Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 277 Shocked Luo Bing! Lady Luck! (2 More)

【Name: Ashe】

[Status: God, special 'consciousness' resonance body]

【Position: Governor of Ocean Planet, Queen of Mermaid, Instructor of Knowledge Dissemination】

[Advanced requirement: blessing from the will of the world (the rest is currently unknown)]

[Remarks: It is possible to locate the detailed location of the 'source', and there is a probability to directly obtain part of the knowledge, and there is a probability to perceive the remaining resonance bodies that may exist. 】

Ashe described in detail what she had learned so far.

Chen Mo truthfully recorded,

And documented.

These are all reference materials for mermaids becoming gods in the future.

What's more interesting is that Ashe's memories and feelings can also be uploaded to the astral world.

The murlocs are gifted people,

You can even try to experience this magical feeling in advance.

Of course, the astral world is not strong enough to be completely real.

Part of the feeling of ascending to the gods is difficult to simulate.

But this is definitely a super huge advantage.

"These two races under my command will have an advantage in becoming gods in the future."

"If you get the 'source' knowledge thoroughly, it won't be a problem to evolve into a god-level civilization. y

"And find a way to find other similar races.

Chen Mo is in a pretty good mood at the moment.

The rest of the Star Soul Masters have worked hard to cultivate a civilization, and the goal is to achieve a god-level civilization.

But Chen Mo here,

The two slave races alone have such potential.

No, it should be said that he already has such ability!

After all, their respective leaders are already gods.

And there is a complete advanced route, and the corresponding knowledge system is also very rich.

This is completely different from the strong ones who are cultivated purely by favor.

Who can stop such a slave race?

Give Chen Mo a little more time, not to mention relying on the exclusive race for parasitic infection, just relying on the snake people and murlocs, he will be able to crush the outer area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

If there are enough resources and enough gods are cultivated, even Chen Mo of the Great Expedition can play.

No stress at all.

"After being promoted to the gods."

"I'm fully capable of digging graves."

"And you can start to integrate all kinds of knowledge from the source, and in the next period of time, there will be a variety of knowledge output, and it will be systematic

"You can submit part of the knowledge review to the big library first."


Chen Mo looked at the advanced conditions,

Apart from relying on his blessing to advance, the other methods are unclear.

After all, has reached the gods,

You have to figure out the way forward.

But there is no set practice method.

Every race is different.


Ashe can still learn a lot from the knowledge of the 'source'.

This part, though, is pretty high-end.

Only when you arrive at the 'source' and thoroughly investigate the corpse of the ancient god will you have a chance to get it.

"In general, the more powerful you are, the less knowledge you can refer to."

"In the end, you have to go your own way and create your own knowledge, just like those congressmen."

Chen Mo analyzed carefully,

From Ashe, he also saw part of the path he was going to take.

This is also the reason why he wants to raise a large group of scholars of various races in the star realm.

Let them study slowly, and sooner or later they will come in handy.

Of course, there is a high probability that there will be no results.

But Chen Mo never loses money.

Chen Mo's touch made Mermaid Queen Ashe's heart beat faster.

The coercion of the gods is very strong.

But in front of the master, there is only gentleness left.

But just a thought,

Lights flicker all around,

Eyes widened, the two sisters of Irene looking here, and the many mermaids watching from a distance, only had a dazzling light in their eyes.

I can't see it at all.

As long as she wants, Ashe can set all eyes on her on fire.

The power of the gods is very magical.

at this time


dazzled by the light,

Luo Bing, who had been here for a while, finally regained his senses.

Think about what you just saw?

There is no mistake, another god!

She was just dumbfounded.

I thought Chen Mo was strong enough.

She also wondered why a god should take refuge in Chen Mo,

Now I have a vague idea,

Could it be... Chen Mo has mastered the complete knowledge to advance to the gods?

And it can help the natives.

This is outrageous!

Doesn't this mean that in the future, Chen Mo will continue to harvest all kinds of magical races?

A newcomer, just out of the first battle, cultivated and removed the gods.

"Still such a beautiful mermaid..."

for a while,

She felt that the things she wanted to discuss with Chen Mo became insignificant.

There are 2 god-level maids!

What kind of 'Chen Mo support group', people don't care at all, right?

Back then, Luo Bing thought that Chen Mo might be interested.

After all... there are thousands of girls.

How much, I am also interested in maintaining this community.

But look at the scene inside the manor... the charming and enchanting figure of the snake girl.

She couldn't take her eyes off it.

There is no need for a club or something.


I still have to say something, what if Chen Mo thinks this association can play a similar role as an alliance?

If she feels that her reputation has been affected, then she should disband.

Now that she is in this club, she belongs to be roasted on the fire.

Many people think that she is the head of the harem.

Secretly engage in some activities... to recruit women for Chen Mo.

The core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

In a beautiful palace made of magic crystals.

The goddess of luck tossed the gold coin in her hand in boredom.


this time,

The gold coins stood upright on the table.

She stared suddenly.

"々`One of them, so weak, has such a magical ability, which interferes with my power..."

"This group of locusts is really as powerful as in the legend."

"The Temple of Heaven is facing the test of life and death!"

"In this case, we can only prepare for a full-scale war."

"It's better to give it a go!"

"Let the Shendu get ready, I will make an early move."

With her words,

A servant emerges,

then bent slightly,

After thinking about it, Lady Luck said again:

"I want to initiate a meeting of the gods."

"Be prepared."

"Wisdom (getting king Zhao) and the group of God of Wisdom...invite all of them too.

After supplementing the explanation, she waved back her subordinates.

She is not the most powerful deity,

But in this area, she can be regarded as one of the oldest gods.

He has a lot of ideal knowledge about luck.

Even insight into some of the rules about fate.

And she is also one of the founders of the Temple of Heaven.

Therefore, it is no problem to propose to hold a meeting of the gods.

I believe that many gods will be there.

As for whether the matter can be done, it is not up to her alone.

Of course, she doesn't care about her fate of killing the gods.

It's nice to be able to protect yourself.

And this little confidence, she was very sufficient.

But at this moment, after looking at the matter of the snake-human queen, her confidence was shaken.

"The gear of fate has been turned by someone, and the opponent's power is rapidly increasing..."

"How do I get rid of failure?"

Falling back into the quiet hall,

Lady Luck whispered to herself. .

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