot be preserved.

After all, if anyone comes, they will be treated the same,

Wouldn't it be unfair for the slave race that followed him?

For him, it's not worth it.

Promising to maintain the original race form, Chen Mo will also consume resources.

And in case the race is unattractive,

Chen Mo is equivalent to "September 10" making himself uncomfortable.

absolutely unnecessary!

Observe carefully,

Chen Mo also summed up Ashe's information.

It can be compared with after ascending to the gods.

【Name: Ashe】

[Status: peak demigod, special 'consciousness' resonance body]

【Position: Governor of Ocean Planet, Queen of Mermaid, Instructor of Knowledge Dissemination】

[Remarks: The powerful individual at the birth source of the murlocs has been clearly proven to be dead, but according to detailed investigations, its disturbance of consciousness is still spreading in a large area and continues to have an impact. The queen is the one who is most suitable for this disturbance of consciousness.

By cultivating her, you can steal the knowledge of a certain mysterious ancient god.

This knowledge is mainly concentrated in the two directions of 'transformation' and 'growth', perhaps this indicates where the authority of the ancient gods lies?

Note: If it is not purified and kept under control, the queen will think that she is a "reincarnation" of the ancestor in a certain sense, and try to return to the god body to revive the ancient god. 】

[Advanced requirements: 500 Tiberium ores, 100 kilograms of manganese ore, 2 tons of high-purity magic crystals, using red Tiberium ores can greatly increase the success rate of ascending to the gods. 】

[Special reminder: If the ascension to God is successful, the disturbance of consciousness will be greatly enhanced, and the ability to explore the "source" will be greatly enhanced. There is a probability that some knowledge about the "source" will be sorted out on the spot]

"The resources needed for this ascension to the gods are really terrifying."

"If it was before, I would rather let Ashe accumulate slowly and advance slowly."

"But now...

With these materials, he is equivalent to whoring Oran for nothing... No, strictly speaking, he is the goddess of luck for nothing.

Oran planned at the beginning: to form an alliance with the goddess of luck as an agreement, and let the other party resource her a fortune.

Now, this agreement will be invalidated naturally.

All the resources are in the hands of Chen Mo!

"Hehe... Goddess of Luck, speaking of it, it's also destined. I don't know what the other party's plan is?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking.


The opponent is the veteran god of the Temple of Heaven,

They are very famous in the entire Tianshen Temple, and Chen Mo is not yet able to fight against them.

But Chen Mo has a hunch that they will meet again in the future.

This is a premonition from the star soul powerhouse.


Chen Mo didn't watch the War Zone channel.

In fact, there, gossip about him having an affair with Lady Luck has spread everywhere.

After all, for things that are too outrageous,

People are always obsessed with seeking explanations that they can understand.

And this explanation sounds very reasonable to people!

And many people believe it.

"Have a leg? I think it has a cannon!"

"Indeed, it is said that it will be very unlucky to meet the goddess of luck. I think Mr. Chen Mo's luck is as good as heaven."

"I can't see where the blessing of Goddess of Luck in the Temple of Heaven is displayed, and I was hanged all the way!"

"It's crazy, the Tianshen Temple is giving away heads like this, and it won't be long before most of the Tianshen Temple will belong to Chen Mo.

"I swear, Chen Mo definitely planted an inner ghost in the Temple of Heaven, and made a crazy record."

"Admiration~ This is the real boss."

"Envy Chen Mo boss!"

holy tera,

Chen Mo is still observing his maid carefully.

The mermaid queen looked very excited at this time, her white skin was also slightly pink.

With the encouragement of Chen Mo,

At this time, her confidence is also very high.

And she knows that this is not just encouragement, it really has real power.

At the beginning, the mermaid queen was only the third expert in the clan, and in terms of talent, the twin sisters were even higher than her.

However, under the training of Chen Mo, she grew up extremely fast.

Coupled with becoming a "Family", the strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

After Chen Mo's two leaps of evolution, Ashe also became stronger together.

Go up one step at a time.

Ninth level, legend, demigod, walking day by day.

Her appearance, figure, and temperament are also constantly maturing.

exquisite, noble,

Chen Mo will appreciate it when there is nothing to do.

for nothing else,

Simply to make yourself happy.

Next, Chen Mo will carry out the biggest training for Aixi.

He will use his star soul.

I believe that Ashe will break away from the current half-human and half-god state and complete the ascension of consciousness.

When the time comes to project into the astral world, her consciousness will be as bright as the sun.

The brightness of the astral world directly represents the strength of consciousness.

"Master~ I'm ready.

The slender eyelashes tremble slightly,

Ashe spoke softly.

"let's start."

Chen Mo said.

Now that you can ascend to the gods, there is no need to hesitate.

Sacred Terra is also an extremely safe place.

It is very suitable to be promoted here.

voice just fell,

Then the golden light diffused, enveloping Ashe.

Terrible disturbance of consciousness spreads,

And this diffusion,

Chen Mo was pleasantly surprised to find that the retractor was used to transform the Tiberium ore of the Holy Terra.

this wave,

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Maybe Terra's ocean will be upgraded along with it!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

It was a little surprise.

As Terra's planetary will, he did not block this change.

The golden light continued to spread, and finally spread over the entire planet..0

Chen Mo could feel that the consciousness of Queen Ashe, surrounding him, was cheering.

But obviously, it will take time.

After all, it is the transformation of consciousness.

According to the experience of the snake-human queen, it will take about 1-5 hours.

"The state is stable, and the probability of becoming a god is very high."

"My god-level maid is almost here."

Chen Mo couldn't help being delighted.

After all, this is a god!

Even a star soul expert is not a powerful individual that can be easily defeated.

A powerful god, comparable to a star god, is a very terrifying existence.

And once successful, it means:

It is possible to come up with a plan that combines the knowledge of the snake people and the murlocs to ascend to the gods.

And this ascension knowledge is believed to be very close to the complete knowledge created by the 'source'.

this scheme,

It can be fully promoted in the snake people and murlocs.

Because there is experience first, and at the same time after reform, the difficulty of ascending to the gods will be greatly reduced.

By virtue of this alone,

Chen Mo will be able to start cultivating gods in batches.

Earn blood!

Based on the above, it is normal to be happy inside!

Waiting for Ashe to advance,

Chen Mo opened the watch.

Check out planet information.

Lord of the Planet: Chen Mo (Demigod Intermediate)

Star Soul Level: Lavender (Star Soul Powerhouse)

Planet number: 23788

Civilization level: Level 2.0 (with god-level combat power)

Civilization tendencies: genes, technology, swarm organisms, infection parasitism

Planet Contribution: 291.4 billion

Planet Ranking: The 1,000,000th place in the Battle of the Temple of Heaven (real-time)

Planet information: low-energy planet (half garden world, continuing to transform), has a special connection with the mother world

Important equipment: Bastion (mothership, half-life body), permanent mother star channel, portal, planetary defense system, biological mastermind, dark sky, proof of conquest, requiem (under construction)

Colonial planets: 23 in total. Including the ocean planet (the top agricultural planet 4.0), the Tiberium mining area (the top mining planet), the snake-human home planet....

Special resources: Top Fishing, Titanium Ore, Magic Crystal, Uranium Ore, Tiberium Ore, a small amount of Eridium Ore

Enslaved Races: Mermaids, Snake People

Existing resources: 150.5 billion cash, 30 tons of magic crystals, 5 tons of Tiberium ore, 900 kg of eltium ore...

Other information: no

Half Garden World!

Chen Mo no longer hesitates,

Immediately ordered Oran to start the transformation of the land.

Try to complete the transformation of the ocean with Ashe.

This wave has the potential to bring his home planet into the ranks of the Garden Worlds.

"Obey, my master~"

Oran, the queen of the snake-human race, nodded and immediately began to transform.

Ever since,

Under the mutual reflection of the two golden lights, the whole planet became bright and dreamlike.

All the mermaids, as well as the snake girl who kept entering, looked up in surprise.

They have never experienced this scene,

But no one panicked.

Here is holy Terra, absolutely safe.

So there is only one possibility,

That is, something that changes the whole world is happening~.

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