Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 276 Garden World! God-Level Maid Comes Out! If You Want To Be Rich, First Dig Your Grave!

holy tera,

Although it is night.

But the whole planet is like a dream.

shrouded in light.

Chen Mo was not in a hurry to rest either.

after all

His first garden world, his first servant, are coming soon!

It’s worth a wave of witnessing!

"Mother's breath~ so strong"

"Is the queen about to advance?"

The two sisters Irene looked excited.

They all looked at Chen Mo.

They know that it is the master and the gift descends.

Their murloc clan has grown stronger again!

The more gifts, the more it proves the master's favor.

Therefore, they also have longing in their eyes.

No need to hide.

Hearing what the two sisters said, Chen Mo nodded with a smile.

look around,

All the mermaids are excited too.

as time flows,

The whole planet shines brighter and brighter,

Reaching its peak, it began to shrink again.

However, with this process,

Queen Ashe's will was disturbed and began to skyrocket.


In the sea, there is a current rising out of thin air,

It even activates into a water-shaped creature, exuding a melodious singing voice.

The whole ocean, which seemed to come to life, began to cheer.

The mermaids around 30 were also immersed in the singing, and some mermaids even began to break through!

"What a strong disturbance!"

Chen Mo was slightly surprised,

I didn't expect the scene of becoming a god to be so spectacular.

Before the snake-human queen Alan became a god, because of the cover of the battle, and he invaded and suppressed the entire snake-human mother planet, he did not show the magical side of becoming a god at all.

"It is the power of idealism, the power of consciousness interfering with reality, which is constantly increasing.

On the side, the two sisters, Irene and Allie, stared wide-eyed.

They have already accepted Chen Mo's world view.

From a 'materialist' point of view, this is the case.

Everyone on the planet Terra has noticed this scene,

And at this time,

The portal also glows slightly,

Luo Bing requests to pass through the portal.

This information was immediately learned by Chen Mo.

With a thought,

Click to agree.

The things of the gods are at hand, already known,

It doesn't matter if there is one more.

And as two interconnected planets, most of the time, they can communicate with each other, which is normal.

Just don't know what's the matter with the other party?

Of course Chen Mo doesn't know,

With his explosive fire, countless people frantically want to get close to him.

Those who want to kneel and lick him, from Centaurus, can go to the M78 nebula.

Among them, many girls (not necessarily true) know about the ‘Chen Mo Support Group’

All in all, things have gotten pretty big!

And it's getting bigger and bigger.

Even vaguely....there is a rumor of 'Chen Mo having a fling with the Goddess of the Temple of Heaven' to enhance the trend of hot topics.

Luo Bing felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

Things are tricky.

She saw that since Chen Mo had stopped putting goods on the shelves, things should have been almost done.

She came to drop by the door,

Let's talk about this matter carefully, and get to know the gods by the way.

After a few more minutes,

The golden light dissipated.

The strongest life form - God appeared in front of Chen Mo.

But Ashe still closed her eyes, she was carefully feeling the changes in herself.

This power is really too powerful, and it is different from usual.

She needs to think carefully based on the knowledge in her head.

at the same time,

Her awareness of the source was disturbed, and her ability to sense was enhanced by more than ten thousand times.

Can quickly summarize some knowledge.

With the change of ideology, she suddenly understood many things she didn't understand at first.

Perhaps this is what the master said, the material base determines the height of thinking?


That ancient treasure seemed to be presented in front of her.

Chen Mo is not in a hurry with the boss either,

Instead, I immediately checked the time,

Compared with the snake-human queen Orlandon,

With the support of his star soul, Ashe's state is obviously much better, and even though his strength is much weaker, he still ascends to the gods smoothly.

In terms of time, it was about half an hour earlier than expected.

at the same time,

Thanks to the magical changes of the Mermaid Queen, the entire ocean of Holy Terra also undergoes magical changes.

the whole planet,

It's only one step away... No, it's already Garden World.

Chen Mo glanced at his watch.

Among the federal ratings,

It's still barely Garden World.

The power of the gods is really strong!


Ashe's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her red lips also moved slightly.

"In a little while, Ashe will be familiar with the ideology at the moment."

The consciousness of the gods is already very strong, because they can easily interfere with reality with their consciousness, so even if they are completely out of flesh and blood, they can move easily.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life of pure consciousness.

Also because of this,

There will be some changes in the way of manipulating the body.

It takes a little getting used to.

"But this time is extremely short."

"I don't know what is Ashe's idealistic ability? What kind of knowledge has been discovered from the source?"

"Speaking of which, it's almost time to explore the source!"

Chen Mo thought so,

Quite looking forward to it!

"According to the division standard of the Star Soul world."

"The gods have reached the limit of individual life."

"It is also the terminal form of consciousness ascension."

"Almost immortal."

"Even if it is death, as long as you are lucky, or if you leave behind in advance, you can return from history.

"From a ninth-order life body to the realm of gods in one month!"


Chen Mo himself was a little envious.

If it is only about the individual, the advancement speed is faster than him!

Now, as a star soul powerhouse, he is only at the level of a demigod in terms of individual strength.

There is still a long way to go before becoming a star god.

Of course, individual strength,

It is completely different from the strength of civilization itself.

The source of Chen Mo's power is different from the gods.


The stronger Ashe is, the stronger he is.

all of these,

It's all part of his power!

If he immediately steals all the knowledge of the 'source' ancient god, Aidi may not be just a junior god.

It is possible to go straight to the top.

Climb to the gods in the morning, sweep the temple of the gods in the afternoon, and beat the dragon gods!

Of course, Chen Mo also knows that the probability of this is extremely low.

It is impossible for Ashe to sort out all the knowledge of the 'source' directly.

After all, she is Chen Mo's person, and she is very resistant to the "source" and does not want to be the other party. The speed of resonance cannot be perfect.

"However, even if it is only the strength of a general god, it is completely enough."

"What's more critical is knowledge."

At this time, Chen Mo already had a rough plan in mind.

After digesting this wave of resources, the opportunity for evolution has also been transformed into strength.

He immediately sent two gods to explore the 'source'.

grave digging,

Really get rich!

Of course, the Battle of the Temple of Heaven cannot be relaxed.

His next target is the Titan Constellation!

This is the star region adjacent to the constellation Hydra.

The strength is neither strong nor weak.

Just the perfect sector for Chen Mo to plunder.

Of course, Chen Mo thinks it's good, and many Star Soul Masters are not fools, and there may be competition at that time.

While thinking, Chen Mo also stretched out his hand, Ai Xi.

It still feels soft to the touch.

Even better.

It seems that the ascension of the gods is not all in consciousness.

Check Ashe's information again.

Compared with before ascending to the gods,

Earth-shaking changes have taken place. .

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